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Road Rage Shooting


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It's definitely getting dicey to have any kind of confrontation, on-road or otherwise, given the number of people carrying nowadays. And while I can understand and defend a person's right to self-defense, I'm also completely convinced that there is probably the same percentage of drooling idiots/mouth-breathers who are carrying--legal or otherwise--as there are in the general 'A-murican' population. That, my friend, is a VERY scary thought.

I was riding in NKY last year with a group of 4-5 bikes on a rural road. Several of the group passed a slower car--it was doing maybe five under--and as the second bike went by, the cager swerved across the center line toward the biker. I waited about 15-30 seconds and as I went to pass, he swung across the center line to block me. Knowing that we were coming up to a light in a mile or so, I waited with the rest of the group behind. At the light, I pulled up alongside of the car, tapped on the window, thinking I might have an 'animated dialog' with the dumbass....which was when I noticed that he had reached over to the passenger seat and had uncovered a rather wicked looking semi-auto pistol that he had concealed beneath a sweatshirt. :wtf: Needless to say, that kind'a ended any argument on my part in a big hurry.

Now, you can make a couple of arguments here: 1) showing his weapon certainly made further confrontation unlikely, at least with anyone having a modicum of common sense and self-preservation; but 2) had he played the same game with someone who was also carrying, how likely would the situation have gone from no-big-deal to something similar to that in this thread? Unfortunately, this thread is a GREAT illustration that holding a CHL is no guarantee of intelligence/maturity/common sense. :(

Edited by Bubba
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You should have called his plate in, and had all of your friends witness what happened.

Understand though, that if you're carrying, and this situation were to happen again...you tapping on his glass "escalates", and you cannot claim self defense if you shoot him(assuring more happens than brandishing).

Edited by BadTrainDriver
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I think that guy got 10 years in prison. At the 1:15 mark when he passes if he went 1 or 2 inches farther left he hits the grass and ends up in tree. If his partner was not filming what happens to truck guy?

Yeah he did time. If his partner wasn't filming, he better hope he has a photographic memory to nab his license plate.

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Yeah he did time. If his partner wasn't filming, he better hope he has a photographic memory to nab his license plate.

Even then it would be word against word. "Didn't you see the deer run out from the right? I had to swerve around it..."

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I'm sure there is a lot of lying going on...

There's a TON of lying going on. People don't randomly shoot each other - "It takes two to Tango" I don't perceive Mattingly as being all sweet and innocent based upon the information I have available to me right now.

If Mattingly is trying to come up with some excuse for why Stillwagon "mistook" his actions then he needs to STFU and get a lawyer. If there are any witnesses to the truck backing up then Mattingly is at risk of charges too. Heck, given the story being told by the police (mutual antagonization) I'd expect (minor) charges against Mattingly anyway - and he doesn't want to corner himself into an indefensible position by going on record with made-up BS.

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And, this is why I don't carry. Plus, not being allowed to at school, or AK...

But I admit that I have road rage. On the bike, that usually ends up with me pinning it and dipping out. But, I've had a confrontation or two, where I was more angry than my hindsight tells me I should have been.

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Why do so many here even give a fuck?

Have to agree with ya on that, I know what I would more than likely do in a situation like that. And it would be nothing like what transpired between these fucktards.

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Have to agree with ya on that, I know what I would more than likely do in a situation like that. And it would be nothing like what transpired between these fucktards.

Ditto here. Helmet camera powers activate! :lol:


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Ive been riding bikes for about 21 years now and Ive seen some shit go down and if car don't want to respect bikes this is what is need to go down. Well if trucks want to ride people on motorcycles ass throw a couple of semi truck ball bearing or spark plugs over your shoulder. And if he cant take the hint try to get him to pull over and bash his fucking head in. that's road rage.

Edited by wht_scorpion
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Does his truck's bad transmission cause it to back up? Or is he saying that Stillwagon is lying about the truck backing up?

Yeah Dodges tend to throw themselves in reverse every once in a while on off-ramps. It's rather annoying lol.

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And, this is why I don't carry. Plus, not being allowed to at school, or AK...

But I admit that I have road rage. On the bike, that usually ends up with me pinning it and dipping out. But, I've had a confrontation or two, where I was more angry than my hindsight tells me I should have been.

Please keep not carrying.

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i would think that if the dodge wanted to back over him, he would have ran over him before the guy on the bike could get his gun out, maybe manual trans and rolled back

The ramp is downhill so any backwards movement would have to be under power.

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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, But think about how different the story would be if stillwagon had killed this guy.

The story would read, "OSU great takes out baby killer in self defense shooting." That would be the end of the story.

The lesson here? Don't shoot someone in self defense to maim them, shoot to kill them.

Dead men tell no tales.

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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, But think about how different the story would be if stillwagon had killed this guy.

The story would read, "OSU great takes out baby killer in self defense shooting." That would be the end of the story.

The lesson here? Don't shoot someone in self defense to maim them, shoot to kill them.

Dead men tell no tales.

Seriously? This tripe is not even worth a response.

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