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NCAA Releases Sanctions against Penn State


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Penn State receives a $60 million dollar fine, 10 scholarship reductions a year for four years, four-year postseason ban, 5 years probation, all wins from 1998-2011 have been vacated. Penn State players are allowed to transfer immediately without transfer penalties.

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I guess they're doing away with the program death penalty, then... considering that whatever caused a loss of program in the future would have to be judged worse than serialized child rape.

Unbelievable that the program is going to be allowed to continue after that Freeh report came out. Absolutely unbelievable.

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...and Paterno lost the title of having the most wins to Bowden now too.

I was going to be pretty pissed if the penalties were close to the same as OSU for trading goods for tatoos.

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I guess they're doing away with the program death penalty, then... considering that whatever caused a loss of program in the future would have to be judged worse than serialized child rape.

Unbelievable that the program is going to be allowed to continue after that Freeh report came out. Absolutely unbelievable.

Currently the rules surrounding the death penalty state that you have to already be serving a penalty for something else. That was the case the last time they used it in the 80's. So for example if Ohio State messes up again the can be hit with the death penalty.

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Unbelievable that the program is going to be allowed to continue after that Freeh report came out. Absolutely unbelievable.

honestly I think teh loss of scholarships is worse than suspending football operations for four years.

Who is Penn State going to field with no scholarships and no bowl participation? Even marginal players are probably going to flee to MAC or WAC schools where they can have a chance at a bowl game.

And when they do get their scholarships back, that freshman class is still going to suck. What premier prospect wants to go play with 3 years worth of upper-classmen who AREN'T on scholarship?

It's a 4-year sanction that will seriously affect their program for at least 10 years.

I think it would have been less harsh to just suspend a season or two completely, and then let them have all their scholarship stuff back right away.

Starting over is going to be easier than limping along for the next 4 years, and then trying to rehab the program for another 4-6...

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It's a 4-year sanction that will seriously affect their program for at least 10 years.

At least 10. There is a chance that they may never recover.

Top prospects won't be going to PSU anytime soon.

It will be a big challenge to get a top tier coach to take over this program.

PSU was one of the top 5 revenue generating football programs (last I read). This will cost PSU way more than $60 million:

-Enrollment will probably be down at the University as a whole

-TV revenue will drop significantly. I doubt they will get much if any national coverage.

-No bowl revenue for at least 4 years.

-Merchandise sales will probably taper off.

That adds up to a LOT.

I know PSU has a loyal fan base, but it's going to take a lot more than that.

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While I would never presume to detract from the real victims here, the children who were brutalized by Sandusky, it is also worth mentioning the collateral damage to other innocents. The plays on the team, the new recruits, the local businesses that get business from the program/games/fans (from the broadcast equipment support/operations staff and uniform suppliers to the parking lots and hot dog sellers).

This was a nuclear bomb dropped right on the stadium and nobody is safe from the blast.

Again, the secondary casualties are just that, secondary. The true victims will suffer for more than 10 years - don't think they will ever stop suffering. But the secondary casualties are still casualties. Jobs, careers and livelihoods of innocents are right in the blast radius.

And the fallout will continue to affect every program in the country. Think this bucket of wasted ectoplasm is the only guy who's ever harmed a kid? Such a huge penqalty could actually have the reverse effect on the honesty of other programs. If there are programs out there that know they've also been covering up for a kiddie fiddler then do you think they will step forward now and risk being Enola Gay's next target? No, they're gonna lock it down tighter. I only hope that NCAA does a good job of making the programs understand the punishment is not for Sandusky's crimes, but for their cover-up.

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I pretty much agree with Scruit and the other people who say this is a very bad thing for more people who had no involvement than people who actually should be punished. I dont follow these stories very closely so I may be off base by saying this but why should an entire school/state/division suffer because of the people who were involved? The people involved should have had serious punishment OUTSIDE of the organization and should be immediately removed/forbidden from ALL school related things and a smaller penalty for the organization its self to say this stuff is not tolerated.

This is going to destroy the careers of the innocent people who make a living promoting and supporting the school and the game as well as possibly the students who attend the school. These BIG 10 programs are majority of the schools funding so its hard to say how soon this will start effecting students but I would say within the next year or so which leaves current students without funding for programs and future students looking at other schools. I think they went about this completely wrong but thats just my 2 cents.

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Well this in the end is supposed to punish the people who did wrong and I do not think Penn States eligibility to play for the next 4 years is a huge deal to Joe Pa as I think he has bigger fish to fry at the moment so punishing an entire school just doesnt seem right to me. He probably couldnt give a shit what happens to Penn State right now.

Edit: Meant Jerry Sandusky not Joe Pa

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Well this in the end is supposed to punish the people who did wrong and I do not think Penn States eligibility to play for the next 4 years is a huge deal to Joe Pa as I think he has bigger fish to fry at the moment so punishing an entire school just doesnt seem right to me. He probably couldnt give a shit what happens to Penn State right now.


the establishment is getting punished for allowing this type of behavior to continue.

Paterno can't be punished further, he is dead, therefore he has no brain activity, and can't think anything about it at all.

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I pretty much agree with Scruit and the other people who say this is a very bad thing for more people who had no involvement than people who actually should be punished. I dont follow these stories very closely so I may be off base by saying this but why should an entire school/state/division suffer because of the people who were involved? The people involved should have had serious punishment OUTSIDE of the organization and should be immediately removed/forbidden from ALL school related things and a smaller penalty for the organization its self to say this stuff is not tolerated.

This is going to destroy the careers of the innocent people who make a living promoting and supporting the school and the game as well as possibly the students who attend the school. These BIG 10 programs are majority of the schools funding so its hard to say how soon this will start effecting students but I would say within the next year or so which leaves current students without funding for programs and future students looking at other schools. I think they went about this completely wrong but thats just my 2 cents.

one person's actions affect other people. they may have far reaching consequences that affect innocent people that had nothing to do with anything.

it sucks, but that's life...

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There is far more to this than just Joe P. A great many people knew about this and covered it up. It is as the NCAA says, an institutional problem. So, with that fact in mind how would you punish the school in an appropriate manner without hurting the innocents. And considering all the current ball players can transfer out I think all of you are over stating the number of innocents hurt and the extent of that harm.

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While the whole thing is tragic, the punishment up for opinion, I like what they are doing with the penalty funds -

"The NCAA ordered Penn State to pay the penalty funds into an endowment for "external programs preventing child sexual abuse or assisting victims and may not be used to fund such programs at the university."

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There is no doubt that the university has to be punished. It does suck that so many innocent people will also suffer the consequences but the only way that innocent people do not suffer is to not punish the university which is not an option.

I am actually surprised that the bowl ban and scholarship reduction is ONLY 4 years. I thought they would be hit a lot harder than that. However as someone else already said those 4 year bans will have an effect that lasts at least 10 years.

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