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Rescheduling Trick or Treating....your thoughts


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that's your decision as their father to make, but i'd ask them if they want to go, and bundle 'em up if they do. they're only kids once - they won't die from a little cold and rain.

BINGO! The decision should be made by the parents and the kids, not the government

The only abuse taking place is that of the governments taking away the freedom of choice of parents and children, that is what bothers me the most. The other bothersome thing was they did this 2 days ahead of time when the weather would be at its worst, the forecast for Wednesday evening isn't nearly as bad and we all know weathermen suck at predicting weather more than a few hours before anyhow

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BINGO! The decision should be made by the parents and the kids, not the government

So, go trick or treating tomorrow?

You can't cry about the big bad "government" and then expect the government to use it's powers to notify, inform, and coordinate the populace as to a schedule for trick or treating.

That didn't happen when I was a kid. The neighborhood folks got together and coordinated it themselves, regardless of the "government" rescheduling. So, if you don't want to follow the GOV'T schedule, then the folks can get together and set it up themselves -- rain or shine. I blame the parents and neighborhoods for not handling it themselves.

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So, go trick or treating tomorrow?

You can't cry about the big bad "government" and then expect the government to use it's powers to notify, inform, and coordinate the populace as to a schedule for trick or treating.

That didn't happen when I was a kid. The neighborhood folks got together and coordinated it themselves, regardless of the "government" rescheduling. So, if you don't want to follow the GOV'T schedule, then the folks can get together and set it up themselves -- rain or shine. I blame the parents and neighborhoods for not handling it themselves.

Unless I'm missing your point, that is what I'm saying. They don't need to step in and handle that. Parents weren't given the chance to handle it themselves like they used to 20 years ago. I'm not really blaming anyone here because if the weather was like last night on Wednesday night the whole point is moot and I'd have zero complaints because it would be a safety issue even I wouldn't argue. I just have a hard time believing the weather will be any worse than any time I've ever been out

I'm not turning this into a political thing though and that was not my intention. I just don't approve of being told what to do limiting my freedom of choice. The rest of the sheeple might bow down to it, but I shall not go down without being a loud mouthed pain in someones ass for intruding on my decision making. I could go on and on about how most the general populace is too stupid to make correct decisions on their own and needing someone to do it for them but that is just more opinion with no factual info to back it up or the care to find said facts when I can just apply my superior logic ;)

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Then what's to bitch about?

If the parents are handling it then you have no complaints and ToT will go on as planned

If the cities are rescheduling, for the parents that don't coordinate with their neighbors, then what sweat is it off your back if you're in the former group?

I guess I'm really trying to figure out what you started this thread for and what you wanted the outcome to be?

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Then what's to bitch about?

If the parents are handling it then you have no complaints and ToT will go on as planned

If the cities are rescheduling, for the parents that don't coordinate with their neighbors, then what sweat is it off your back if you're in the former group?

I guess I'm really trying to figure out what you started this thread for and what you wanted the outcome to be?

The cities themselves are saying "you cant trick or treat on the 31st". The residents then take that as an order and abide because they are dumb and do not care they've just had a freedom of choice hindered upon. The proper protocol should be for the city to sit back and do nothing and let parents and kids trick or treat ON HALLOWEEN at their own risk like it has been for a long time. No coordination is needed in this whatsoever. I am the type of person that finds it a back handed smack in the face by an authority basically saying we are doing this because you're too stupid to make decisions on your own so we will do it for you. That may not be right, but its certainly not wrong

because I was bored and needed some entertainment and knew if I bitched about something I could entertain myself and maybe others with some good ol fashion bitching and ranting. Secondly, they are messing up my plans and I hate when people do that and I find this meddling unnecessary. Thirdly, lately I like being the "get off my lawn" clint eastwood type for the lulz

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The cities themselves are saying "you cant trick or treat on the 31st". The residents then take that as an order and abide because they are dumb and do not care they've just had a freedom of choice hindered upon. The proper protocol should be for the city to sit back and do nothing and let parents and kids trick or treat ON HALLOWEEN at their own risk like it has been for a long time. No coordination is needed in this whatsoever. I am the type of person that finds it a back handed smack in the face by an authority basically saying we are doing this because you're too stupid to make decisions on your own so we will do it for you. That may not be right, but its certainly not wrong

So, how do you know this isn't the gov't trolling you? It's not illegal to go out tomorrow -- just because you may think they're implying that it's forbidden, it may just be to get a rise out of the fanatical individual liberty-types to get them to go out in the shitty weather for the lulz.

That's probably what I would do if I was in the gov't. :D

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So, how do you know this isn't the gov't trolling you? It's not illegal to go out tomorrow -- just because you may think they're implying that it's forbidden, it may just be to get a rise out of the fanatical individual liberty-types to get them to go out in the shitty weather for the lulz.

That's probably what I would do if I was in the gov't. :D

you son of a! haha

because it is now a waste of time because once the sheeple hear it they then will follow blindly.

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Here ya go Bad, Post a large sign in your yard, "trick-or-treating will only take place on Halloween at this house. Should you show up on Saturday, you will recieve no candy, and instead will be met at the door with a paintball gun"

Although I do love this idea, I will end up caving to the demands if Broadview Hts decides to change it but thankfully they have not yet. North Royalton did yesterday and I assumed Brecksville and Broadview would follow as the 3 usually make decisions aligning with the others. My Halloween with the gf's niece and nephew is still on...for now and my bitching is now just for the principle of the matter I suppose :D

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It's about picking and choosing your battles.

If I'm a sheeple because I "let" the gov't dictate that Halloween ToT is on a weekend where it's more convenient for me, and makes it less likely I'll run into sniveling kids or their parents on a Saturday night out to any establishment I frequent.... then I'm a sheeple.

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JRMMiii "I'm a..." Checklist:

I'm a:

Rightwinger ....Check!

Political Whore ....Check!

Sheeple ....Check!


Bike Mechanic

Tool ....Check!

Post Whore ....Check!

Forum Troll ....Check!

You're making good progress, keep up the good work!


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Insensitive is me teabagging you when I know you have chaetophobia

Chaetophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Chaetophobia is fear of hair. Sufferers fear may be associated with human hair and / or animal hair. They fear people / animals with an excess amount of hair.

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that's your decision as their father to make, but i'd ask them if they want to go, and bundle 'em up if they do. they're only kids once - they won't die from a little cold and rain.

if Jr. wants to go out tomorrow night, he can, otherwise he's going to help man the door - which means he'll be tired of that in 5 minutes and hit the begging trail.

My kids are only 1 and 2, they won't care either way lol. Me and my wife talked about it today and decided we are going to take them up our street and back and call it a night.

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When my niece was 2, my sister didn't think the weather was appropriate for trick or treating that year, so she had my BIL buy a bunch of assorted candy, had my niece dress up in her costume, then she and jimmy ran all around her place that night so her daughter could knock on the doors and say trick or treat.

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When my niece was 2, my sister didn't think the weather was appropriate for trick or treating that year, so she had my BIL buy a bunch of assorted candy, had my niece dress up in her costume, then she and jimmy ran all around her place that night so her daughter could knock on the doors and say trick or treat.

^ doing this for the kids this year both have been under the weather and don't want to risk making it worse.

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