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WTF is wrong with kids these days?!?


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Bail said four of the six suspects have been arrested and all six will be charged as adults. Police do know the identities of the two girls at large. The four girls arrested are expected to be arraigned Friday morning on felony aggravated assault charges.
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No parents...... Nuff said. There are so many that dont have the guidance or the ass whoopin that used to happen. Sounds stupidbut theres no fear there....... Love my parents but i knew if i did anything stupid id have hell to pay with dad. Theres a lot to be said about putn the fear of god in a kid ...... Let em know the authorities are the least of their worries.

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No parents...... Nuff said. There are so many that dont have the guidance or the ass whoopin that used to happen. Sounds stupidbut theres no fear there....... Love my parents but i knew if i did anything stupid id have hell to pay with dad. Theres a lot to be said about putn the fear of god in a kid ...... Let em know the authorities are the least of their worries.

Exactly, I fear my dad and my mom more than anything else if I do something wrong. My dad may be old but I know he can still kick my ass and he makes sure to let me know he can (jokingly lol).

"I might be old and you might be bigger than me now but I'll still kick you ass boy! Haha" "love you too dad :)"

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I have more respect for my old man than any other human being that ever lived and he kept me inline and made me who I am. Sometimes it took a belt or his open hand but it was always for my own good. I like to think that I'm I good honest person that I try to be because of it.

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I discipline my kids, if I'm not too busy, on the computer, PS3, Xbox, social networks, watchin reality shows, bitchin about the president, bitchin about the presidential nominees, worried about what everyone else is doing, tryin to screw the neighbor, drinkin lots of beer, throwing up from drinking lots of beer, eating, smoking weed, eating a lot from smoking weed, masturbating cause the neighbor won't screw...........................

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Strange that beating your kids would teach them that violence is inappropriate. There are quite a few of us around that learned positive moral values from caring parents that did not resort to violence and fear. Parents that lack good moral values are going to raise bad kids whether they give them "ass whoopins" or not.

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Strange that beating your kids would teach them that violence is inappropriate. There are quite a few of us around that learned positive moral values from caring parents that did not resort to violence and fear. Parents that lack good moral values are going to raise bad kids whether they give them "ass whoopins" or not.

Agreed. I got whooped when I did something bad, after being sent to my room and sitting there for a while my dad would always come up and talk to me about what I did and explain why it was wrong. My mom was really good about making me feel bad when I would do something, just the look on her face would make me feel bad and regret doing what I did.

The funniest story they have of me (well one of many I wasn't a angle :evil:) is when I was 4-5 and was mad at them for some reason so I went out side, took a rake, and busted out one of the garage windows :lol:

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To many parents are scared of there kids or scared some one will call the police if they spank them in public.

Funny you said that. My son was throwning a fit at the walmart toy section one time and decided to sit on the floor and cry. I already had him by the arm and he would not stand up and walk, so i drug him by his arm while kicking im in the butt to motivate him.(and he was crying the whole time, not because he was hurt but because i would not buy him a toy)This lady in the store was watching the whole thing and decided to comment saying "oh that poor kid, i feel sorry for him to be treated like that" well i was already good and pissed of at him so i looked at her and said "do you want some of this too?"...:lol: Oh my God the look on her face was classic, i really thought the cops would be waiting outside but they werent.

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Strange that beating your kids would teach them that violence is inappropriate. There are quite a few of us around that learned positive moral values from caring parents that did not resort to violence and fear. Parents that lack good moral values are going to raise bad kids whether they give them "ass whoopins" or not.

Oh boy...refill time :popcorn:

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Funny you said that. My son was throwning a fit at the walmart toy section one time and decided to sit on the floor and cry. I already had him by the arm and he would not stand up and walk, so i drug him by his arm while kicking im in the butt to motivate him.(and he was crying the whole time, not because he was hurt but because i would not buy him a toy)This lady in the store was watching the whole thing and decided to comment saying "oh that poor kid, i feel sorry for him to be treated like that" well i was already good and pissed of at him so i looked at her and said "do you want some of this too?"...:lol: Oh my God the look on her face was classic, i really thought the cops would be waiting outside but they werent.




Damn PB rule

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seriously sick :(

on a side note, about parenting, this video summarizes many of our extremely strict parenting. The guy is an indian guy born in canada so kind of know good and bad of both worlds.


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I have that hour and half standup video that its from Doc. He is hilarious.

I got spanked and the belt when I was a kid. I could never use the belt like my dad did at times, but I will pop my hand across my kids ass when they are being bad, then time out time in a chair.

No spanking is worst parenting move ever. It breeds Obama voters..lol......and people who believe everyone gets a trophy without earning one.

Disclaimer: This is my opinion!

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