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what do you guys think of this as a trackbike


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Told a friend I wanted this, but thought it would make its way up between $3500-700. I couldn't bid sight unseen, but was really tempted when it was still around $2300 this morning.


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if you've got a bunch of money, sure.

If not, buy a bike that's already set up and a few years older.

I won't pimp my bike here, but something from the pre 2005 era with all the track goodies (bodywork, rearsets, exhaust, levers, bodywork, damper, etc.) will cost you less, and it will still be more bike than most people need for the track.

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if you've got a bunch of money, sure.

If not, buy a bike that's already set up and a few years older.

I won't pimp my bike here, but something from the pre 2005 era with all the track goodies (bodywork, rearsets, exhaust, levers, bodywork, damper, etc.) will cost you less, and it will still be more bike than most people need for the track.

Stole my thoughts...this^

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haha, I've thought about your honda. IDK, I like building shit, tearing into it and learning as much as I do running it. Plus it would be cool to feel the difference as you add components like shocks and get it setup properly....of course it if I picked up a track pre-prepped bike it would still need setup, possibly resprung and all that good stuff. Still in the thought process mode right now.

Better deal is going to more than likely be a track bike, but I think a cosmetically damaged street bike (like the one linked) wouldn't be too far off. I haven't priced an 08-09 r6 track bike, but I'd bet that wreck is much cheaper....enough to at least offset the majority of the costs while pretty much still being trackable from the getgo with just a little work. I'd easily have more money into than an older gen trackbike, but then again its stating off with 2600 miles.

IDK, just bsing and brainstorming at this point.

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I am, or I would have spent $25 to bid on that bike :)

Anyone ever deal with crashedtoys before? I've been watching the site for awhile and they have some decent deals sometimes, other times crap goes for way more than it seems it is worth.

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Better deal is going to more than likely be a track bike, but I think a cosmetically damaged street bike (like the one linked) wouldn't be too far off.

won't be too far off?

I will concede that converting a 2000 bike and 2012 bike to track form are both reasonably close as far as the cost of upgrades, but that's as far as I'll go...

I mean, aftermarket rearsets for a 1999 R6 aren't that much cheaper than rearsets for a 2012 bike, but the cost of upgrading stuff is way more than buying pre-setup.

You could buy a set-up 2008 bike for $5k-$6k no problem.

This one is $4500, and although it doesn't have suspension, that would still keep you under $7k http://weraclassifieds.com/ads/2007-yamaha-r6-race-prepped/

The bike you're looking at is already over $3k, and you can't even ride it.

Figure upgrades will be (approximately)

- $300 for rearsets

- $1200 for a shock

- $400-$1200 for forks (depends on how nuts you want to go)

- $200 clip-ons

- $600 bodywork

- $500 damper

- your time and effort safety wiring

- $150 SS brake lines

- $250 adjustable levers

- $400 power commander (no idea how much that costs, but i'm betting that's ballpark)

- $600 full exhaust system

that's all without looking, but it adds up QUICKLY.

Now add that ON TOP of all the stock parts you may have to buy to get the bike rideable. Case covers, a new rim, new forks? those are the common damages to salvaged bikes up for auction. If it's all bodywork and other stuff you would replace, then you're in a better spot, but still not the best...

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you think an owner who crashes his street bike before 3000 miles was a "careful" owner who didn't abuse the bike?

(i'm not sure what 'abusing' the bike means when they're made to run at 17,000 RPM, but still...)

Very good point!

Mine has all the extras except adjustable levers !

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you think an owner who crashes his street bike before 3000 miles was a "careful" owner who didn't abuse the bike?

(i'm not sure what 'abusing' the bike means when they're made to run at 17,000 RPM, but still...)

In general (not this bike in particular), how much damage could your average no-talent crotch-rocket superstar do to a bike in 3000 miles without the use of tools?

On the other hand, give a monkey a wrench and he'll fuck shit up real quick.

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at 3k miles with no visible upgrades and no repairs....what reason would most people(who dont even own the proper tools and dont know there is a tool kit on the bike) have to even loosen a fairing?

Now dipshits beating a bike off the rev limiter at a stop light might be a concern, but with the stock exhaust on there I doubt that would be of much enjoyment.

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Anyhow, RHill: it does cost more to do it that way. That bike in particular you would need bodywork, clipons and rearsets at minimum, with nothing to recoup costs. If you started with an undamaged streetbike, I would recommend the same, but at least you could sell the stock parts. The newer the model of bike, the more those parts are worth.

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It's just my personal observation, but that R6 looks to have been hitting the drag strip. Those forks are WAY high in that upper and I'd be willing to bet that's how it got totaled.

I can understand the need to build it yourself, and there's a lot to be had by that. But, I'd find one with as much go fast parts already on it and track-able now. Then spend your time learning about what is on it and how to service/maintain it. There's absolutely no need to spend more than $5k regardless of what you're doing, total. '06-'08 track bikes can be had turn key, ready to ride. Hell I only paid $4k for mine and it was an ex Fasttrax/Motoseries race bike.

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Noticed the forks poking up, also thought the rear looked like its dropped a little too. My thought was it was lowered for the owners height or aesthetics; dragging didn't cross my mind, but thats a good point.

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This has been covered many times in other threads too. In the end it is definitely easier/cheaper to buy a built track bike anymore, as the components are there and the work is done. I love building and tinkering too, but in the end, the savings are way better than the fun is worth.

I know R1 and I probably got 2 of the best deals in the trackbike history(I ended up paying less than $2,300 with mine, with full suspension, spare set of painted bodywork, OEM shock, and a Brembo MC, after I sold the OTHER spare rims/rains, OEM bodywork, etc. In the end I could have sold both those items and paid less than $2,000 for mine but had no idea what they were worth.

I think RVT got a good deal too, but forget the details.

Anyways, if it's not on WERA or a reputable site, I would NEVER buy it sight unseen unless I had someone in the area to look at it that knew their stuff. I.E. I would buy a bike from Michigan if Dave Gray went looked at it and said legit, I would buy a bike from Indy if Dubguy did the same, I wouldn't drive to either to look, but I know I can trust them.

Actually here ya go, this is where my bike came from NJ, this is a good deal, not great because I feel you definitely could talk them down to like 4-4500 DELIVERED. http://weraclassifieds.com/ads/2006-suzuki-gsxr-600-track-bike-loaded/

Edited by madcat6183
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I have no problem buying a wrecked bike for the track.

But I would want to look it over closely first.

make sure the forks, triple tree, rear swing arm, etc are not bent.

A stock 08 R6 is faster and handles better then most older sportbikes.

But will cost a fortune to build up.

You could purchase a well set up one for $5.5k to $6.5k.

I know of an AMA Spec 07 GSXR 600 for sale in Cincinnati for $5.5k.

And a well setup 08 CBR600RR for $6k.

Neither are mine, but I know both owners well.

PM me if you want info.

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