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socialism in america


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Is this a regional organization? I am from north east Ohio ( south of Cleveland, north of Akron.

I suppose if a group wants to pass out school supplies, I am ok with that. I am not familiar with the organization.

Is the issue that tax money was used to buy the supplies and then the supplies were given out?

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No, its charity once churches start paying taxes. Until then, its socialism.

Correct, sort of. But it's not actually socialism until the State takes the private acts of charity away from the churches and makes it a function of the State.

Oh wait...

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The only thing I can't believe is how far a conservative will go to call something socialism...it's beginning to look like McCarthyism.

He's not conservative, more like a Trollderpocratative.

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Well, this confirms that serpent's performance in the gun threads was no anomaly.

Haha charitable donations are too socialist for his liking, but he would like to take away your second amendment right.:rolleyes:

Edited by DirtDee675
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The only thing I can't believe is how far a conservative will go to call something socialism...it's beginning to look like McCarthyism.

Or how far liberals will go to not see a trend. Not necessarily regarding this thread, but overall. Because of the current administration, conservatives are overly sensitive to a trend that they see/ perceive. Because this administration is agreeable to them, liberals are happy to see it happen. Nothing different than liberals condemning everything (yes. Everything) that Bush did, yet not calling out Obama on any of his policies, even though the current administration can be viewed as more threatening to individual freedoms, i.e. the second amendment (reference Fast 'n Furious).

Politics as usual. Broken as usual.

Flush Washington. All of it.

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First off jeff, Fast n furious is a program that dates back to bush... (although it has changed names) so take that second amendment threat and back it up a little bit.

As a person who leans more liberal regarding social and personal freedom issues, I blame Obama more for his in-actions than for his actions.

He could've worked to crank back the patriot act, he could've worked to get Gitmo closed and dismantled, but maybe he was busy trying to get the crumbled financial sector back into functioning order...

I'm not a fan of his actions in libya... but that is the only thing he "did" that I can think to critique him for, rather than what he "didn't do"

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First off jeff, Fast n furious is a program that dates back to bush... (although it has changed names) so take that second amendment threat and back it up a little bit.

It was referenced more to illustrate that the Obama (capitalized) admin tried to use it as a tool to make guns look evil, and to further an anti-gun agenda. Its generally accepted that Holder and his assigns refused to remove or track weapons that they knew were coming back across the border. This didn't happen under the Bush (capitalized) admin. It was begun under them, but as a different program.

"As a person who leans more liberal regarding social and personal freedom issues, I blame Obama more for his in-actions than for his actions.

He could've worked to crank back the patriot act, he could've worked to get Gitmo closed and dismantled, but maybe he was busy trying to get the crumbled financial sector back into functioning order...

I'm not a fan of his actions in libya... but that is the only thing he "did" that I can think to critique him for, rather than what he "didn't do" "

Which illustrates my point, I think. Libs are angry at him for dragging his feet, especially when he controlled both Houses early-on. They're angry at him for not taking full advantage of all of that power, and not advancing their agenda like he promised-to during the campaign. End the wars, close Gitmo, unemployment not going below 8%. Getting the crumbled financial sector back into functioning order by blaming the Wall Streeters on one hand, but taking their contributions with the other. By not forcing GE to pay any taxes on its billions in profits. By giving GM and Chrysler tons of OUR money which they'll never have to pay back. By handing out millions to "green technologies" which failed in short order (and the CEO's will not be held accountable nor investigated).

Happens on both sides of the ideological coin. But conservatives don't make movies and write books about killing Obama.

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