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Got pulled over


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I heard you the first time, at 10:44. Why post the same thing again at 11:47? :confused:

when i opened the browser on my phone, the "post" box was still displaying. I assumed it did not post the first time and hit submit.

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Hey Cookie.

Here's a link for all the info to get you Motorcycle Endorsement so you don't have this issue again.


Here's a link for info on the impound lot if you have not picked your bike up yet.





The easiest way to enjoy this sport without hassle is to get your endorsement. Then further educate yourself on the law and what is required to ride street. There are really very few requirements. Failing to follow even something you feel is trivial opens you up to many more problems and expenses. A LEO cannot just let you off on a warning if you get caught riding without an endorsement. If he/she let's you go and you kill/injure yourself or others that LEO is liable. This was unfortunately a very inconvenient and costly lesson. That said you're a big boy now and have to play by the rules. Judging by your initial comments you still have a good deal of maturing to do. Please take this opportunity to do the right thing. Go get your Temps and enroll in a Basic Rider Course. It is only $25 out of your pocket and well with your time.

Swallow your anger and percieved pride and do the right thing.

If you need help in any way just ask. I have no issue helping a fellow rider.

Edited by jagr
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Hey Cookie.

Here's a link for all the info to get you Motorcycle Endorsement so you don't have this issue again.


Here's a link for info on the impound lot if you have not picked your bike up yet.


The easiest way to enjoy this sport without hassle is to get your endorsement. Then further educate yourself on the law and what is required to ride street. There are really very few requirements. Failing to follow even something you feel is trivial opens you up to many more problems and expenses. A LEO cannot just let you off on a warning if you get caught riding without an endorsement. If he/she let's you go and you kill/injure yourself or others that LEO is liable. This was unfortunately a very inconvenient and costly lesson. That said you're a big boy now and have to play by the rules. Judging by your initial comments you still have a good deal of maturing to do. Please take this opportunity to do the right thing. Go get your Temps and enroll in a Basic Rider Course. It is only $25 out of your pocket and well with your time.

Swallow your anger and percieved pride and do the right thing.

If you need help in any way just ask. I have no issue helping a fellow rider.


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Not at all where I thought this was going to end up.

Must start asking if every one is legal before group rides. Endorsement and insurance.

I agree, however, those without will most likely reply "yes," so in the end it's personal responsibility, and underinsured motorist coverage :) gotta call and see what I have, I know I haven't changed it in ages..


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I agree, however, those without will most likely reply "yes," so in the end it's personal responsibility, and underinsured motorist coverage :) gotta call and see what I have, I know I haven't changed it in ages..


uninsured motorist is part of minimum coverage, but if your bike is up for the winter you can drop uninsured moterist.(atleast thats what progressive told me)

I roll with full coverage, but I would prob never make a claim unless it's worth it.

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Hey Cookie.

Here's a link for all the info to get you Motorcycle Endorsement so you don't have this issue again.


Here's a link for info on the impound lot if you have not picked your bike up yet.





The easiest way to enjoy this sport without hassle is to get your endorsement. Then further educate yourself on the law and what is required to ride street. There are really very few requirements. Failing to follow even something you feel is trivial opens you up to many more problems and expenses. A LEO cannot just let you off on a warning if you get caught riding without an endorsement. If he/she let's you go and you kill/injure yourself or others that LEO is liable. This was unfortunately a very inconvenient and costly lesson. That said you're a big boy now and have to play by the rules. Judging by your initial comments you still have a good deal of maturing to do. Please take this opportunity to do the right thing. Go get your Temps and enroll in a Basic Rider Course. It is only $25 out of your pocket and well with your time.

Swallow your anger and percieved pride and do the right thing.

If you need help in any way just ask. I have no issue helping a fellow rider.

So wait up... What makes you think his bike was impounded? Got some inside info you want to share?

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Not at all where I thought this was going to end up.

Must start asking if every one is legal before group rides. Endorsement and insurance.

not me, I don't give a shit, you can ride with me until you do something stupid that endangers me or the people I'm riding with. If the police pull you over and you have no license/insurance, that's your ass, and I have no problem riding off into the sunset, leaving your ass to the police.

I'm nobody's babysitter, I'm not a police officer. I'm responsible for me, you be responsible for you...

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Hey Cookie.

Here's a link for all the info to get you Motorcycle Endorsement so you don't have this issue again.


Here's a link for info on the impound lot if you have not picked your bike up yet.





The easiest way to enjoy this sport without hassle is to get your endorsement. Then further educate yourself on the law and what is required to ride street. There are really very few requirements. Failing to follow even something you feel is trivial opens you up to many more problems and expenses. A LEO cannot just let you off on a warning if you get caught riding without an endorsement. If he/she let's you go and you kill/injure yourself or others that LEO is liable. This was unfortunately a very inconvenient and costly lesson. That said you're a big boy now and have to play by the rules. Judging by your initial comments you still have a good deal of maturing to do. Please take this opportunity to do the right thing. Go get your Temps and enroll in a Basic Rider Course. It is only $25 out of your pocket and well with your time.

Swallow your anger and percieved pride and do the right thing.

If you need help in any way just ask. I have no issue helping a fellow rider.

To be honest, I was making the no endorsement assumption. You can usually tell just by looking, who has one and who doesn't. Everyone with one knows that the main requirement in Ohio is eye protection. Find someone who doesn't have it, and you have probably found someone without an endorsement.

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I suspected this. But didn't say so. I could give you lots of stories of similar situations riders got into. It's pretty common.

I will say this, OSHP is good at being able to tell who the newbie is by just looking. One little newbie blunder can get you checked for license and motorcycle endorsement. (And now days insurance card.) Wasn't me, it was one of the others in a group of five, I think. Back-in-the-day. He had a Kaw 500 triple 2-stroke. One of the girl passengers had her license, but didn't want to ride it too far. He rode home on the back of another bike. We parked his at a gas station and picked it up later in the day. The OSHP was very nice about it. Probably could have impounded it. Simply made us promise not to cheat and let him ride it anyway. (edit: He did watch us park it and head on out.)

Edited by ReconRat
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I think the only requirement to know you need eye protection on a motorcycle is a functioning brain. I personally don't need a law to tell me that. Majority of the time I ride with the visor up but I always have sunglasses on. I also keep clear safety glasses under the seat when Im out past dark since I always keep my smoked visor on the helmet.

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I think the only requirement to know you need eye protection on a motorcycle is a functioning brain. I personally don't need a law to tell me that. Majority of the time I ride with the visor up but I always have sunglasses on. I also keep clear safety glasses under the seat when Im out past dark since I always keep my smoked visor on the helmet.

Exactly what I do.

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LOL ive passed plenty of cops with my visor up and no eye protection. given it is usually when i am pulling up to a light or just leaving from a stop. plus i am asian so its that much harder to get something in there...

i literally pause my scrolling for at least 2 minutes every time you post for your signature. (yes i've seen the video, the gif is better)

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Quick question on the eye protection thing, does the internal visor that some helmets (mine has one)have count as eye protection?

It would probably pass for it with most LEO's, although I'm not sure that it is rated properly for use as eye protection, at least on my HJC. Are there impact standards that eye protection needs to meet? I just don't mess around and keep my visor no more than half open. MOST of the time, a LEO won't bother you for having it flipped open at a stop (I didn't realize that it was required even at a stop until this thread) as long as closing it is a priority when starting to roll again, but that's all dependent on the LEO, and the situation.

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