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My low tech ride guide


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I've given up on programming our GPS with our trip routes and we pretty much only use it now for gas and when we are lost. Maybe a ZUMO will get cheaper eventually?

Anyway, got tired of stopping and pulling out the paper with our routes and trying to give hubby useless hand signals that we missed our road and I came up with this. Nothing fancy but it works well for us so I figured I'd share.

It's basically a football wrist play guide ($10 from Dick's Sporting) that I inserted with a velcro loop. Seems to work well on both our triples and they couldn't be more different so I think it may work well on other types of triples as well. Take care and safe riding!!


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Yeah, I used to have tank bags on my other bikes but have decided I'm done with them for lots of different reasons so this is more for if you don't have a tank bag. But my old tank bags did work great.


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I use an even lower tech device: 2" wide painters tape & a sharpie for shorthand directions on the tank. Maps are dangerous for on the fly nav.

I had considered that but it's not unusual for me to have 20 roads planned (sometimes more if I'm really optimistic) but I think that's a good alternative too. I'm pretty happy with this set up. We didn't get too lost this last time around and a lot less stopping to figure out what was next on the trip.


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buys a Ducati but a zumo is too expensive, first world problems :p

Eh, it's because I don't spend money on Zumo's that I can afford the Ducati. ;) Funny though. I was waiting for that comment, lol.


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you can plot routes on mapquest. All I do is plot my route, plug in using usb to mini usb (digital camera style cord) and with 2 clicks it sends it to the gps unit

I got mine used on ebay. I didn't really care about the battery life because I have a powerlet in the steering stem and gps is mounted to the front tank bolts

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Excellent! Thanks for the info. I'm going to look around for one of those. I still like the idea of using the GPS - just couldn't get mine to work.


i think all in all my GPS setup cost me $120 which included the gps unit, the powerlet and cord, tank bolt mount and cradle

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What GPS brand are you using, Mary?

It's a Garmin Nuvi 255w. I've tried using it with GoogleMaps and the Harley Trip Planner and it just won't work. Haven't tried Mapquest so I may give that a try later.


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I hear what you are saying but I'm over 2 hours away from southern ohio and any of the good roads. Even the Coshocton area is a good 1.5 hours away. I have a 5 yr old and a 2 yr. old and my time is really limited (as are babysitters) so I try hard to make sure the roads we ride are good ones. My adventure days will come again when they are older.


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