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Live feed starts at 0830. He will be free falling 22 miles and becoming the first man to break the sound barrier without a vehicle. He definitely has some brass balls the size of cantaloupes.

This is awesome,

Interesting wording, "without a vehicle" that's cause there is a faster man. A guy in the 60s ejected from an SR71.

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This is awesome,

Interesting wording, "without a vehicle" that's cause there is a faster man. A guy in the 60s ejected from an SR71.

First of all, thank-you for reminding me of the SR-71, one of my favorites planes of all time! I don't think that the "interesting wording" is designed to separate this event from "A guy in the 60s" but now you have me reading up on the SR-71s. Seems there were actually plenty of ejections from the planes in the 60s and even 70s. Back to the wording; is he not technically using a vehicle, vis-à-vis the Balloon, to make the achievement? All of the bullshit aside :bow: free fall acceleration to the sound barrier!

Do you know Felix? If not I'd say he's safe from your jinx.


I got pulled away from the feed and was afraid I had missed it. Luckily well will never know if Felix is impervious to the jinx that keeps my ass away from fun stuff on the 9th.

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For some that want some comparison. Typical passenger jet flys at 30,000 and 43,000 feet, the concord can go up to 50,000 to 60,000 feet. Specially modified military jets have gone up to 100,000 feet plus for short amounts of time. (20 minutes max). He is headed up to 120,000 to 130,000 feet.

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For those that don't know, a spin induced in thin air, can be fatal. Aircraft or not.

I wish this guy all the luck in the world. This is quite dangerous.

edit: above 30,000 feet the temperature drops rapidly.

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having trouble with his helmet heater, wonder if it will be aborted?

Wondering that as well. You'd think that would be on a preflight checklist somewhere, no?

FYI it's also on Discovery channel if anyone has a slow connection.

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