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The EPIC Ohio Group Ride


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We're toting backpacks with water, protein bars, and jerky to chow at fuel stops. No need for lunch, mid morning breakfast and a pile of miles mean a big dinner is in order

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  Pyromancy5 said:
So how are we going to find a place to feed 80 people for lunch?

unfortunately there are no designated lunch stops, those who are close by(a lot of them) are stopping for a bite after the whole ride, those like us from far away need to start right back home to make it before night :(

  Hellmutt said:
New route works for me, I'm not particular on exactly which route is taken just so we all get to hit the good twisties and meet up afterwards for bs and bigger fish stories :D Last year, our group ( the last group ) went over the bridge to McConnelsville for fuel, whereas the rest of the groups went left before the river and where we ultimately got seperated. With an actual itinerary in place for leads/sweeps to consult, this ride should go hitch free.

Edit - I'm assuming the start/finish will remain at the same mall lot? The new route map has us starting at A-1 Sanitation and Porta-shitters?

hahaha yes, yes same mall http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Chieftain+Dr&daddr=39.540016,-82.4069+to:OH-93+S+to:OH-56+E+to:39.4485168,-82.2010518+to:Burr+Oak+Blvd+to:7th+St+to:OH-669+W+to:S+Columbus+St+to:E+Hunter+St&hl=en&ll=39.539098,-82.409456&spn=0.012709,0.019205&sll=39.530592,-82.421536&sspn=0.025421,0.038409&geocode=FV1nWwIdAS0W-w%3BFTBVWwIdDJIW-ymzYS6pl-9HiDEGKE3i7NDZTQ%3BFaDfWAIdwrwV-w%3BFUg_WAId2B0Z-w%3BFcTvWQIdJbYZ-ylbwiZGbApIiDEMWITOdcZJlA%3BFcAhWgId-bkZ-w%3BFeEJXQIdcNke-w%3BFZ9UXgIdyxMe-w%3BFTJlXwIdhTkY-w%3BFetYWwIdspcW-w&gl=us&mra=dpe&mrsp=1&sz=15&via=1,4&t=m&z=16

  jschaf said:
For those that might care: I checked & only station "B" at McConnelsville sells premium. Nelsonville is pretty early in the ride, but I think all bikes should go the 80 miles or so to Logan on a tank of fuel. Correct me if I'm wrong.

more than fuel breaks i guess just to stretch the leg a bit, a half way or more than a half way point would be ideal, Personally i like nelsonville, but will like little bit of input from others on this.

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I'm game for whenever or where ever we stop as long as it's within 120miles from the start point, my bike is thirsty unless I'm slabbing in 6th gear.

Opinions of the leads/sweeps are more important imo since their actions/needs affect whole groups

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  Mykill said:
Great. I want to check it out. Debating on buying something like it.

Lol I'm going to be slow. This will be my first real ride on the viffer. Shouldn't take me long to get used to it though :D

It is well worth it if you ask me!

And as rusty as I felt last night, I'll probably start off pretty slow too

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  Hellmutt said:
I'm game for whenever or where ever we stop as long as it's within 120miles from the start point, my bike is thirsty unless I'm slabbing in 6th gear.

Opinions of the leads/sweeps are more important imo since their actions/needs affect whole groups

This...my reserve light comes on at around 110mi

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Awesome plan Doc, and thank you for considering and making the changes. :) Like you basically said, the new route is for sure not gonna suck. I think that Nelsonville makes sense for gas even if it is a bit early for some, plenty of room and plenty of pumps around with premium gas for those of us like me that need it. :rolleyes: I will pack some frozen bottled waters and maybe a few snacks for as many in our medium group that I can, my sidecases can swallow up quite a bit. Make Firedog45 a sweep along with me, or an extra sweeping hand if ya wanna call it that. I wonder if there might be a way to somehow mark each group with a colored band around our jacket/arm for easy ID of what group we are in? Of course unless you have a better idea, or if you don't think it will be an issue. ;) Looking forward to this ride, meeting and riding with some more Ohioriders is icing on the cake.

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I need to bow out as one of the faster group leaders. I will be at the meet up point and intend to be at the meet up point at the estimated end time. I am bringing my nephew with me and intended to put him in a medium group with a leader that I know and have rode with in the past. These last minute changes don't sit well with my organizational senses, I can't see how he will be taken care of so I am taking responsibility for him. He has never done a group ride is fairly new to sport bikes and we haven't rode together yet. I will be leading him around however we please or wherever the roads take us which could be good because I haven’t ridden the area yet, with the exception of 555 but I don’t know if that road is considered in Hocking Hills.

See you all Saturday morning.


Edited by Uncle Punk
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  Uncle Punk said:
I need to bow out as one of the faster group leaders. I will be at the meet up point and intend to be at the meet up point at the estimated end time. I am bringing my nephew with me and intended to put him in a medium group with a leader that I know and have rode with in the past. These last minute changes don't sit well with my organizational senses, I can't see how he will be taken care of so I am taking responsibility for him. He has never done a group ride is fairly new to sport bikes and we haven't rode together yet. I will be leading him around however we please or wherever the roads take us which could be good because I haven’t ridden the area yet, with the exception of 555 but I don’t know if that road is considered in Hocking Hills.

See you all Saturday morning.

Your more than welcome to join my group. Its going to be pretty medium paceuntil I get a feel for the bike (my first real ride with it). You two could sit in the back and play the route by ear and if you break off I'll know why....

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  Uncle Punk said:
I need to bow out as one of the faster group leaders. I will be at the meet up point and intend to be at the meet up point at the estimated end time. I am bringing my nephew with me and intended to put him in a medium group with a leader that I know and have rode with in the past. These last minute changes don't sit well with my organizational senses, I can't see how he will be taken care of so I am taking responsibility for him. He has never done a group ride is fairly new to sport bikes and we haven't rode together yet. I will be leading him around however we please or wherever the roads take us which could be good because I haven’t ridden the area yet, with the exception of 555 but I don’t know if that road is considered in Hocking Hills.

See you all Saturday morning.

UP, i understand leading might be confusing for you with the last minute change in plan, but i would say this you and the nephew will have a safe and fun time with Jerrys group. I would trust him to lead a nice easy pace since he is on a big bird, (if he was on the little one thats an entirely different story).

Mykill might get carried away once the VTEC kicks in :D

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  NinjaDoc said:
UP, i understand leading might be confusing for you with the last minute change in plan, but i would say this you and the nephew will have a safe and fun time with Jerrys group. I would trust him to lead a nice easy pace since he is on a big bird, (if he was on the little one thats an entirely different story).

Mykill might get carried away once the VTEC kicks in :D

I know and trust both of them to be responsible for their groups but I have complicated the whole trip by making additional plans after the ride that I don't think will happen if we stay with the whole group. I could have made the estimated time in the first group out but each following group will take longer and longer to make it back to the start finish.

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One last last minute thing to complete the plan thread and close of all discussions,

GAS stop

Nelsonville ?

speedway and BP


  1. -bigger stations
  2. - high grade fuels
  3. -less confusing as no detours, on right side etc


  1. -Early in the ride almost like 1/3 distance into ride
  2. -about 85 miles after this gas stop to end of ride.
  3. -no point in taking an extended break here as its early in ride, hopefully people gas up without taking helmets off, and be ready to pull out soon.


3 small stations


- perfect break for the ride to relax and gas up for about 15-20 mins


  1. -confusing to get to gas stations
  2. -small detour from main route
  3. -Will have to split into 3 to fill up and save time
  4. -less available high grade fuel

Sorry to ask opinion on everything, i find it easier to follow at least the general opinion of active posters rather than just putting things up. But if nobody has any opinion I am sticking to Nelsonville which seems to have way more positives that mcconnelsville. Esp since its less confusing

By tomorrow noon a final plan of route with all break spot, time and every thing else will be ready for print out. :D

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Im fine with the easier of the two choices, Mcconelsville gas stations arent very big and if groups end up meeting up there they will be ontop of each other, it could cause issues with locals.

The only other gas stations that I see on the way with the route are in Glouster a total of 3. Other then that, there are no stations till Mcconnlesville. This could also be different as the google maps for that area are from 2009

Edited by Gunner75
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  Mykill said:
Doc just make the decision yourself. The more you leave it up to the peanut gallery the more its likely to get fucked. Just make the choices and everyone will gladly follow along.

This late I think ur right, lets just stick with nelsonville will complete out the rest of small details by tomorrow noon and have sort of finalized thread and print out etc ready

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  Pyromancy5 said:
Well, yeah. I agree, but I figured a lot of people might hang around for that. Maybe not?

Alex, there are people from around central area and those staying in hocking hills that plan to grab a bite after the ride ends. Only us from far end of state will be heading back out asap

Once we hit the mall parking lot at then end of the ride you guys can catch up and decide among yourself

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ok cool so final answers is the new modified non 555 route with a gas stop in Nelsonville?

This late in the game I think we just make the call to simplify things and give people a good 36 hour notice

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  Bad324 said:
ok cool so final answers is the new modified non 555 route with a gas stop in Nelsonville?

This late in the game I think we just make the call to simplify things and give people a good 36 hour notice

Yes that's the plan, I will need to tweak the route a little so it shows we are passing through nelsonville, will post all the comprehensive details by noon in a word or PDF so it'd easy to print out as well

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