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M_Quicks Dirt Video Thread


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Ten Mile Mud Bogs WV


This is from Memorial Day weekend 2014. I will add the video of the ride to and from later. Some of you may know, on the way there I blew my Trx700 4 miles into the trip. Atleast I was close to the truck and trailer, and on the road not the middle of woods. Anyways enjoy the mud bogs...




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Main video from Memorial day 2015 Ten Mile Mud Bogs.. I had a couple of my boy's with me, so I couldn't get as close to the action as I'd like. Still a good time and I captured some decent footage, but not like last year. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple more videos, these are from Wayne National Forest, on June 6th 2015. Renegade 1000X xc and Trx700xx. First a video trailer, then the main video.







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  • 1 month later...
My Son and I took the 700's to Wayne and meet up with Steve and his Renegade. We rode around 55 miles, and did a lot of off the grid trail riding. We found a back trail into the town of Carbon Hill, which is ATV friendly and has a nice carryout. B&R carryout sells pizza, subs burgers, ect. BTW there all the way sub is awesome, and well worth the $5.99 they charge for it. I don't know if we can find the trail again or not though, lol.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Main video from 7/18/2015


My son and I took the Trx700's and meet up with a friend and his Renegade 1000X xc and road the trails at Wayne National Forest. Steve even let my son ride the Renegade through a mud hole!  Edited by M_Quick
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August 2nd 2015


2 trx700'x and a Kawasaki dirt bike. We rode 87.7 miles this day, averaging 18.5 mph moving time. The conditions were poor, "dry and dusty" making visibility right behind another rider dangerous. I didn't get much opportunity for good footage, but here is what I came up with. 


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  On 8/17/2015 at 8:13 PM, bowdog said:

I was at Wayne Saturday watching a guy run a BRAND NEW Renegade through Steve's hole, stuck every time!


We cruised through the campgrounds, and seen your truck. Didn't see a trailer though, so I wasn't sure if you were riding or not. 

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  • 3 months later...

Wayne National Forest Closing Weekend 2015. Riding with my buddy on his Trx700. We meet up with a couple OhioRider guys, and road to the B&W for lunch. On the way there we caught up with Mudrunnerz and his group, he was doing a little off trail riding, so to say. The trails were fast, weather was perfect, well better that perfect. At or near 70 degrees, middle of December in Ohio!




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  • 4 weeks later...
Last Ride Of 2015


Wayne National Forest Closing Weekend 2015. Riding with my buddy Keith on his Trx700. We meet up with a couple more OhioRider guys, and road to the B&W for lunch. On the way there we caught up with mudrunnerz and his group, he was doing a little off trail riding, so to say. The weather was perfect, well better that perfect. At or near 70 degrees, middle of December in Ohio!



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