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Jackson's first year riding a motorcycle


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You might be hindering his learning with the training wheels' date=' honestly. The best way to cure his balance issue is to teach him to ride a bicycle. I bought a dirt bike for Isaac when he was little. He couldn't get the hang of it until he learned to ride a bicycle. After that, he was zooming all over the place.

Good for you, though. Teaching your boy to ride is something that he won't forget.[/quote']

there are some people on this forum that could use training wheels - i don't see a problem? :dunno::lol:

i'm kidding...sorta. He's 3, i'll bet he'll be fine this spring/summer - the wheels will come off, he'll fall a few times, he'll get up, rinse, repeat, and just like Isaac he'll be tearing it up soon enough.

btw, what kinda skateboard did Isaac get? I got little Derp Jr. a skateboard, but it was a no-name I found for $35 - if he likes it then he'll get something decent.

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Only 2 ways to teach youngsters. Let him learn throttle control, braking, shifting, starting the bike, killswitch, etc on training wheels then work on balance after the controls fundamentals are there. Or, teach him to balance, turn, brake on a bicycle then move on to the dirtbike so he can learn the rest. I learned on a bicycle first then the dirtbike later, but I'd say either method would work as well as the other. I'm sure he's been exstatic about it all year, I know I was way back when. Cool vid, and good Daddiness getting him started early!

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You might be hindering his learning with the training wheels' date=' honestly. The best way to cure his balance issue is to teach him to ride a bicycle. I bought a dirt bike for Isaac when he was little. He couldn't get the hang of it until he learned to ride a bicycle. After that, he was zooming all over the place.

Good for you, though. Teaching your boy to ride is something that he won't forget.[/quote']

Yeah I realized that after the first time I tried to take the training wheels off. So once it's nice out were going to focus on the bike and balance. Then the training wheels will come out. Should of did it that way first, but I felt he needed some sweet toys :dirtbike2::mastur:

neat video!

Thanks. Next year I'll do another one and it will be better. No more iphone. I'll do it with my gopro.

Cool looks like he is doing good so far. He looks like he can barely reach the footpegs, let alone the ground. I'm sure balance will come a lot easier when he can reach the ground.

yeah he was pretty small at first! lol. He actually got it when he was 2. His birthday is in march. He's doing good though I think. I started later than him.

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Just out of sheer curiosity. Did you have to make the training wheels or are they something you bought? If you don't mind me asking how much does something like this cost? My oldest turns 3 in August.

They were manufactured. I got them with the bike. Iron pony has the same ones, but I think they're like 150!

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They were manufactured. I got them with the bike. Iron pony has the same ones, but I think they're like 150!

Cool thanks for the info. Surprisingly my wife didn't instantly shoot down the idea of this. I guess I will start looking for a tiny ass bike.

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...Surprisingly my wife didn't instantly shoot down the idea of this. I guess I will start looking for a tiny ass bike.

do it quick, before she changes her mind...listen to the voice of experience, son...:nono:

and for future reference: it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...;)

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+1 On training wheels being a bad idea. It's the whole countersteer vs. tricycle thing. Just look how he almost high sides everytime he turns. Hard to unteach that (nevermind the safety aspect). That's why those strider bikes are all the rage now for kids too small for a bicycle.

Fix it now or you'll end up with an ATV rider. No dad wants that. :D

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