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anyone here make bbq?


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Good brisket doesn't require sauce, the smoke is enough for me usually.

Amen! Beef brisket or beef ribs don't require the thick, heavy and sugar based sauces like Sugar Ray or Sugar KC Masterpiece. Leave that stuff to pork or poultry.

Brisket is a key bbq of Texas and the plains. I will usually make a Chimichurri or Mexican Mole if I want a sauce for the brisket. Maybe even a bit of Tiger Sauce or Pickapeppa. My #1 favorite sauce is reduced Balsalmic vinegar with a bit of hot sauce added in. But, that is the expensive route and the wife gets poed when I do it.

Edited by Revelstoker
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Not sure if you are referring to brisket or pork. Pork won't pull at 160. You have to bring it up to about 190-200 before it is "pulled pork." The reason is: the extra cooking time / heat breaks down the fat holding the meat together and once it gets to that temp (slowly) the tougher fat melts away and all your left with is smoked goodness.

Instead of wrapping it completely in foil, I use one of those disposable tin-foil pans. Once the pork reaches about 170 on the smoker, I put it in the disposable pan and cover it with foil. The meat won't absorb much smoke after 4-5 hours anyway so no worries there because, by the time it hits 170, you are well past that time. Covering it just helps it pas that last plateau and come up to temp a bit quicker without cranking the heat up.

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That looks like a handy bugger to have. Might have to see if Santa will bring me one.

Speaking of turkey... smoked turkey legs... nom nom nom [ / homersimposnvoice]

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the only downside is that a 12lb seems to fit the best.The 14 it advertises, doesn't work too well.

As far as pulled pork, I am speaking of the chuck roast I am getting ready to fire up here in about an hour. I normally cook my steaks to 155-160. Also of the chuck roast recipes I have read say to take it to 200. I am planning on slicing this, not pulling it. I was just wondering if 160-170 would be okay?

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I'm going to do it old school today with a regular meat thermometer. I Also was wondering something. Some things I have read say wrap in foil and let cook until 200. I prefer my steaks at 155-160. Would I be better off to let this cook until 160, and pull it, or to wrap it and go to 200?

I never wrap in the beginning. If you do you may as well just do it in the oven. You can wrap later to retain juices. What is the best part of BBQ?? The Bark. Can't get that by wrapping early. Wrap later and leave it wrapped while resting. As far as temp to pull......if you like 155-160. I say pull at at 150 and let rest and watch therm. Because it will continue to cook. Again learning process. The bigger the cut the earlier you will pull. Better to pull early......can always toss back onto smoker.Good luck. One more thing..don't forget the........🍻.

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Chuck roast is not as tough as brisket but still a bit tougher cut of meat. I would imagine bringing it up close to 200 is so that it is tender (fat melted away) not necessarily "done"

...and I agree. Don't wrap it until the meat is above 150 or there is no point in using the smoker.

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I should have been more specific. I originally planned to cook it to 160, and then wrap it, and let it get up around 200. Sorry Guys. Thank you for all the help today! I will post pics as it gets going.

Pics....Huh. What time we eattin.

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I would be up for a BBQ get together. Any excuse to fire up the grill/smoker AND talk motorcycles is a good one. I know there was talk of a camping/survival weekend not long ago. Maybe there should be a BBQ weekend? The trick would be to find someone who lives on a farm where everyone could camp. That's probably a conversation better left for another thread.

Looks like you have it all set. Hope it turns out tasty

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well this one is just a little 2 lb guy. Maybe once I get it all figured out we can have an O.R bbq get together?

I say we do a OR BBQ cookoff!

I'm up for the chili cookoff again. This year I should be able to make my chili to enter!

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still cooking! I had a period of time I let the temp get too low, and had a hard time bringing it up....

Edit: we are done! This is probably the best meal I've ever made. I wrapped it in foil at 160, and removed it from the grill at 180. Allowed it to rest for 25 minutes...



Edited by oldschoolsdime92
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What's everyone's thoughts on a propane smoker?

when I was first researching buying one it seemed as though the propane and electric were the red headed step child of smokers. Now that I have been doing this for 3 years, I really want to get a propane one in addition to my charcoal Weber Smoky Mountain for the ease of being able to smoke up something last minute. Also, because I suck at keeping temps how I want for as long as I want so something like a brisket would be easier in the propane one

I find myself with the WSM needing to really fill it and have it going all day because it is more work. I have one friend with a propane and he swears by it to the point he's had stuff I've smoked up its what caused him to purchase it. I've yet to try anything from his however

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