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1st BAD Open Carry experience


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Some of the same folks that said they won't buy cross breed holsters because of the cross on the fasteners were also saying boycotting bank of America was retarded. Double standard much?

Interesting. I've never looked into the company because I don't like kydex holsters. I always had thought the name was a reference to the different materials.

That being said, i despise organized religion. Having your own beliefs is great, and I support that. Preaching about those beliefs or thinking that others are wrong for not thinking the same way is just retarded. So religious icons/affiliation on products/services is something I always avoid. Just like I refuse to support businesses that prohibit firearms.

However, everyone has their own values. If you feel you that not supporting a business that is opposed to your values is a statement you want to make, then make the statement. If you don't care, keep buying their crap. That is a decision that really only effects you, (Losing one customer, and potentially his friends and family isn't going to kill a business) so who gives a shit what others think about it.

Edited by BDBGoalie
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I'm all for freedom to choose. You don't like bank of America because they will not do business with a company that supports the second amendment find a new bank. You don't like crosses on your holster there are plenty of other manufacturers out there. If you wall up to the door of a restaurant and there is a no firearms sign on the door turn around and choose a different place to eat. Vote with your money, its your choice.

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I'm not even against Open Carry, to each his own. But any argument that says that Open Carry has tactical and safety benefits beyond concealed carry is fooling themselves.

Open carry does offer significant tactical advantages. An open strong side holster is much faster to bring the weapon out. It allows the shooter to never worry about clearing a shirt out of the way when drawing. You get you weapon on target faster because it is smoother to draw. It is also easier to reholster in most cases.

That being said, I still don't Open Carry due to the attention and the loss of my tactical advantage I have when my carrying status is unknown. But I've said that before.

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I'm all for freedom to choose. You don't like bank of America because they will not do business with a company that supports the second amendment find a new bank. You don't like crosses on your holster there are plenty of other manufacturers out there. If you wall up to the door of a restaurant and there is a no firearms sign on the door turn around and choose a different place to eat. Vote with your money, its your choice.


Totally Agree.

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How's that a double standard at all? I CHOOSE to not do business with either because I don't want to do business with an org who's values disagree with mine. Seems pretty consistent to me. For this I was called stupid. And for this CRB is also stupid for suggesting he post an ad in a paper to protest this guy's carwash.

I mean, its one thing to say I'll never open a checking account with BofA because of their policy. It's a whole other thing to say that you would take out a whole page ad in a local newspaper in protest of a local businessman, a small business owner who doesn't have TARP to fall on when things get tough. That's just ridiculous. And for CRB to suggest it is completely hypocritical, that is unless he's willing to admit that his suggestion is just as "stupid" as mine.

I'm not even against Open Carry, to each his own. But any argument that says that Open Carry has tactical and safety benefits beyond concealed carry is fooling themselves.

You are slow aren't you.

You called them stupid for making tge decision. If you make tge decision to not do business with them now by your logic your stupid. Or like was my point they aren't stupid and neither are you, you are both making decisions that you have the right to do.

If they are stupid so are you!

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I'm all for freedom to choose. You don't like bank of America because they will not do business with a company that supports the second amendment find a new bank. You don't like crosses on your holster there are plenty of other manufacturers out there. If you wall up to the door of a restaurant and there is a no firearms sign on the door turn around and choose a different place to eat. Vote with your money, its your choice.


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Open carry does offer significant tactical advantages. An open strong side holster is much faster to bring the weapon out. It allows the shooter to never worry about clearing a shirt out of the way when drawing. You get you weapon on target faster because it is smoother to draw. It is also easier to reholster in most cases.

That being said, I still don't Open Carry due to the attention and the loss of my tactical advantage I have when my carrying status is unknown. But I've said that before.

Open carry does have an advantage in regards to the act of drawing a weapon. But IMO there's a lot more to "Tactical Advantage" than JUST your ability to draw quickly.

On the topic of overall self defense, if you look at the total pros and cons of carrying open vs concealed I think you have tough time arriving at the conclusion that carrying open is a better overall solution than concealed.

But the most critical self-defense method that has and will ever exist is prevention, avoiding situations in which the likelihood of an incident increases. Prevention can range from parking in well-lit areas all the way to not wearing your most valuable/visible jewelry in places which make you a target.

In regards to prevention, I believe the Open Carry fails miserably. It is an unwise, narrow focused, risky assumption that your visible weapon will be a deterent to an attack. Visibility of your weapon has just as much likelihood to make you a target vs the other guy that doesn't have a visible weapon. At the least, having a weapon visible draws unecessary attention to yourself. All of this can be avoided by tucking it under your shirt. It's worth the .5 sec or whatever it will cost me to draw from concealed.

Never assume that you will see your attacker coming, and that he won't have a weapon of his own.

Edited by kiggy74
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You are slow aren't you.(?)

You called them stupid for making tge decision. If you make tge decision to not do business with them now by your logic your (you're) stupid. Or like was my point they aren't stupid and neither are you, you are both making decisions that you have the right to do.

If they are stupid so are you!

Ignoring some of the more complicated errors (Easy ones in red.) please refrain from accusing others of being stupid if you are going to put your shortcomings in the accusations. It just makes your point kind of silly and hard to take serious.

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Ignoring some of the more complicated errors (Easy ones in red.) please refrain from accusing others of being stupid if you are going to put your shortcomings in the accusations. It just makes your point kind of silly and hard to take serious.

The period should be outside the parenthisis and the p in please should be capped. :banana:

Edit: Or there should be a period after 'errors' and the p in please should still be capped. :banana:

Edited by Tonik
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The period should be outside the parenthisis (sp) and the p in please should be capped. :banana:

Edit: Or (comma) there should be a period after 'errors' and the p in please should still be capped. :banana:

I'm helping.

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Ignoring some of the more complicated errors (Easy ones in red.) please refrain from accusing others of being stupid if you are going to put your shortcomings in the accusations. It just makes your point kind of silly and hard to take serious.


Anything else? :asshat:

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The period should be outside the parenthisis and the p in please should be capped. :banana:

Edit: Or there should be a period after 'errors' and the p in please should still be capped. :banana:

If the words inside the parentheses are a complete sentence, the period, question mark, or exclamation point that ends the sentence goes inside the parenthesis:

Bring chocolate. (Squiggly likes sweets.)

Buy candy. (Bring it quickly!)


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If the words inside the parentheses are a complete sentence, the period, question mark, or exclamation point that ends the sentence goes inside the parenthesis:

Bring chocolate. (Squiggly likes sweets.)

Buy candy. (Bring it quickly!)


Bring chocolate; Squiggly likes it.

Buy candy. Bring it quickly!

both of these tend to work better...i think parenthesis are rarely needed to add more info...i only use them in college papers when im citing a reference or introducing an abbreviation for the first time: Ohio Riders Dot Net (ORDN)... etc.

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If the words inside the parentheses are a complete sentence, the period, question mark, or exclamation point that ends the sentence goes inside the parenthesis:

Bring chocolate. (Squiggly likes sweets.)

Buy candy. (Bring it quickly!)


Isn't it the same for quotation marks, too?

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Isn't it the same for quotation marks, too?

In American English, periods and commas always go inside the closing quotation mark; semicolons, colons, asterisks, and dashes always go outside the closing quotation mark; and question marks and exclamation points require that you analyze the sentence and make a decision based on context.

Courtesy of:



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You're just being stupid.


"07 600rr" should be "...sad face..."

I'm helping.


I didn't know you were an expert in engrish?

"rode a scooter once"

I'm helping.

....ohhhh ho ho ho ho ho ho

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Maybe the should require a reading and writing competency test. Perhaps a test on slander, libel, and other potential crimes surround the 1st amendment.

Why can't you keep your ignorance to yourself?

It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt

The 4 year shooting a 2 year old incident is not covered in the CHL class dumbass! Common sense should cover that, although I highly doubt you have a clue what common sense is.

Do I need a class to tell me not to point the firearm at my hand and pull the trigger? How did the cowboy's not end up shooting themselves in the hand especially since they had single action wheel guns.

Can we take up a poll on whether or not exarch should be banned from the firearms section because all he gives is bad info and stupidity.

You spend an awful lot of time making unreadable posts, bitching, trolling, and outfit.g your foot in your mouth. Do your days have more hours in them than mine?


Anything else? :asshat:

I don't think much comment on my part needs to take place here. Read the above quoted posts; figure out who the asshat is.

Edited by Uncle Punk
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