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Dont break your tibial plataeu....


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Fractured mine in the slowest dumbest crash while riding my flat track bike.

I fell at about 2mph but landed on my knee while it was bent and fractured my tibial plateau. Havent been able to walk for the last 6 weeks. I can finally start pt and partial weight bearing on monday.

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That sucks, and from what I heard is extremely painful. My mother in law had a similar fracture falling in my kitchen a few years back. She spent 8 weeks not putting any weight on that leg. Hope you heal well and quickly!

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Fractured mine in the slowest dumbest crash while riding my flat track bike.

I fell at about 2mph but landed on my knee while it was bent and fractured my tibial plateau. Havent been able to walk for the last 6 weeks. I can finally start pt and partial weight bearing on monday.

I done that but the doc said it was too minor to worry about. my other tibia got a nice Ti rod put in it and I couldn't walk on it for 4 MONTHS. it was too close to the ankle and he was worried about it not holding. so I had to be extra careful not to use it.

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Ive had pain in my left foot for about 7-8 months. Originally the doc said take ibuprofen which seems to be the go to all docs use. I finally said Ive had enough of this since its getting to the point of not being able to run as well as bothering me throughout the day. Went to a foot doc on fri who x-ray'd and said well theres your problem. Ive had a broken sesmoid bone in my foot for the past 8 months. Evidently this is a bone that wont heal so if the steroid shots dont help, then they will remove the bone all together.

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Don't fell to bad, a couple weeks ago this guy broke his Tib & Fib in both legs plus his right foot in 7 places. He came up short on a 140' quad jump. After waiting 42 min for the ambulance to arrive he then took a helicopter ride to Akron General.

I won't show you the impact shots,, way to violent.


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I crushed my tibial plat to pieces on my four Wheeler about 14 years ago. Had to have around 20cc of donor bone, a steel plate, and tons of screws put in it. I could not put weight on it for months. It is certainly one of the worst things to break and still bothers me to this day. I could not run for two years and still can't jump off anything or have heavy impacts

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