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Motoseries Round 7 @ Nelson Aug 31-Sep 1


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Yeah, they had two fuzzy Canadians at Mid-Ohio this past event... They were not what I would call fast enough to be boasting "Beat this time and make it to the next round"... Then again, maybe they start out with turds and by the time you get to the end, you are running against Szoke?

Who knows, but it was destined to fail straight off.

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  r1crusher said:
It's a good thing Brian can't go....


And well......



He's got some tricky bits on the ol' RC8. Forks, badass light wheels, etc. I suspect it is probably super duper illegal and superbike build. But, he's Canadian so, he probably isn't anything but show... Ya know, like Madcat is...:D

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  KTM-Brian said:
He's got some tricky bits on the ol' RC8. Forks, badass light wheels, etc. I suspect it is probably super duper illegal and superbike build. But, he's Canadian so, he probably isn't anything but show... Ya know, like Madcat is...:D

Gotta look good being slow man, but thanks for the plug lol.

For real though, in the video I had to stop after 2 mins because I wanted to kill myself, but please see the following observations;

1)The track they were at, appeared to have the last turn before the straight, much like putnam, but lacked ANY barrier, no hay, no air fence, just cement wall, seems legit right?

2)The dudes had 2 pc suits on, sorry but I just can't see anyone being uber fast with a 2pc. No offense to those that run 2pcs, Im not anything special, but the safety just isn't there.

3)Did the dude have painters tape on the bike or was that me? I mean, again, there are some fast dudes on street bikes, but overall if you have a TV show with racing, I'd guess they should at least be on race bikes.

As for the KTM looks NASTY, and here's an idea. If they ever do come to Nelson, we could occupy them with Jinu's little asian hands working some magic trick, while Craig and RVT have buttsecks with them, and then gank those things for KTMBrian.

Now time to watch the Browns dominate their preseason game and drink some more beerskies.

I am praying it stays dry for you guys this weekend, be safe.

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And on another note, Im coming either way but unsure if I'll be riding or not. I had an emergency visit to the dentist on Monday that resulted in my wisdom teeth being yanked from my skull. I no longer look like a chipmunk hoarding nuts in my mouth, but still pretty sore. (Go ahead and make your jokes, I set you all up for that one.) Hoping I'll be feeling better by Saturday, but as of right now I dont know if I could squeeze a helmet on my head.

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  r1crusher said:
So did I! Like I said, they did make it out to a few tracks so I don't know what the deal is. Maybe the cast had to work their normal jobs and couldn't come out. :dunno:

But I do like how well these guys ride....

This guys has AWESOME body position!



He later wrecked in some preceding photos.

And I just LOL'd because I showed my gf these pics and she goes "He's up way too high." Even she knows his body position sucks.

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  brn6604 said:
What's the point of a "gameshow" for average trackday joe if you've got pros laying down the times?

Good point, which is why I thought the whole concept was dumb in the first place. It would kinda be like Kobe and 3 other NBA players travelling the country challenging guys at local courts to a game of pick-up ball. Of course the local guys are gonna get smashed.

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  TRMN8TR said:
Good point, which is why I thought the whole concept was dumb in the first place. It would kinda be like Kobe and 3 other NBA players travelling the country challenging guys at local courts to a game of pick-up ball. Of course the local guys are gonna get smashed.

I think their demographic is too small for it to catch on.

And that's not a good analogy but we get what you saying. If you've ever watched some of the "And 1 street basketball" stuff you'd know there are some damn good street ball players out there good enough to play with some NBA guys.

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