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Motoseries Round 7 @ Nelson Aug 31-Sep 1


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It was good to meet you, and hope to see you at more MS events again! I am exhausted! It is taking the last few pulses of energy in my chubby body to type this. So I will talk more tomorrow. But it was a great day with the OR/MS gang!

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Finally home after over 4 hours. The weather was complete shit all the way home and could barely see through the rain most of the time.

Same here, and as exhausted as I was, a rough drive home, to say the least!

A great day of riding, getting a bit more familiar with the SV on the track.

My first session was complete shit, I had no idea what the hell I was doing out there, help was certainly needed... grabbed a tow from a control rider (I apologize I am terrible with names, again thank you!) for the second session to settle me down, and find my lines, worked out great...

Thanks again Motoseries and Staff for another great day!

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Well, I'm up for some stupid reason early this morning.

Thanks to Mike and Jinu for the tows, pointers and feedback. A big thanks to Rob for being my rabbit, you fast fucker. I was able to best myself each session out in the morning and it was a great day for me personally. I had no intention of looking to get into the teens at all but after a session following Rob I went from :24's to 21's and finally a :19!

I had no idea that Nick was going to show up yesterday either. Oh, wait...that was Craig.

In all, the weather held out perfectly track was grippy and bumpy as usual. I can't wait to see if the Asian Persuasion is right about being quick at Nelsons making you quicker at other places.

Props to my boy Steve for doing his thing. :D

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Had my first tack day too...thanks Todd for talking me into just doing it and not waiting till October. I had a blast even though I was not as fast as anyone else. Learned a lot more in one day than many rides on the street. Thanks Moto Series for all the help and good advice. Would do it again. I also got to meet some new people too.

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While I am probably another season from coming anywhere near the rest of the gang in terms of lap times, I was happy to chip away at mine from last Monday and run mid 20's. I think Jeff and I will be out there next time pushing each other a little more, which can only make both of us better.

The first task this morning after my coffee kicked in was cleaning my helmet liner. It was Parliament Funkadelic in there. It is now drying nicely atop my fan in the garage and should be much nicer to slip my greasy melon into at PIRC in 3 weeks.

Man..3 weeks until the next track day. That sucks.

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Hope everything is going well at the track today, looks like weather may be rolling through.

This is a portion of novice's last session where we were let loose.


"Working on body position. Next time I need to practice harder braking instead of throttle modulation/engine braking to reduce the time spent slowing down before entering turns. Last few seconds I slowed up big time because I thought I almost lost the front, watching it frame by frame, the front tire struck a pothole as the bike was dropping into the turn."

My lines and consistency could have been better, need to really force myself to recognize braking and turn in points. I know I could have hit the kink much faster, but nerves were holding me back.

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^ 9:30 for me. Left the bike on the trailer with the straps loosened up and the front tire lifted in the wheel chock a little to stop the tire from deforming....think that is how its going to sit until beaver.

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Just got home awhile ago and relaxing now. I had an awesome time this weekend as always. It was good to see the rest of the gang getting faster and dropping times. Rob and Kevin both shocked me with some great times especially for running on a packed track. Time to sign up for a race and watch as you magically knock another second or two off those times!

The weather held off for the races today too, and I was pumped and ready to go. Someone must have lit a fire under my ass or something this weekend and I decided to ride. I ran a personal best of 1:13.63, and felt great in all 3 races. I got the holeshot in the first sprint and led the first 4 laps until the red flag came out for a crash. The restart didnt go as well, but it was a pretty tight battle for the top positions and I wound up 5th, right on the ass of 4 and 3. Another 5th in the second sprint. The mini 20 was awesome battling with mikey for 2 and 3, but he pulled away as I got tired and I finished 3rd.

I missed mixing it up with Hollywood who struggled with a bogging, underpowered motor all day. He needs to sell that Kawi and get a real bike and he wouldve been out there battling for the lead as well! Jinu did good and getting quicker on the new bike every time. And the Murse needs to find a new parts supplier, but thanks for pit-bitching!

And if I left anyone out or forgot to mention ya....that was on purpose!

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