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Road Rage Shooting


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You guys are slow. This has been out for a whole 15 minutes... (Ch 10 reported at 4:25pm...)

Road rage incident in Delaware Ohio that leads to the motorcyclist shooting the pick-up driver:

edit: Careful what you say here, the rider or the driver or both might be some one we know.

edit: "No one has been charged. Delaware police are investigating the shooting."

Motorcyclist shoots pickup driver in road rage

Delaware Shooting Linked To Road Rage Confrontation

Man Shot In The Head Out Of Road Rage Incident





Edited by ReconRat
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Caught a quick glimpse of this on the TV news. Didn't get a real good look at the bike but it was definitely a silver BMW oilhead boxer, and I think it was a R1150GS, but not sure on the model since I just saw it quickly.

So the question arises: Are there any armed BMW owners on this forum who haven't been heard from lately?

Edited by motociclista
Never mind, saw the photo above.
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Pickup truck tries to kill motorcycle rider. Rider tries to get away. Truck begins pursuit. Rider shoots driver.

How's that for a theory? :dunno:


May be just shooting the tires off would have been good enough :( unless of course he lost it when he got rammed by the truck multiple times in an attempt to kill

Edited by NinjaDoc
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Don't shoot at tires. Bullets can actually bounce off. Bullets will bounce off of anything if given half a chance.

About an hour later, an SUV and motorcycle collided at College and Brookwood Road on Columbus East side. Not a good afternoon.

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If any of you get a chance, read this article about the shooting. Actually read the comments below the article. The first tool to respond is the one I'm talking about.


Specifiically this:

"Rec Oncile (Reconcial)

Hmmm. If the shooter didn't have a gun with him, this wouldn't have happened.

2012-09-30 19:17:36.0"

I thought about creating a log in and lighting that one up, But I don't want to waste my time.

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  KZ900 said:
Truck pokes in left lane. Bike cannot get by because truck decides he will not pass car on right. Bike finally blows by on right. Flips off Truck. Truck decides to get on bikes ass. Bike pulls into Auto Zone. Idiot Truck Guy takes Crow bar or some other object to a gunfight and gets ride in helicopter.

That is plausible in that area. I drive it all the time and people are known to do the screw around. Delaware is also full of D-Bags that would pull a crowbar. I'm sure he didn't go terminator style and shoot on the bike. We will see what comes of it. Until then we shall enjoy speculation.

And if we didn't have cars we wouldn't have road rage so lets ban cars.

No arrest made means it was likely self defense and they are investigating. Plus people that roll a BMW bike aren't known as thugs that fly off the handle and kill at will.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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I have had more issues with pickup truck owners/drivers than anything else, many seem to think the road belongs to them, and especially get irate when a motorcycle blows by them. I am typically armed with something when I ride, and I sure hope and pray I never have an escalation this extreme.

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Crazy, I had just ridden that same road that the altercation started on about an hour prior to that (State Rt. 42 from Delaware to Plain City), hope it was a self defense scenario and not some vengance thing. It will be interesting to get the details on this one.

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  max power said:
The first responding officers located one victim who had been shot in the head,....

The victim’s injuries are not believed to be life-threatening....


Ricochet off the skull, a shot in and out clean through the cheek, or a hit to the jaw. Not as uncommon as you think. As someone said earlier, bullets love to bounce off things.

I'd say the truck driver caused the incident. Likely the driver got agitated at something the biker did ("Oh no, he passed me. Now I'm mad enough I should kill him") and chased him until he was boxed in, and then tried to run him over. Eventually the biker had enough and found a safe place to stop to confront the driver, and the driver pulled a weapon. Good thing the biker was faster on the draw.

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  buildit said:
Sounds like the motorcyclist chased the pickup down. Not sure what transpired before they hit the city limit but it doesn't sound like it will go over well as a self defense incident.

If that is the case, a Darwin award needs to be handed out.:wtf:

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  Pokey said:
I have had more issues with pickup truck owners/drivers than anything else, many seem to think the road belongs to them, and especially get irate when a motorcycle blows by them. I am typically armed with something when I ride, and I sure hope and pray I never have an escalation this extreme.

X1000000 on this. It always seems to be some jerk in a busted F150 or a Dodge with nuts hanging off the back of it. Apparently because their bucket is worth as much as the accessories installed on it they cop a serious attitude. Also thou shall not pass or you will be tailgated and you will respect the power of his rusty heap.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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  MidgetTodd said:
Hey now there are no nuts hanging off the back of my Dodge. And its not rusty. And it rarely gets passed.

But do you spit dip and curse those damn Jap bikes? If not then you are on our side!

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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  buildit said:
Sounds like the motorcyclist chased the pickup down. Not sure what transpired before they hit the city limit but it doesn't sound like it will go over well as a self defense incident.

Where did you find this piece of info?

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