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The Official Romney Owned Obama Thread


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I thought he did well. I like his answers. He doesnt need definite plans of actions like Obama kept saying. He has his goals and will work with both parties to develop a plan or leave it up to the state and private sector.... Makes sense to me.

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If by "owned" you mean he told the american people that 15+8=15 then yes, he did a great job of that.

Great "zinger"

I started this thread just for you Magley!

And I'm doing this from a crappy phone app so if I missed the forum lets have the mods move it.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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I didn't watch this circus tent and don't follow politics but a business man would be good. Someone who understands the meaning of profit and budget. Tired of hearing we need jobs...We need businesses to continue to make a profit to be able grow so they need to fill positions. We don't need business to make a profit just to offer jobs. The owners should keep that shit.:D

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Obama started off trying to argue against the lies that he and his campaign have been telling about Mitts positions........ Mitt set him straight and then continued to wipe the floor with him! Obama looked confused and pathetic! LMAO

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My honest question is, does it matter? Lets say Romney won the debate. Will this cause Democratic voters and/or Obama fans to vote for Romney now? Honest question, I am not big into politics. I guess I just don't grasp what the debates are for other than finger pointing and arguing...

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My honest question is, does it matter? Lets say Romney won the debate. Will this cause Democratic voters and/or Obama fans to vote for Romney now? Honest question, I am not big into politics. I guess I just don't grasp what the debates are for other than finger pointing and arguing...

They had a focus group of people 33/33/33 that certified (whatever that means) that they were either for one of the candidates or the other or was undecided before the debate. After the debate they asked the group of them who voted for Obama the last election, and i think they showed nearly 60% of them did. Then then asked of those who will be voting for Obama this time, only 6-7 kept their hands up, The rest said they would be voting for Romney. If there is a video of it ill post it for ya.

Edited by Gunner75
There isnt a video up yet, but i bet there will be soon
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So Romney flopped on his tax plan, then flipped on his healthcare plan, Flopped on his financial reform, and didn't explain at all how he was going to do anything...

Basically he told everyone he was going to keep the parts of Obamacare that are popular, but get rid of the bits that aren't.

Lower taxes for everyone without cutting services or benefits, without blowing up the defecit, and still spending 2 trillion more on defense spending...I guess he plans on spending his own money? How is spending 2 trillion more, and lowering taxes "revenue neutral" and how is "revenue neutral" cutting the deficit?

Keep the parts of finance reform that are popular, without explaining how he would pay for it.

I think he believes he can somehow conjure money out of thin air.

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So Romney flopped on his tax plan, then flipped on his healthcare plan, Flopped on his financial reform, and didn't explain at all how he was going to do anything...

Basically he told everyone he was going to keep the parts of Obamacare that are popular, but get rid of the bits that aren't.

Lower taxes for everyone without cutting services or benefits, without blowing up the defecit, and still spending 2 trillion more on defense spending...I guess he plans on spending his own money? How is spending 2 trillion more, and lowering taxes "revenue neutral" and how is "revenue neutral" cutting the deficit?

Keep the parts of finance reform that are popular, without explaining how he would pay for it.

I think he believes he can somehow conjure money out of thin air.

Sounds like someone needs a hug.

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