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Unofficial backyard woodburnin meat and great Saturday night.

max power

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Pauly I'm glad you made the trip down. Hopefully lynz doesn't still think we are a bunch of drunk assholes.

Shawn thanks for hosting this shindig. I will drink with your uncle again any day that man knows his beer.

John- I honestly don't know what I said to offend you so much but I apologize. It was all ment to be in good fun and we were all getting and giving each other a hard time. If it came off as malicious or personal I didn't mean for it to be.

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Lyns just told me that MT called me a metrosexual. I'm offended and want to post about my butthurtedness' date=' too.

Todd.. thou dost offend me, so. E tu, Brute? :cry:[/quote']

Now you're a cry baby metrosexual. You cannot have that many shoes and a scarf and not be :lol:

But I still love you like a no homo retarded little puppy with the herp :)

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Thanks for the fun time' date=' Shawn. Lyns and I had some good laughs. I'm not sure what the deal is with the ruffled jimmies, but I'm glad we left before the yard was littered with sandy vagina sauce. [/quote']

Indeed. Amber and I had fun, sad I left before the traditional rustling of jimmies and (if given enough time and goat piss) the ensuing Feats of Strength.

Casper, I think you imported that dogshit from your house just so you could troll others.

A+++, would bonfire again.

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Indeed. Amber and I had fun, sad I left before the traditional rustling of jimmies and (if given enough time and goat piss) the ensuing Feats of Strength.

Casper, I think you imported that dogshit from your house just so you could troll others.

A+++, would bonfire again.

My Goat piss does, on occasion, import mythical powers

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Indeed. Amber and I had fun, sad I left before the traditional rustling of jimmies and (if given enough time and goat piss) the ensuing Feats of Strength.

Casper, I think you imported that dogshit from your house just so you could troll others.

A+++, would bonfire again.

I sniffed my truck. No poop. I'm gonna have to get the shit remnants on my shoes DNA tested to convince you guys.

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