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wrecked bike


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That sir is what I like to refer to as a joke. The problem is he doesn't fucking listen or respect my shit. I told him NOT to ride it and he did, multiple times now... The problem is he does whatever the hell he wants to, he can't ask permission like normal people do, he can't take no for an answer either... Would I of let him ride it? Sure, I told him when I get my kickstand on he can ride it next summer(with me, not with a bunch of strangers cuz he likes to show off)

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That sir is what I like to refer to as a joke. The problem is he doesn't fucking listen or respect my shit. I told him NOT to ride it and he did, multiple times now... The problem is he does whatever the hell he wants to, he can't ask permission like normal people do, he can't take no for an answer either... Would I of let him ride it? Sure, I told him when I get my kickstand on he can ride it next summer(with me, not with a bunch of strangers cuz he likes to show off)

So you told him "multiple times" and yet you left your bike there and then complain when he wrecks it? I fail to see the logic here.

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Tom are you just jealous that he wrecked it before you had the chance to?

I was plan on wrecking it myself today, I had it all planned out. I was gunna take it up to ft ancient and do a reenactment of my first(last) crash.

Seriously though, how would u feel if someone took something of yours, especially after you told them no and they ended up destroying it? Doesn't matter what it is, t.v., car, bike, book, sammich, laptop, broom, etc... How would that make you feel? You would be pissed off? Amiright?

If my shits gunna get destroyed I'd prefer to be the one that destroys it. I'm more pissed off he keeps taking my shit without my permission(just so he can brag about it) than I about the damage. Well, I told him he better fork up some cash cuz everyone here can see that it's his bike, he even has it listed and so I just want the money back I gave for it now, it clearly wasn't a gift.

I'm sick and fucking tired of him bragging to everyone all the fucking time and trying to show off like an idiot. he has destroyed so much shit and injured himself numerous times just so he can "look cool" infront of other people. Obviously he only cares about boosting his own fucking ego all the time.

We fucking get it, your fucking handicapible, now quit acting like a fucking child all the God damn time.

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I jinxed you, on the 8th of Nov. I told you at least your Dad didn't wreck it and bend up the bars, sorry about that. When I told you this I was just going thru the memories, I lost my Dad the very next day.

Its Ok to mad but it is your Dad, don't be a hater, as nice as the bike is its only a material item.

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I wish my dad was still around to knock the mirror off my bike...

Me too. I would let my dad drop my bike every day if he were still here, as long as he didn't get hurt.

Some of my best memories are taking slow rides with my dad.

No other shit matters when he is gone.

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hahahahahahahahahahahahahah Exarch you are just a peach my friend. He busted a mirror, a god damn mirror. He didn't drop it and you saw he "wrecked it". Get a fucking clue

One of my friends and fellow board member accidentally hit my bike in a parking lot, dropping it and scratching up the paint and breaking a mirror. I was angry for 30 seconds and realized its just a god damn mirror and paint in which he was gonna have fixed. Big fucking deal and grow the fuck up already. You've been pretty good since your re-introduction but this post is sending you right back down Dumbass Lane

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To be honest, I understand where he is coming from, if he's telling the truth. If someone, anyone (family included - just because you 'made' the child doesn't mean you can be shitty), repeatedly disrespected me by going against my wishes, that would upset me. Exarch is taking it a bit far - probably the alcohol - but damn, everyone else in here is claiming what a saint they would be if this happened to them.... I'll be honest, I would be upset.

On the other hand, I left my bike at a family member's house over the winter a few times when I didn't have a garage. If I knew that they were taking it out against my wishes or otherwise disrespecting my property, I would have the common sense to move it so that they couldn't. If you're mature enough to have a motorcycle, you're mature enough to plan for storing it somewhere that it won't be f'd with.

Hopefully you and your dad can get over this and start having some respect for each other - clearly from both of your guy's threads it seems you don't care if you piss each other off and taunt each other in front of thousands of people on the internet. Life's short and there's a good chance you'll regret acting like this someday soon. Hope this works out for you.

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hahahahahahahahahahahahahah Exarch you are just a peach my friend. He busted a mirror, a god damn mirror. He didn't drop it and you saw he "wrecked it". Get a fucking clue

One of my friends and fellow board member accidentally hit my bike in a parking lot, dropping it and scratching up the paint and breaking a mirror. I was angry for 30 seconds and realized its just a god damn mirror and paint in which he was gonna have fixed. Big fucking deal and grow the fuck up already. You've been pretty good since your re-introduction but this post is sending you right back down Dumbass Lane

:lol: Damn that brings back memories to my 636 in 2004. I let my friend pactice on it in his driveway like a good friend. Well he said,"1 more time." I shouldn't have said ok because we pressed his luck. I can't remember what all happen, but I remember saying hit the brake!...and he fell off and launched my bike in wheelie formation into a ditch. I was shocked.

I was impressed by his friendship though as I looked it over and he got on the phone and told the dealership all I needed and gave them his credit card number. Right there I knew he was the coolest friend ever. :cool:

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^ that is why I only have friends with good credit.

My buddy's dad wanted to ride my first bike. I let him, but on the condition that I got to drive his '66 vette convertible until it was fixed if he caused the bike to need fixing.

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I was plan on wrecking it myself today, I had it all planned out. I was gunna take it up to ft ancient and do a reenactment of my first(last) crash.

Seriously though, how would u feel if someone took something of yours, especially after you told them no and they ended up destroying it? Doesn't matter what it is, t.v., car, bike, book, sammich, laptop, broom, etc... How would that make you feel? You would be pissed off? Amiright?

If my shits gunna get destroyed I'd prefer to be the one that destroys it. I'm more pissed off he keeps taking my shit without my permission(just so he can brag about it) than I about the damage. Well, I told him he better fork up some cash cuz everyone here can see that it's his bike, he even has it listed and so I just want the money back I gave for it now, it clearly wasn't a gift.

I'm sick and fucking tired of him bragging to everyone all the fucking time and trying to show off like an idiot. he has destroyed so much shit and injured himself numerous times just so he can "look cool" infront of other people. Obviously he only cares about boosting his own fucking ego all the time.

We fucking get it, your fucking handicapible, now quit acting like a fucking child all the God damn time.

First of all, if you hate your dad or dislike him so much - your tone is telling us that you don't have a good relationship with your father. Why the fuck did you allow him to put it in his name and register it to himself??

What I think is going on here and proof from your other idiotic threads is that you either have shit credit and cannot buy a fucking thing or those multiple jobs you work aren't enough to buy anything so, your dad buys a bike.

You obviously didn't buy the bike. Because if it was your purchase, you would have had the bike in your name. It isn't. Then, it apparently isn't registered to you which again shows it isn't your bike.

So, tell us all how one, he "destroyed it" and then second, how he rode "your" bike?

First and foremost, your anger towards your dad is a family issue and shouldn't be brought up here. You have a distaste for your father? Who gives a flying fuck? I've broken and actually DESTROYED some of my dad's shit. If my dad didn't have a rod in his leg, I would let him ride ANYTHING I own and if he destroyed it, I mean, knocked a pile of shit mirror off an old bike that has mirrors on ebay for next to nothing? I'd slap him on the ass, give him a high five and say "Shit, you call that a wreck? Stand back, old man."...

Why the hell do you post this shit on here? I seriously think that you are really a 16 year old punk that doesn't have a dime to his name and have a dad that bought a bike that HE LETS YOU RIDE and your pissed because you're trying to build cred on here. Stop. Go away.

Or, maybe your whole family needs training and help in learning to ride. As they say, the apple never usually falls far from the tree... But, the way you talk about your dad and if he did all that because of your insurance record or lack of funds, he can shove that fucking F4 into a glove box and I would say he has all the right in the world. If he wants to seat bounce that thing over 6 parked cars, good on him. He owns it.

Then, the way you act here about your dad, I can only imagine how much of a fucking bitch you've been to him in regards to a stupid mirror that I too would have told you "I need $200 for the registration and oh, by the way - you best pay me back and get this pile of shit out of my garage or it turns into a bon fire."

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To be honest, I understand where he is coming from, if he's telling the truth. If someone, anyone (family included - just because you 'made' the child doesn't mean you can be shitty), repeatedly disrespected me by going against my wishes, that would upset me. Exarch is taking it a bit far - probably the alcohol - but damn, everyone else in here is claiming what a saint they would be if this happened to them.... I'll be honest, I would be upset.

On the other hand, I left my bike at a family member's house over the winter a few times when I didn't have a garage. If I knew that they were taking it out against my wishes or otherwise disrespecting my property, I would have the common sense to move it so that they couldn't. If you're mature enough to have a motorcycle, you're mature enough to plan for storing it somewhere that it won't be f'd with.

Hopefully you and your dad can get over this and start having some respect for each other - clearly from both of your guy's threads it seems you don't care if you piss each other off and taunt each other in front of thousands of people on the internet. Life's short and there's a good chance you'll regret acting like this someday soon. Hope this works out for you.

The difference here is that if two people family or friend were actually tight and had a good bond between them? None of this would be an issue. Yes, I'd be pissed. If my dad came into the garage and was screwing with my bike and it fell over as a result and tore some things up, I'd be pissed. But, my dad and I have a great respect for one another. He'd man up, he'd offer to pay and as soon as I cleared my mind and cooled down? He'd not pay a dime and we'd work together to fix it. Nothing is more important than my family or friends.

My two year old watches us in the garage every day we are out working on bikes. Sees us lift the rear stands on the bikes all the time. He grabs the rear stand on my son's NSR50 after we had just painted and repaired the plastic. I hear this CRASH in the garage and my 2 year old standing there shocked. I was LIVID!!! The way we bond with our family and friends and how we are raised and lessons in life we learn help us grow. How you grow and what path you take determines how you react to things and what you say.

My little guy is 2 years old and learns what he sees dad and brother do. All he said was "Uh, oh!" and all I could do is laugh. I was still upset and had to show him we do not mess with the stand and from there, he knows that unless we are riding, we don't mess with the stands. He hasn't touched it since.

Friends and family are stronger than a fucking $25 mirror...

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Hopefully' date=' Captain Drunkpants will wake up with a raging headache and a bit of humility when he reads this thread. My post was purely satire, and I would let my father light my motorcycle on fire and run it over with his lawn mower if it meant I could have him back. Even more unbelievable, I would sell the Ducati and buy two Harley Davidsons so we could ride together. I never had the opportunity to ride with my dad. He died 3 months after he was diagnosed with cancer. You should realize how fortunate you are to be able to ride with your old man. Yes, taking your bike was a dick move, but he's only human. Try to not be such a cunt all the time.[/quote']

I gotta say that I laughed out loud at your post, though. This however is a reason why we need to make those relationships with our parents and family as strong as possible. I hate that my dad cannot ride a motorcycle. He wishes all the time. He's a race guy and a performance guy and I know he'd get a kick out of riding as he used to before a bad crash. I love my parents and family more than anything...

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To be honest, I understand where he is coming from, if he's telling the truth. If someone, anyone (family included - just because you 'made' the child doesn't mean you can be shitty), repeatedly disrespected me by going against my wishes, that would upset me. Exarch is taking it a bit far - probably the alcohol - but damn, everyone else in here is claiming what a saint they would be if this happened to them.... I'll be honest, I would be upset.

On the other hand, I left my bike at a family member's house over the winter a few times when I didn't have a garage. If I knew that they were taking it out against my wishes or otherwise disrespecting my property, I would have the common sense to move it so that they couldn't. If you're mature enough to have a motorcycle, you're mature enough to plan for storing it somewhere that it won't be f'd with.

Hopefully you and your dad can get over this and start having some respect for each other - clearly from both of your guy's threads it seems you don't care if you piss each other off and taunt each other in front of thousands of people on the internet. Life's short and there's a good chance you'll regret acting like this someday soon. Hope this works out for you.

It's my dad, I'm supposed to trust him :dunno: He is supposed to do favors for his son, I know I will for mine. I shouldn't have to worry about him going behind my back(which he does alot since I started riding/asking him for favors). I love my dad, but I just know now I need to quit asking for his help.

People are right, I shouldn't have to ask anyone for help, I'm sure no one else here has ever asked their parents for help(since turning 18) . No one here has ever been upset with their parents I'm assuming aswell, especially over some lesser issue than going behind their back?

I wish my dad would listen to me, I told him he is gunna get himself killed on my bike, which is one of the main reasons I didn't want him riding it(not to mention how easy it is to tip over). He is lucky he didn't end up in the hospital(or worse) after hitting another car. I guess once he fixes it I will just leave it infront of my house during the winter so I don't have to worry about him riding it(which he will do anyhow, doesn't matter where it is parked since he refused to give me the key back, which he has so he can start it up during the winter) I mean he did it with my car, even took it upon himself to make himself a key for my car(paid for 100% by me 0 missed payments, hec I double-tripple payments on it and 100% in my name cuz he refused to cosign for it) so he could take it without my permission(fucked up? I know right?)

I guess it's my fault for expecting my dad to do something for me without wanting something in return, as usual. Here is a backstory of our history and examples of what I'm talking about. Me and my dad didn't get along very well growing up, I move in with my mom at 13/14, then I move in with a friend at 15. 15-18 I live with my friend, finish HS get a.job and go to college. My dad.soon after.moves back to Ohio and I move in with him, college quarter comes to an end(payed.for.100% by me) I can't pay him rent money,.he tells.me no money no house so.I join the army(no.other option) I get.back from the military, pay him rent for a.few.months(while struggling to pay for college/new car payment) making only $300 a month, no choice but to quit.college and get a.full.time.job so I could pay him rent(2.full.time.jobs+reserves.actually) got married and moved out.

lesson learned, don't ask family for help, you get fucked every time.

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