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The EPIC Ohio Group Ride


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I don't think I got a chance to meet you, but this sounds like a good time. I'll be looking out for the details!

I will post in the "rides and events" section in about a month or so. I get guys in from all over, even a group usually comes down from Canada.....they are the ones that Ohio's roads bites them in the ass too!!!! :lol:

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I feel like an old man today, my hip is sorer than hell. I'm hoping it is simply due to the wicked cramp I got towards the end

Also, hopefully my rambling BS was somewhat discernible when we were trying to organize who would go in what group. Since Nivin is a quiet man and neither UP or IP were there I tried last minute to take the reigns of getting things organized so we could ride. I tend to get a bit ancy sitting around a parking lot when good roads are ahead which was why I was an asshole about the request of a group picture as I was trying to get groups out of the parking lot

No worries on the organizing. Actually, thanks for that. Worked out well.

On the cramp - Yeah, I had the same thing! I was running sweep on one of the slow groups but a faster group came up after the fuel stop. I put my foot out to point out some grass out in a corner and my hip cramped like hell. Went away though. Damn lucky as a sweep I didn't need to do that anymore. Did the leg workout today (can't skip legs) with no problems.

Oh, and we started the day with 13 I think and ended with 8 after the Nelsonville stop.

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Hope Dave mends quickly, sucks to hear when ANYBODY crashes on a fun ride. Wish I could've met more folks, but glad to see those I did meet and/or met again. Can't say one negative thing about the group, meet, and ride other than Bad being a bitch when it was rockstar photo shoot time :rolleyes:


Had a good time on the ride and happy that Pokey ( love the Connie! ) set a good pace when traffic didn't hold us up or split the group in half, but in a bigger flock that'll happen at times. We were group designated Med-Slow, but that wasn't the case most of the ride imo....I managed to hit 5th gear a few times, we ran 20/30mph turns at 45/55 and think we avg'd 60/70mph all afternoon with some quick bursts upwards of triple digits to catchup after seperation. Road conditions were very good most all of the ride.

TigerPaw was throwing his lil 300 around pretty good in front of me, and dude.....my sincerest apologies for my bike's horny tendencies in attempting to mate with yours....mine just wanted to run up on your bike's ass now and then....Spring time must be Kawasaki's rut or something :D

Don't feel like your the only one though, granda080's bike behind me just about made it a menage troi a few times!

Comradery was good at the cabin Friday and Saturday night with Quik, Rollnhot and Sandi, but Confucius say "Jager, rum, and beer make for silly ass conversations and hilarity" :lol: luckily for us there weren't ANY incriminating pics, right Alan? :beating:

Good and safe times with our group all weekend, and I'm proud to announce my wife didn't drown in the deep section of the hot tub either! Yaaaaay!

Sunday after breakfast we took in Old Man's Cave & Devil's Bathtub before parting ways to head home. Props to Doc for bringing all of our forums/groups together to share this fun ride. We definitely invaded, divided, and conquered Hocking Valley

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You did great, and I was ready to ride too!!!!! :cheers:

With it being last minute I honestly didn't have a plan an was basically throwing it together as quick as I could think

Yea standing around parking lots gets me ancy after awhile so I get grumpy. If I wanted to do that I'd still be a car guy or buy a Harley :p

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Hope Dave mends quickly, sucks to hear when ANYBODY crashes on a fun ride. Wish I could've met more folks, but glad to see those I did meet and/or met again. Can't say one negative thing about the group, meet, and ride other than Bad being a bitch when it was rockstar photo shoot time :rolleyes:


They did a decent job at UC and my degree to Organize and Lead but I tell you what they forgot to teach me how to not get a sandy vag when people aren't listening and following my every direction :lol:

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TigerPaw was throwing his lil 300 around pretty good in front of me, and dude.....my sincerest apologies for my bike's horny tendencies in attempting to mate with yours....mine just wanted to run up on your bike's ass now and then....Spring time must be Kawasaki's rut or something :D

Don't feel like your the only one though, granda080's bike behind me just about made it a menage troi a few times!

Yeah that was my bad. That would make for one ugly bike. It was crazy how much they just packed up in the corners. I'll post some more videos. It happens in several turns lol

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They did a decent job at UC and my degree to Orga use and Lead but I tell you what they forgot to teach me how to not get a sandy vag when people aren't listening and following my every direction :lol:

. Brian, you did a fine job.

Maybe next time a format for these large rides would be helpful.

1. Call up leads and sweeps for a pre-ride meeting. Introduce yourself and

each other. Make sure everyone is present that it was determined would

hold these positions. Make necessary adjustments for those who could not

show up by asking for someone to step up to fill a position, if necessary.

2. Get the group's attention, welcome everyone, and introduce the leads

and sweeps by name. A police whistle and a megaphone wouldn't be a bad

idea for getting attention, keeping it, and allowing everyone to be able to


3. Give an explanation of how the show is going to go, and any expectations

or responsibilities for after the ride. Also, announce any activities, or

information needing to be shared after the ride. Encourage everyone not to

leave after the ride until some parting words can be spoken.

4. Have the leads stage their bikes, allowing plenty of space between and

behind them, for followers to easily file up behind. Stage all of the groups

for the fast skill/speed level. If there is more than one group for a

skill/speed level, insure each group contains roughly the same number of

riders. This is the time to make a third group of same skill riders if a group

is too large. There should be enough experienced riders to fill an additional

lead and sweep position. When the groups are properly adjusted by size

and ready to go, a positive sign from each rider in that group should be

acknowledged, and then from the sweep and lead, in that order. Then

they are sent on their way.

7. The same thing with each skill/speed level. A group should not be

released until the group before it has cleared the traffic light, or given

a three minute head start. No two groups should clear a traffic light

during the same cycle.

8. After the ride, leads and sweeps should share information with the

organizer that can be shared with everyone during the parting words.

I'm pulling things off the top of my head that make sense to me. Is it a good

idea to have a plan like this?


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Yeah that was my bad. That would make for one ugly bike. It was crazy how much they just packed up in the corners. I'll post some more videos. It happens in several turns lol

No problem at all....It happens man, especially with all of us riders that don't know those roads and the severity of the angle on blind corners until we're setup to enter and see whether it'll be blown or diving too deep. Our pace was great. I had some crossed yellow episodes, but I didn't want stab the front brake mid turn so I'd adjust my lean to leave the leading bike's line for time to compensate. We all bunged up a few times, but thankfully it was uneventful

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Space all groups a minimum of 10 minutes apart, with that many groups riding the same route you are bound to bunch up pretty quick if traffic is encountered or problems arise. And that did occur. :) Groups moving aside to let others by was awesome, that worked really well.

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I think sidewalk chalk would work well for organizing groups. Write the pace, and draw a line. Done.

On that note, I would like to thank my group For a great day of riding. Medium pace was excellent, even for the fat pig I was riding. I apologize if my headlight wasn't always in your mirrors. Definitely a fine group of riders. I'm sure Jst2fst got some sweet pictures of my ass on the ride too. :D:D

Mykill- our lead



Guy riding zx10 I didn't catch his name



Bad34271810038911 - Our sweep

and MJ when she joined us for 10 minutes. ;)

Edited by Cdubyah
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Space all groups a minimum of 10 minutes apart...

Six groups would take an hour to get out of the

lot. And the fast group would have returned

much more than an hour ahead of the

slowest group.

The leads need to maintain minimum spacing

between groups.

I think sidewalk chalk would work well for

organizing groups. Write the pace, and

draw a line. Done.

If only it were that simple. Organization requires

the spoken word and repeated information along

with questions answered.


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Six groups would take an hour to get out of the

lot. And the fast group would have returned

much more than an hour ahead of the

slowest group.

The leads need to maintain minimum spacing

between groups.

If only it were that simple. Organization requires

the spoken word and repeated information along

with questions answered.


Ok 5 minutes. :D

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Ok 5 minutes. :D

Five minutes at 60 MPH would be five mile spacing.

Do you need that much space between groups?

Three minutes would be three miles. Isn't that enough?

Each following group would be slower unless they

were the same skill/speed level.

By the time the next skill/speed level group(s) were

lined up and ready, the first ones out would have

probably have left at least a three minute space

behind them.



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Nope it is not enough time Jack "trust me", math and calculations rarely work in group rides. :) Speeds are not consistent nor is traffic, plus any other obstacles or situations that may occur.

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Nope it is not enough time Jack "trust me", math and calculations

rarely work in group rides. :) Speeds are not consistent nor is

traffic, plus any other obstacles or situations that may occur.

To get everyone rolling in a timely fashion, and to maintain adequate spacing

between groups, the route could begin at a crossroads where riders would

leave in one direction but the route would bring them again through the

crossroads on the road they did not leave on, sort of like riding a figure eight.

The first group would take one road, the next group would take the other road.

They would travel the same route, and in the same direction, but both start at a

different point on the route.

That would give spacing and speed of departure.


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It was a great ride and Pokey did a great job. Sorry if I went to slow at times. Still getting used to my r6 and did not know the roads at all. I know one of the blind hill turns made me hit the brakes because I thought I had no idea where it was turning. Mr Jellybean ran over that crap in the road in front of me. Also a bug got in my helmet and that was great. I look at this as a learning experience. I would love to see videos of my ride but not sure who had the go pro. It was great meeting everyone in my group. We did run into a couple groups and a random rider. Also we had that guy in the red truck try to scare and make us crash by crossing the yellow line. Also made my day when I saw that kid run to his mailbox to wave at us. I think its great when people appreciate us riders. I loved seeing all the great motorcycles and thanks for the comments on mine as well. Hope we can have more or group rides like this before the end of the season.

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All that organization gives me a headache. :)

Leaving that little of space between groups doesn't work when the lead group stops at a gas station and needs more than 3-5 (first stop was only 45 miles into the ride) minutes to gas up and take a leak. Not to mention the fact that said gas station would be inundated with Ohio Riders within twenty minutes of the first group getting there.

I think the ride went well. For me, sometimes over organization takes the fun out of it. And besides, many guys split off and head home before getting to the parking lot at the end of the day.

Just my two cents.

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All that organization gives me a headache. :)

Leaving that little of space between groups doesn't work when the lead

group stops at a gas station and needs more than 3-5 (first stop was

only 45 miles into the ride) minutes to gas up and take a leak. Not to

mention the fact that said gas station would be inundated with OhioRiders

within twenty minutes of the first group getting there.

I think the ride went well. For me, sometimes over organization takes the

fun out of it. And besides, many guys split off and head home before

getting to the parking lot at the end of the day.

Just my two cents.


That's great feedback and very informative.

Any headaches from organizing would totally be absorbed by ones suited for the job.

No worries for others. Ones needing to split off would do so at points where needed.

Their lead and sweep would be knowledgeable of this beforehand.

Fuel stops can be streamlined as well. Any area with multiple gas stations allows for

flexibility in maintaining spacing between groups. Fuel stops can be spread over a

larger distance for multiple groups.

Ride leads and sweeps can encourage others to be mindful of a timeline so that

bottle-necking does not occur with other groups expected to arrive for fuel. Leads

and sweeps should understand that their position is a role of friendly leadership.

I'm not seeing difficulties here, only opportunities for a smooth flow of events as the

ride progresses.

Question: Can a group of ten riders be fueled up with a trip to the restroom, and be

saddled up, ready to ride, in 20 minutes?


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That's great feedback and very informative.

Any headaches from organizing would totally be absorbed by ones suited for the job.

No worries for others. Ones needing to split off would do so at points where needed.

Their lead and sweep would be knowledgeable of this beforehand.

Fuel stops can be streamlined as well. Any area with multiple gas stations allows for

flexibility in maintaining spacing between groups. Fuel stops can be spread over a

larger distance for multiple groups.

Ride leads and sweeps can encourage others to be mindful of a timeline so that

bottle-necking does not occur with other groups expected to arrive for fuel. Leads

and sweeps should understand that their position is a role of friendly leadership.

I'm not seeing difficulties here, only opportunities for a smooth flow of events as the

ride progresses.

Question: Can a group of ten riders be fueled up with a trip to the restroom, and be

saddled up, ready to ride, in 20 minutes?


I am not a schedule kind of guy, proof was the nice long break I gave everybody at a school parking lot "pretty sure they appreciated it". There were porta-pots and it gave a smoke break, snack break and an ass break for everybody. I also think it is important to allow everybody some time to mingle and get to know eachother off the bike. Expect the unexpected in group rides, you just only hope that the unexpected is a good thing. When I take long trips it is of the up most importance, that who I go with or who goes with me is very like minded and likes to wing it and roll with it as far as schedules go and places to go. I am in for the total experience on a trip, so I will stop when I need to stop and I will stop when I see something interesting to see or do. At my Laborday rally we typically have 3 groups of up to 10 heading out, now granted we usually run a different route per group, or stagger the leaving time by about 10 to 15 minutes on the same route. I will make a tentative timeline for when dinner will be, and groups are free to roll in before or after that. If the group wants to stop for lunch we will stop for lunch, otherwise snacks and fluids are a good thing to pack. Anyways.....with this large of a group I think we did pretty darn good all things considered, and we can learn from each gathering and make adjustments as needed or as experienced. :cool: Wish I could've hung out with everybody afterwards that camped, I am sure that was a good time.

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I think sidewalk chalk would work well for organizing groups. Write the pace, and draw a line. Done.

On that note, I would like to thank my group For a great day of riding. Medium pace was excellent, even for the fat pig I was riding. I apologize if my headlight wasn't always in your mirrors. Definitely a fine group of riders. I'm sure Jst2fst got some sweet pictures of my ass on the ride too. :D:D

Mykill- our lead



Guy riding zx10 I didn't catch his name



Bad34271810038911 - Our sweep

and MJ when she joined us for 10 minutes. ;)

Awesome meeting some new people! Kinda shocked at all those that didn't show up but hey, it's just new people to ride with. Thanks MyKill for leading us! Definitely a boring ride at first but once we eventually got going on the second half, it was a blast. I ignored the fact that I needed to dip out at 3:00 since I (eventually) started to have a lot of fun getting around traffic and other groups. And thanks to all who organized, were leaders or sweepers and everyone for coming out to make it happen. F.R.E.D!

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Can a group of ten riders be fueled up with a trip to the restroom, and be

saddled up, ready to ride, in 20 minutes?


Yes as long you don't have a guy that wants to talk more than ride.

And quoting you gave me a head ache.

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Great ride guys. I apologize I am terrible with names but thanks to the yellow cbr that towed our "medium slow" group around. We had a blast.

Good to hear man. Glad I didn't bore you guys with the "medium slow" pace we were running.

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