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My wife got her motorcycle temps


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She likes the Ninja 250. Didn't like the feel of the other bikes she has sat on. (Honda Rebel, Honda CBR 250, My FZ6)

Signed her up for the last course of the year since there were still a few openings left. I may have her walk in to a couple to see if she can get in earlier. She's afraid she'll be the only one there with no riding experience.

She can try walk in on my class. I go Aug 6th in Troy and I am going on no experience.

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She likes the Ninja 250. Didn't like the feel of the other bikes she has sat on. (Honda Rebel, Honda CBR 250, My FZ6)

This makes more sense. ;) my husband kept trying to find a cbr250 for me when I specifically said I did not like the way it felt. Yet continued to look.... grrrr

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I taught my wife the basics before sending her off I the MSF course, but she still managed to drop my bike once before that.

I would have been mad if she hadn't been so upset at herself :-(

I don't recommend teaching a spouse how to ride, but if you want to give it a try, the biggest thing to remember is not to take out your frustration on her. When I say "let the clutch out slowly," and she doesn't do exactly what I meant, that is MY FAULT for not explaining it clearly enough.

That realization makes things go much more smoothly. You say "NO! SSTOP!" a lot less and end up saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't explain that well. What I meant was..." and then remind her she's doing great. Frequently.

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There is a back seat on your bike for a reason. :D

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of riding 2-up. I've ridden cruisers and sport bikes with a passenger and didn't care for either.

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My husband (then boyfriend) taught me to drive stick and to ride. I would suggest you not use your bike. Get a junky bike that you don't care if it gets dropped and you'll both feel better. Once she is comfortable, then pick out the bike that she wants for good.

Dropping a bike when you are first learning to ride is inevitable.


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I'm in the process of teaching backpack..

She's getting better with the clutch, and she can manage to keep it upright around a parking lot...

Once we get her comfortable with a little more speed, and really a good understanding of countersteering, we'll get her out on the roads. She'll be in the MSF once her schedule will allow for it.

I'm also in the process of teaching my mother to ride...The fact that she's riding a scooter has a positive, and a negative element. On one hand, it's easier to get going, no clutch to worry about, on the other hand the MSF probably won't be the direction she takes, so we'll have to get her practicing the state test.

My friend's mom has asked me to teach her to ride, too... so that'll be fun.

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