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Midnight Ride


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This is something I have done a number of times, and each time it gets better and better. My most recent was just 2 weekends ago, 160 miles,midnight to around 3am.

Absolutly no traffic, just a couple sets of eyes on the shoulders, and dead calm. It was a perfectly clear night. I stopped a few times and just looked up, awesome.

So, was just wondering how many others on here have ever tried this very unique time to ride, I will host a midnight tide, if any are interested.

And just for backround, I was on 2nd shift for 10 yrs., so this was a normal thing for a long time.

Add you input and or interest.

Ride safe out there,


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I stay on the better state roads, around here. That would be ones like 68, 36, 29, 55 etc. I do this for 2 reasons, 1: they tend to be better maintained, and 2: If I need help it is usually close.

I do NOT speed, if anything I run a little under the speed limit. I am not on a riding mission someplace, so there is no reason to bust it.

I do have driving lites on my Connie, and when on they light up both shoulders, and side about 30 ft. I run my high beam, unless there is oncoming traffic, and I scan the sides of the road a little more.

It does require additional concentration, so staying engaged in the ride is critical. I do not go out if I am tired, I rest in the evenings to be prepared for a few hours in the night.

I have done later starts, like 3 or 4am, and then go somewhere for breakfast, those tend to be a little easier only because of the additional rest you can get before you go out.

But like any night time riding, Safety is the most important thing. And ATGATT.

Ride safe all,


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Used to do night rides when the bar closed on campus. A bunch of us worked there one Summer. Ride till dawn. Zachariah's Redeye Saloon. The band that played there did that too.

I had a habit of riding out late at night anyway. I'd run out to a horse farm and sit along the fence by the road, under a tree and sky in the quiet for a while. Most of the time one or two of the horses would saunter over to see what was up, so I started taking sugar cubes and apples with me. Girls would ride out with me to escape the city heat, for the cool night air. Any little noise in the woods or fields would scare them and we'd have to leave. Yeah, there weren't as many deer back then. But did see them once in a while. Mostly too late at night for them to be moving around.

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I would probably be in for this. I've had a couple of closer-than-I-wanted encounters with deer but, with less angry/texting cars on the road, the dangers seem to balance out. :wtf:

Springfield is close enough to merit an evening/night trip.

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When I first started riding I rode on the freeway and around town in the middle of the night because there was no traffic and I could get used to things. I love the night. There is something so calming and soothing about it.

I remember riding up 315 next to the olentangy river. I only had about a month experience at the time. A thunderstorm hit but the lightning came first. It was such an amazing experience riding next to the river while the storm was lighting up everything around me.

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I am heavy fisted so I like good clear site distance so I don't ride at night because it's too dangerous on the country roads. I do like busting down well lit 35 once or twice every 5 years since that's all ive ever done.

Im not one you want to ride with in these obviously. :lol:

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When I first started riding I would ride until the sun came up... and I had to go into work. I like the way the air smells just before dawn.

I need to do this again. Thanks for the reminder. +rep.

we should start a ride, very early in morning to get some early dawn ride in. It looks so beautiful these days with bearable temps

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I love riding at night. Its one of the few times where I can just cruise and clear my mind.

i normally just go whatever speed feels right but most the time its fairly slow just breathing in the clean calm air..

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I used to work third shift so when I had time off it would be on the bike in the middle of the night. I used to take night rides with a couple friends on weekends when they were off work, we would ride on the backroads to a Denny's or something and then ride back. Sometimes we would leave at around midnight and get back to town as the sun was coming up, it was a lot of fun back then.

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I do this being a third shifter. I'm down for any kind of night ride.

I find myself heading into Dayton, the city is actually pretty nice once its late. Or bombing up and down the interstate.

I'm going to pm you my number. So if you get the urge I will join you. My biggest fear of night riding is putting it in a ditch and not being found. Saftey in numbers kinda thing.

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I used to ride in Cleveland late at night. We used to hang out in the flats and then west 6th until all the bar goers went home. Then it was time to ride. We would some times ride until the sun came up. Then breakfast.

It was great. We had the roads almost completely to ourselves.

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*Sigh* I guess I'm getting old. I really don't enjoy riding at night any more.

I just rode home from New England and the number of dead deer I saw along I-80 was absolutely shocking. More than I've ever seen, I think. I bet all of them were hit the night before.

I was on the Mass Pike in mid-afternoon and noticed cars up ahead were swerving. There was a roll of carpet crossing nearly the entire lane. Black backing, burgandy carpet. Non-issue in daylight, but there's not a chance in hell I would have seen in in the dark.

City riding at night is kinda fun, except for dodging drunk drivers.

Guess I'll leave it to the younger folks with sharper eyesight.

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