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Epic Attention whoring failsauce


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Have you ever cut out a crotch height hole in a piece of cardboard the size of a refrigerator then drug your women to the barn?
have you ever done it fire crotch style?

it's when you get in bed with a girl who is very densely forested down there and then light the forest on fire, and commence vigorous sexy-time (to avoid severe burns)? you can attain charmeleon crotch if you do the above with a true red head. charizard crotch if said red head has a brilliant flare up of crabs at the time.

dafuq did I just read? :eek::wtf:

yeah... "watching"


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Well now, Jbots snuff film scenes were not on my short list

And well, they wont be added either :lol:

film? this is not health class.

what's next? donkey punching is risque and angry dragons are avant garde?



And trust me when I saw, considering the guys I have dated in the past, I have seen it all!!!

it's like this one time where this puppy... nevermind

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Well I guess there's only one way to answer that question. Find out for yourself or ask someone who knows.

It's all in good fun. Talking shit on here is about as far as it goes for me. I'm waiting for R1 to get us the story of when he was a sandwich delivery boy. Hopefully for your sake he at least brings you a 6 incher.

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before we go much farther into the glory hole, i just wanted to say

thanks lol


Yeah that looks kinda like mine too with a few others in there.

It's all in good fun. Talking shit on here is about as far as it goes for me. I'm waiting for R1 to get us the story of when he was a sandwich delivery boy. Hopefully for your sake he at least brings you a 6 incher.

haha I know. and He hasnt showed and still hasnt asked me about an address yet so I dont think I'm getting one. And it better be AT LEAST 6 inches. bigger would be better.

Well here is how it went.... He showed up with sandwich and booze. She said "give me six inches and make it hurt!" So he fucked her 3 times and punched her in the face. /Story

haha. wow. that kinds sounds a bit backwards from a Californication episode.

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