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Go Bags, what to have in one


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Yo Dawg, We heard you like go bags so we put a go bag in your go bag so you can go while you go..


Backpack drawstring bag to store stuff inside backpack.

Doubles as quick backpack. $7.75.



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  • 1 month later...

If you ever wash any of your gear, you're not supposed to use detergents that have optical brighteners. Camouflage is not meant to be brighter and easier to see in visible, UV and IR. Even using once is permanent change.

Laundry detergents that do not contain optical brighteners:

Bold Powder

Cheer Liquid (all versions)

Cheer Powder (all versions)

All Powder (all versions)

Surf Powder (all versions)

All Detergent Free Clear Country Save Liquid Detergent

Allen’s Naturally Laundry Detergent (liquid and powder)

Bi-O-Kleen Laundry Detergent (liquid and powder)

Charlie’s Soap (liquid and powder)

ECOS Free and Clear Laundry Detergent

Mountain Green Liquid Laundry Detergent

Nature Clean (liquid and powder)

Ecover Ecological Liquid Detergent

Oxy-Prime Powdered Laundry Detergent

Planet Ultra laundry detergents

Seventh Generation Laundry detergents

SportwashSun and Earth LiquidSurf Powder (not Surf Liquid)


Woolite, original and dark.

edit: Don't forget that animals like deer and coyotes supposedly can see a bit in the IR range. Maybe UV also?

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  • 10 months later...

Found the plastic back plate that goes in a MARPAT assault bag. Don't see them often, and my bag didn't have one. Found woodland gear to replace the ACU. Bag weighs 23 pounds without water and is packed at random till it was full. The shovel is heavy, but there should be one. SOG FastHawk for chopping. Not very big, but will work. A camping saw blade, the Japanese style that cuts on the pull. Most machetes are stupid. Mine is a cheap Chinese blade that balances well. Small tent, small tarp, sleeping bag, and mat are all extra weight. A deck of cards.


I tried the solar powered charging unit, and it works very nice. Can charge phone and tablet. Tablet and phone both have GPS navigation apps and a load of topo maps. Still like paper maps better with a mil-spec compass.


I have a lot of "add water" food. The stuff is light. I wound up with four stoves. One unleaded/kerosene/white gas rig, one that runs on a bottle, and two cheap amazon.com Chinese burners for bottles to see if they are as good as the expensive stuff. I bet they work just as well.


Heard recently of people getting lost in Wayne National Forest. Without planning or prep. Not a good idea.


Found my old ALICE pack, and found a new frame locally. Still a good rig.

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Thanks for bumping this to remind me a need to update, redo mine with some new gear.

Note on the tarp, be sure to get a OD or black, not the typical "look at me blue" if this is for a SHTF situation. If it's for an "I'm lost in BFE", blue would probably be fine, orange even better.

If space is tight, you can forgo the tent and stick with a tarp or two and some 550 cord.

I have a small folding hand saw, two actually, but I'd like to pick up a pocket chain saw for weight and space reduction.

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Funny i just got into a huge fight with my wife today( still sitting in the basement to cool off ) about what a waste of time and money bags and preps are. She thinks it is a complete waste of resources and money. I feel she is a asshat and told her so. Then told here if she ever needs something in a emergency she is screwed.

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Funny i just got into a huge fight with my wife today( still sitting in the basement to cool off ) about what a waste of time and money bags and preps are. She thinks it is a complete waste of resources and money. I feel she is a asshat and told her so. Then told here if she ever needs something in a emergency she is screwed.

Ask her what she would do in real life situations, tornado, hurricane, flood, etc. Tell her you feel it's your responsibility to care for your family in any possible situation. Give real life examples she can relate to, not zombies or alien invasion.

Edited by chevysoldier
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Lol what is that tonik? Have not seen that much since kid four lol. And chevy as far as being realistic with what my preps are for she still thinks its a waste.

Shut the power off for three to five days. Then ask her if she enjoys her way of not being prepared.Let me see if I can find a link for you to check out...

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Here, read this link. Maybe it'll help you out. Also, maybe refer to it as "homesteading" instead of "prepping". You want to be self sufficient and not rely on society so much.


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Honestly, I'm leaning more toward a homesteading idea instead of a prepper idea. I guess there isn't a whole lot of difference other than preppers seem to have a goal of being prepared for a certain, or many, situations by having a fall back plan and stockpile swhereas I'd rather be prepared for those situations by not needing to change my lifestyle but instead have already equipped myself to be self sufficient, and still have stockpiles. I guess what I mean is instead of stocking laundry detergent from the store, I can make my own. Instead of stocking canned food from the store, I can supply my own food. I'd rather bug in than bug out. Now saying that, I do understand bugging out may happen or be a better option, but I'd rather almost live "off the grid" willingly before I am forced to do it. Does that make sense?

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We do our part for being more self reliant. We garden, and can from the garden. But she thinks its nuts to have freeze dried food, cases of water stacked up, and feels no need to stock up on ammo. Even though i am stocking up on ammo more do to prices keep going up. So if i find it cheap i buy some, not tons but what i can afford

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We do our part for being more self reliant. We garden, and can from the garden. But she thinks its nuts to have freeze dried food, cases of water stacked up, and feels no need to stock up on ammo. Even though i am stocking up on ammo more do to prices keep going up. So if i find it cheap i buy some, not tons but what i can afford

Then there is only one alternative then...divorce her. :lol:

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Funny i just got into a huge fight with my wife today( still sitting in the basement to cool off ) about what a waste of time and money bags and preps are. She thinks it is a complete waste of resources and money. I feel she is a asshat and told her so. Then told here if she ever needs something in a emergency she is screwed.

Fed gov thinks everyone should have one.




Everyone should have 20-30 days worth of canned goods in the pantry. I had one Winter with about 10 days without power, and one Summer hurricane in Ohio that knocked out power for quite a while. It was dark and/or cold, but I wasn't hungry. Not really possible to buy food if the grocery is without power and closed.


A friend of mine gave his parents gas masks. They were confused why they would need them. They live in between a freeway and two railroad lines. In short order there were two toxic chemical spills that forced them to evacuate. They called up to get lessons on how to use the gas masks...


edit: If total anarchy evolved, a 22LR would get you a cup of soup. Or a rabbit, that would be worth a week of soup. I figure I got at least 10 years worth of... soup...


edit: and yes Chevy, homestead "hunker down" is more practical and more likely. It happens often enough in storms. People in Florida know this. A hurricane will even result in organized patrols of the neighborhood to protect people and property. There will be no outside help, protection, food, or water brought in, for quite a long time. You're on your own.

Edited by ReconRat
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