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Doubt: Group ride - Cop scenario


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I am new to this country and not at all familiar with laws, and also pretty new to group riding so not familiar with "group ride ethics"

so my doubt is, in a group ride where every one is pretty much pushing the limit, ..

does the cop stop a single person or stop all the group as one?

If just one person is stopped does every one else in group come stop for him right there... or wait at a safer distance from the fiasco?

Heard that one cop cannot stop more than a certain number of people at once, is it true?

just had this doubt while surfing some youtube videos, pray to god nothing like this ever happen in real life :)

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Had this happen with fonzie's niagara dtc ride...

Pulled over on turnpike in new york.

All received tickets.

Kozmo suggested next time that we see our tail get pulled over, we all hit the next exit and wait, then split the ticket amongst the group.

Seems like a good idea.

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Had this happen with fonzie's niagara dtc ride...

Pulled over on turnpike in new york.

All received tickets.

Kozmo suggested next time that we see our tail get pulled over, we all hit the next exit and wait, then split the ticket amongst the group.

Seems like a good idea.

that seems like a reasonable idea

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I agree, scatter and hope for the best. I don't mean hammer down and run, just start turning off on exits or side streets.

Had a county deputy light three of us up one day because he heard me pipe a Harley that flipped us off. One of the guys with me was a newb that didn't even have a permit, all that happened was some noise so he followed us thru town. When he lit us up I told the newb to keep riding and I would pull over, one guy and myself pulled over and the deputy pulled off with us so the newb got away.

The best part was the deputy seen nothing and couldn't prove who made the noise so he tried to write me for 11 mph over the limit, an arguement insued and I won, he let me off with a verbal warning for 1 mph over limit, he didn't even know the speed limit where we were.

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I was doing a group ride when a cop u-turned and came after us. Me and one other stopped. So did a pickup behind us. Turned out the officer was stopping the pickup for tail gating Eric, the guy behind me. Neither he or I had any idea we were being tail gated but thanked the officer none the less.

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What if the cop follows the guy to meet back up? Then he might try to push eluding onto those who didnt stop. I personally would stop but thats just me.

That won't fly in court. If he wanted the guys that didn't stop to pull over he'd have to pass up the tail rider to pull them over. When your driving down the free way and the guy next to you gets pulled over are you going to stop also? What's the difference on the bike?

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I will generally always err on the side of stopping - I have no interest in a fleeing/reckless op charge.

When Tony, Dave, and I got stopped in WV a couple weeks ago, I was in the back and pulled over hoping he would stop me and let them carry on, but he waitied for me to stop and then took off after them.

Honestly, I feel like the more the officer is actually concerned about some (potentially) unsafe activity, the more likely they are to stop and individual. If it's just about generating revenue (as it was in our case), I feel like they won't hold back in stopping as many folks as possible.

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That is one wonky thread title my foreign friend.

Instead of the word, doubt, I think you mean question.


I will generally always err on the side of stopping - I have no interest in a fleeing/reckless op charge.

When Tony, Dave, and I got stopped in WV a couple weeks ago, I was in the back and pulled over hoping he would stop me and let them carry on, but he waitied for me to stop and then took off after them.

Honestly, I feel like the more the officer is actually concerned about some (potentially) unsafe activity, the more likely they are to stop and individual. If it's just about generating revenue (as it was in our case), I feel like they won't hold back in stopping as many folks as possible.

What happened after that?

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Bad idea. Had it happen once where I was in a group and a guy was pulled over in Georgetown OH. We were exceeding the speed limits by quite a bit. Basically the cop told the guy, give me the names of your buddies or I'm hauling you to jail. He spilled it and when we caught back up to him, he said the cop instructed us to call the dispatch and have him come out an give us each (there were 4 of us) tickets or they would issue warrants for us. The cool thing is he only gave us tickets for improper lane change where he could have nailed us for MUCH more.

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I got nailed once for passing on a double yellow. Long story short there were a group of us riding up to get food after a long day of riding. we were stuck behind a old lady with hazards on. The group passed her I was in the back of a pack and was the one to get nabbed. Cop tried the same scare tactic of getting me with reckless op for passing if I didnt give the names up. I didn't and ended up with a $297 ticket/court fees. They did call ahead and nab a few others in the group anyway.

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What happened after that?

He pulled them over a short distance from where I stopped, I rejoined them, and we were all cited for speeding.

Personally, I don't feel the need to be constrained by limitations created for average drivers and designed for vehicle capabilites of 30 years ago, but I don't have any delusions about it from a legal standpoint. If I get caught speeding, I stop, I pay my fine, and carry on.

Edited by Hailwood
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That won't fly in court. If he wanted the guys that didn't stop to pull over he'd have to pass up the tail rider to pull them over. When your driving down the free way and the guy next to you gets pulled over are you going to stop also? What's the difference on the bike?

My money's on this ^^^

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My friends and I always agreed on ”I don't know, met him at a stop light and we just started riding”

That's what I told the guy who got nailed. However, we were doing 120+ on some roads so jail time was justified. Plus, it was the Saturday on Memorial day weekend (five or so years ago) which meant he would have been in the slammer for the 3 day weekend before he could see a judge. The fine was $80 each, so not a big hardship by any means.

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I've only been pulled over once on a group ride. Quite a fun experience. Out riding with my 3 brothers, the youngest riding 3rd position (new rider), followed by my oldest bro. Came up to a sweeping S-Curves, I'm leading at a little over the limit, with my youngest bro slowing up in the curves to take the curves within his limits. As I exit the curves into a straight, I see a sheriff coming so pull the speed down to the limit. I knew he was already pulling us over. As this happens, my other 2 bro's come out of the curves and get on it pretty good to catch up to us. So there is a 4 bikes coming towards this sheriff, 2 slamming on the brakes, 2 hammering down to catch up. Watch him whip a U-Turn so we all just pulled over, got off the bikes, and waited. By the time he was behind us, we had all agreed that no one was talking. Once he started on the speeding bit, I asked who he had on radar. He couldn't answer. Once he got all our licenses, read all our names, he just looked us and asked, "Are you related?" "Yes sir. Brothers." He was instantly pissed. You could tell he knew he couldn't get us for anything. Back to his car to run us real quick, comes back saying, "I'm giving you all warnings. Slow down!" Goes to pass out our IDs and couldn't even tell who was who. Finally he just hands all the IDs to one of us and walks away.

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I've only been pulled over once on a group ride. Quite a fun experience. Out riding with my 3 brothers, the youngest riding 3rd position (new rider), followed by my oldest bro. Came up to a sweeping S-Curves, I'm leading at a little over the limit, with my youngest bro slowing up in the curves to take the curves within his limits. As I exit the curves into a straight, I see a sheriff coming so pull the speed down to the limit. I knew he was already pulling us over. As this happens, my other 2 bro's come out of the curves and get on it pretty good to catch up to us. So there is a 4 bikes coming towards this sheriff, 2 slamming on the brakes, 2 hammering down to catch up. Watch him whip a U-Turn so we all just pulled over, got off the bikes, and waited. By the time he was behind us, we had all agreed that no one was talking. Once he started on the speeding bit, I asked who he had on radar. He couldn't answer. Once he got all our licenses, read all our names, he just looked us and asked, "Are you related?" "Yes sir. Brothers." He was instantly pissed. You could tell he knew he couldn't get us for anything. Back to his car to run us real quick, comes back saying, "I'm giving you all warnings. Slow down!" Goes to pass out our IDs and couldn't even tell who was who. Finally he just hands all the IDs to one of us and walks away.


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That's what I told the guy who got nailed. However, we were doing 120+ on some roads so jail time was justified. Plus, it was the Saturday on Memorial day weekend (five or so years ago) which meant he would have been in the slammer for the 3 day weekend before he could see a judge. The fine was $80 each, so not a big hardship by any means.

Speed alone does not constitute Reckless Opp. and is not an arrestable offense in the state of Ohio. Now, if you speed, fail to use your turn signal, and pass on a double yellow line, now you have Reckless Opp.

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I've only been pulled over once on a group ride. Quite a fun experience. Out riding with my 3 brothers, the youngest riding 3rd position (new rider), followed by my oldest bro. Came up to a sweeping S-Curves, I'm leading at a little over the limit, with my youngest bro slowing up in the curves to take the curves within his limits. As I exit the curves into a straight, I see a sheriff coming so pull the speed down to the limit. I knew he was already pulling us over. As this happens, my other 2 bro's come out of the curves and get on it pretty good to catch up to us. So there is a 4 bikes coming towards this sheriff, 2 slamming on the brakes, 2 hammering down to catch up. Watch him whip a U-Turn so we all just pulled over, got off the bikes, and waited. By the time he was behind us, we had all agreed that no one was talking. Once he started on the speeding bit, I asked who he had on radar. He couldn't answer. Once he got all our licenses, read all our names, he just looked us and asked, "Are you related?" "Yes sir. Brothers." He was instantly pissed. You could tell he knew he couldn't get us for anything. Back to his car to run us real quick, comes back saying, "I'm giving you all warnings. Slow down!" Goes to pass out our IDs and couldn't even tell who was who. Finally he just hands all the IDs to one of us and walks away.

:lol: Awesome!

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