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Mailbox damaged... What do I do?


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So, we just bought a new mailbox a few months ago. Nothing stupid expensive, but the previous one was hit and we suspected it was kids running around, but never looked like a bat hit it, etc.

So yesterday, leaving for the track and saw our mailbox door was ripped open. The trim around the edge was ripped clean off and sitting on the ground and the door was bent up.

I have zero proof, but suspect that the postal worker damaged it. Is there any way to submit a claim or am I better off to just get a new one as to not piss off a letter carrier that can screw with my mail and stuff...

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Effing with the mail is a federal offense. The mail carrier shouldn't be dumb enough to risk his job and criminal prosecution over nothing.

I think you're more likely to find some kids vandalizing it, and confront their parents about restitution. Good luck.

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Why would you suspect the postal worker?:confused:

If it were kids, the whole box would have been beat to shit. The plastic trim that keep it weather proof and allows it to click closed was damaged. Like they may have pulled away with the door down and forgot...

Plus, why would kids beat our mailbox and all the houses along the road are not?

I didn't claim the Postal Worker beat the shit out of it or on purpose. I am thinking they damaged it on accident and broke the ring off...

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Again, I am not saying it was kids. I am thinking it was simply an accidental deal on the postal workers side of things. There has to be a claim form of some sort type of deal. Wanted to get opinions and possibly what steps to take. It was a $50 mailbox and really don't want to waste money on another one.

I also do not want to file a claim and have the carrier get pissed and fuck with my mailbox or mail for time to come...

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Go pro it! :D

Better yet talk to Scruit. He's probably already got a tried and tested way to have the cam inside the mailbox, set to come on automatically w the open door.

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

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Better yet talk to Scruit. He's probably already got a tried and tested way to have the cam inside the mailbox, set to come on automatically w the open door.

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

No doubt! Guy probably has a cam on his toilet in case someone shits and doesn't flush so he can put the hammer down on em...

I'm not quite as paranoid or thinking that the government is watching me on everything I do so, I won't be using a cam anytime soon...

I just simply wonder if the USPS has a claim form for mailbox damage...

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USPS Form PS2016. You are supposed to call your local postmaster and the police before submitting this form.

Personally, I would just replace it, and chalk it up to "who knows" this time. If it happens again... Get the gopro. Mail carriers have no reason to mess with your mailbox, it makes their job more difficult and if it were an accident, they would likely say something. Kids are the more likely culprits.

Edited by J.W.
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Living out in the country our street seems to be a target for morons with USPS anger issues. When I asked Clark County about it they said unless you catch someone in the act there is not much they can do. They did tell me not to try and booby trap it, reinforce it such as to cause damage if someone hit it or try anything else that would be considered retaliation against an unsuspecting vandal. So basically, buy a new box or make one because unless you have a photo or video of someone damaging it you are S.O.L.

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Our new mail lady has hit our box at least twice, I seen her do it the one time and she has yet to say a word about it.

If she won't say anything about it then she probably wouldn't admit to it if confronted. I will just let it be because I don't need her throwing my mail away, hell we are getting the neighbors mail more and more often here lately so they must have pissed her off.

WOW, that last statement rung a bell, lol, she ran over the neighbor's box and broke it off at the ground. They must have complained because its their mail I've been getting.

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I wouldn't put it past a mail person to do it. Ours has driven up in our yard just so he wouldn't have to get out while it was raining(car was on the street, usually he just passes us by when that's the case). Watched it happen on 2 separate occasions and the last time, e got stuck and fucked up our yard.

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Kinda like when snow plow drivers rip the shit out of the mail box at my parents. We had to move it like 3 feet off the road and put a huge pull off in for the mail dude.

Definitely sucks, and it's not like it's the $$ that's the issue, just the concept of the pain in the ass.

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