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How to ruin a track day before it starts.


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New people come out every day. They bring excitement, nervousness, confusion ect. That stuff happens just brush it off "if no one got hurt" and learn from it. Things that are honest mistakes and accidents will get over looked and worked thru. Intentional retardism and dumb shit though will get you kicked out. Pay attention in the riders meeting and don't be afraid to ask questions, we all are there to help. Find a control rider and ask him to tow you around the first session, that will help you a ton. I'll be at Mid Ohio a lot this year if you make it out. Putnam is an excellent track for your first time

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Personally I would not make Mid Ohio your first track. Do Putnam Park first. Mid Ohio is not an ideal first track. At Putnan pay very close to attention to the meeting and the warnings about turn 5,6,7 in the first sessions as the morning dew takes a bit to dry off. You'll find out the hard way if you don't listen. Putnam is a great track and an awesome first track. Glue yourself to the back tire of a control rider and lock onto his or her line follow thier body position and you will improve your skills fast.

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no you will not be let down...

dont listen to that shit..

every track has its good and not so good things... though mid o is a national caliber track... i enjoy myself just as much as putnam, jennings, and the like JUST as much as i do mid o... every track has something new to offer to better you as a rider..

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that being said.. i think as long as your a smart rider.. and willing to take in information the coaches at mid ohio to a fantastic job for the beginning novice riders and you will be lead around your first few sessions no matter what you wont have to ask for individual help untill prob the 3rd session...

though i do agree with Todd.. Putnam though its 4 hrs away is a much better track for the first ever based on a simple fact that it is easier to learn.. and you can concentrate on other aspects of your riding with out feeling so far over your head.. as you will anyways

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Personally I would not make Mid Ohio your first track. Do Putnam Park first. Mid Ohio is not an ideal first track. At Putnan pay very close to attention to the meeting and the warnings about turn 5,6,7 in the first sessions as the morning dew takes a bit to dry off. You'll find out the hard way if you don't listen. Putnam is a great track and an awesome first track. Glue yourself to the back tire of a control rider and lock onto his or her line follow thier body position and you will improve your skills fast.

My first track day was Daytona with Team Hammer Advanced School. Let's just say it was slightly overwhelming. Incredibly fun, but humbling to say the least.

IMHO, BeaveRun (PIRC) is a nice first track as well. I haven't been to Putnam yet, but of the "local" tracks I have been to, I enjoy Beaver a lot. Mid Ohio is certainly heads and shoulders above the others given its amenities, but I get just as much bang for my buck at Beaver.

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Wherever you go, pay attention in the riders meeting! That's where everybody new rider fails. You need to learn what the rules are, hand signals are ect and for gods sake listen to the warnings! If they tell you a corner will bite you......it will

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...Pay attention in the riders meeting and don't be afraid to ask questions, we all are there to help...
...At Putnan pay very close to attention to the meeting and the warnings about turn 5,6,7 in the first sessions as the morning dew takes a bit to dry off. You'll find out the hard way if you don't listen...
Wherever you go, pay attention in the riders meeting! That's where everybody new rider fails. You need to learn what the rules are, hand signals are ect and for gods sake listen to the warnings! If they tell you a corner will bite you......it will

i'm not sure, but I think you're supposed to pay attention in the rider's meeting...:D

edit: as an old-timer at work likes to say: "God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason..."

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no you will not be let down...

dont listen to that shit..

every track has its good and not so good things... though mid o is a national caliber track... i enjoy myself just as much as putnam, jennings, and the like JUST as much as i do mid o... every track has something new to offer to better you as a rider..

Exactly. Someone that says a track is the end all and will make every other track seem like a let down is either a one track wonder or hasn't been able to ride with an open mind and accept the challenge another track will give you...

Mid-O is a great track for sure. One of my favs. It also is a fine track to do as your first track day as the instruction and amenities are what makes it a fine track to start on. Putnam is great due to the ability to see everything and it is great for both the starting rider to the seasoned racer. It is a solid choice as well...

But, like anything, the track is only as hard as you make it. Listen like MT has stated a zillion times and ask questions. Questions are a thing to ask even if you think it is minor. There are no stupid questions and questions can save lives...

Have fun and be on point. Get a great night's sleep prior and pay attention like stated. Doing so will keep you alert and ride within your ability.

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At Putnan pay very close to attention to the meeting and the warnings about turn 5,6,7 in the first sessions as the morning dew takes a bit to dry off. You'll find out the hard way if you don't listen.

From my handful of days there, every corner can be sketchy but T4 seems to get more early morning mishaps.

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And listen in the riders meeting.

End of first session it's really easy to tell who didn't listen, especially at Putnam.

Use the control riders like cheap whores, that's why they are there.

I take pride in my cheap whorishness!!! a simple ZJ or reach around is sufficent

as Brian said there are no stupid questions. i love it when some one comes up and asks something or for assistance!

btw.. if you do go to putnam dubguy85 and myself are Control Riders there when Indy ducati/ Commonwealth puts on track days there

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IMHO, your first trackday should be as inexpensive as possible. That probably means Nelson Ledges.

It's not that there's anything wrong with starting at Mid-Ohio, but (and I have made this analogy before) doing your first trackday at a great, or even a good track is like losing your virginity to a supermodel. The fact that she's so hot is almost wasted, because you don't really know what the hell you're doing.

You'll certainly enjoy yourself at Mid-Ohio, but you'll get more out of it on your 5th or 10th trackday than your first.

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I think I know where I'll make my first track day, based on what some very well respected riders have presented here before us. Thanks guys. It's amazing how much can be learned just by listening to those with personal experience. I would never have known where to begin without your input. :bow:

Putnam is an excellent track for your first time

...i do agree with Todd.. Putnam... is a much better track for the first ever based on a simple fact that it is easier to learn.. and you can concentrate on other aspects of your riding with out feeling so far over your head...

Putnam is great due to the ability to see everything... It is a solid choice as well...


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I think I know where I'll make my first track day, based on what some very well respected riders have presented here before us. Thanks guys. It's amazing how much can be learned just by listening to those with personal experience. I would never have known where to begin without your input. :bow:

GS500 is just about the perfect bike to start trackdays. Handles great, but doesn't have enough power to really get you into too much trouble.

Probably doesn't do much more than 110 in a straight line, if you're lucky. Only real weakness is the brakes. the EX500's will turn faster laps, because they're more powerful, but the GS500 is probably more fun to ride.

I wonder if MotoSeries/WERA, etc. would performance index them in with the EX300 now that Kawasaki is building them...

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IMHO, your first trackday should be as inexpensive as possible. That probably means Nelson Ledges.

It's not that there's anything wrong with starting at Mid-Ohio, but (and I have made this analogy before) doing your first trackday at a great, or even a good track is like losing your virginity to a supermodel. The fact that she's so hot is almost wasted, because you don't really know what the hell you're doing.

You'll certainly enjoy yourself at Mid-Ohio, but you'll get more out of it on your 5th or 10th trackday than your first.

I'd rep for the inexpensive trackday comment, but OR says I have to spread it around more first. Costs are relatively close between all the tracks, so I would just go to whichever is most convenient. Just to add; don't plan on just going to one day, and don't stick to just one track either.

The first two clips below came close ruining a track day before it started. Lucky; after asking around, another rider supplied a replacement brake lever and I able to get on the track. Ice cold(literally) brand new Q2's apparently don't have much cold grip.


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