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caught my son stealing today


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Good on the boy for not taking the lie too far, I'd be out back cutting a switch if that were me tho, my dad hates liars and thieves and didn't appreciate it one bit when I acted like either.

Sounds like you're doing it right, kid should remember this lesson forever.

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You did good, I think he will remember what not to do next time.

My dad had custody of two little girls ages five and six and he took them in the drug store with him and told them to keep their grubby mits off stuff and they could go to mickey d's. When they were leaving he said to them You guys didn't kipe anything did you and they said no pa-pa we didn't kipe anything. About half way to micky d's one of them said pa-pa, whats kipe mean so he looked in the mirror and started to tell them and both of them had a sucker in their mouths, that they kiped.

He made them both go in the store and tell the clerk what they did.

I still get a laugh at him telling me about that.

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Thanks for all the input folks, needless to say I was very pissed and could not think strait, to me I thought he was getting off easy but he is only 9 and I know I have done far worse before. Dad needs to keep a cooler headed

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Thanks for all the input folks, needless to say I was very pissed and could not think strait, to me I thought he was getting off easy but he is only 9 and I know I have done far worse before. Dad needs to keep a cooler headed

I think every kid steals something at one point. I did, got beat (first time my mom had EVER done that), and never did it again.

I'd be more worried if he ever starts sagging his pants. That's when you go ape shit.

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Hold on a second! I think you all are looking at this the wrong way!

2talltim, I do feel your punishment is spot on............had it been one of my kids. Buutttt, I think the rest of us are missing out on a perfect opportunity to purchase some merchandise at reasonable prices.

All we need is for you to train your child in the proper ways of stealing, and we all can benefit!!!!!!!!

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What does he do to earn the allowance?

I was never given an allowance but I was paid when I worked for it. Cleaning the house $5, mowing the yard 0$ (Responsibility to do my part), etc. etc.

I think punishments should be strict as can be up front as they set the tone for life and how people react. 2 weeks really isnt anything especially considering he is in school for 10/14 days and should be doing homework at night or studying.

Granted I dont know his age but maybe make him read a book for 1hr a night for the next 3 weeks (something educational maybe or anything that would help him learn)

just my .02

Oh, and very well done on the letter and apology and making him return the arrowheads.

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I think every kid steals something at one point. I did, got beat (first time my mom had EVER done that), and never did it again.

I'd be more worried if he ever starts sagging his pants. That's when you go ape shit.

My dad beat me :( shit sucked fixed my ass for good lol

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i think thievery can be a phase too. i remember i used to steal all kinds of stuff when i was young (5-8 yrs). toy cars, baseball cards, etc. i don't recall receiving that bad of punishment, but i could never imagine stealing anything now. meh.

was really weird, but i was just thinking about this last night, i just saw this thread this morning.

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Well we took my son to the guys house yesterday and made him man up to what he did. It went well, his voice got a little cracked when he spoke but he looked him in the eye and did a good job. As a add bonus this guys wife works for the juvenile court office so he got a little insight on what could happen if he would have stole from the wrong person that would not have been as forgiving. So yup lesson learned i hope and all is well now. thanks for all the +rep for my parenting skills.

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