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Suck it Repubs. Day 3.


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Where do I submit my vote of 'No Confidence' for both the president and congress?

At the voting booth. NEVER vote for an incumbent, period. Think about it, I wasted decades of my votes thinking either party or one political dickhead was worthy of my vote. Learn from my mistake.

NEVER vote for an incumbent for any reason. For example even if it is Josh Mandel running against Shrerrod Brown and you are a liberal you vote for Mandel. Always fire the incumbent.

If we can vote/kill them off faster than they can make them we stand a chance.

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At the voting booth. NEVER vote for an incumbent, period. Think about it, I wasted decades of my votes thinking either party or one political dickhead was worthy of my vote. Learn from my mistake.

NEVER vote for an incumbent for any reason. For example even if it is Josh Mandel running against Shrerrod Brown and you are a liberal you vote for Mandel. Always fire the incumbent.

If we can vote/kill them off faster than they can make them we stand a chance.

The Two Party system is broken and needs a complete overhaul so I essentially agree with this

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The Two Party system is broken and needs a complete overhaul so I essentially agree with this

This is true. I hereby modify my voting rule to included the Bad324 corollary:

"NEVER vote for the incumbent, fire them all. And if there is a third party candidate available vote for them."

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This is true. I hereby modify my voting rule to included the Bad324 corollary:

"NEVER vote for the incumbent, fire them all. And if there is a third party candidate available vote for them."

Problem with voting for the third party candidate is that in most cases they have no chance to unseat the incumbent. :mad:

In many districts there isnt even a chance for the other party to unseat the incumbent. Locally many cycles we cant even get a repub to run for congress. :nono:

As for the OP, it seems like this was the plan from both sides. Neither seemed overly concerned about trying to pass a plan to stop this. Congress wasnt even in session until just before the deadline.

DC has become completely dysfunctional, though Ive always felt that the less that got done in Washington the better. We shall see what the next few years brings.


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This is the most divided I have ever felt the county has been during my lifetime. The poeple and government seem more divided now then they were under Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan or Carter (I was alive during the Ford administration, but was too young to remember).

I think one of the key characteristics of a great leader is the ability to bring people together, and I think Obama has done just the opposite. Obama is certainly not the entire problem, but his actions don't seem to indicate that he really knows how to gain any bipartisan support. Thoughts?

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Dear Leader is deliberately trying to divide the country - you've got it right, TP.

The sequestration was hoped for by Dear Leader so that he'll have something else upon which to lay blame for continuing non-improvement in unemployment - blaming everything on Bush isn't working any longer - even the Dems/Libs aren't buying it; people are seeing him for what he is - a community organizer with no polictical skills whatsoever.

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I agree, Tpoppa. The country is very fragmented politically right now, and neither side of the aisle appears to have anyone cabable of closing the divide. I agree that The President has failed to unite the nation, and as well that it isn't all on him either. Congress has very much stsopped being a voice for their constituants, and never been more self-serving than now. There is a complete lack of leadership from either party, further exacerbating the flaws in the system.

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I voted for Gary Johnson this past election. The country is going to shit and needs a real leader and real patriots in congress. We need to boot these self-serving ticks and leeches out of the capital and hope they aren't replaced with more of the same.

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I voted for Gary Johnson this past election.

I wrote in Kim Kardashian last time. Wrote in Paris Hilton the prior election. Had 'Paris Hilton for President because hot and stupid is better than just stupid' bumper stickers on all my vehicles.

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With the electoral college, the only votes for president that actually matter are votes in swing states.

Under the current system....if you are a republican living in CA, or a democrat living in TX (or any other non-swing state), your vote for president is absolutely meaningless.

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With the electoral college, the only votes for president that actually matter are votes in swing states.

Under the current system....if you are a republican living in CA, or a democrat living in TX (or any other non-swing state), your vote for president is absolutely meaningless.


When I lived in MA I always voted third party for pres and senate. Knew the state would go Dem no matter what. Kennedy got more than 90% of the vote the last election I was up there.


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This is the most divided I have ever felt the county has been during my lifetime. The poeple and government seem more divided now then they were...

I think one of the key characteristics of a great leader is the ability to bring people together, and I think Obama has done just the opposite....his actions don't seem to indicate that he really knows how to gain any bipartisan support. Thoughts?

I agree, Tpoppa. The country is very fragmented politically right now, and neither side of the aisle appears to have anyone cabable of closing the divide. I agree that The President has failed to unite the nation, and as well that it isn't all on him either. Congress has very much stopped being a voice for their constituants, and never been more self-serving than now. There is a complete lack of leadership from either party, further exacerbating the flaws in the system.

>> This is the most divided I have ever felt the county has been during my lifetime.

>> ....his actions don't seem to indicate that he really knows how to gain any bipartisan support.

>> The country is very fragmented politically right now, and neither side of the aisle appears to have anyone cabable of closing the divide.

It's called Divide and Conquer by gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures and prevents smaller power groups from linking up.

Dear Leader is deliberately trying to divide the country - you've got it right, TP.

The sequestration was hoped for by Dear Leader so that he'll have something else upon which to lay blame for continuing non-improvement in unemployment - blaming everything on Bush isn't working any longer - even the Dems/Libs aren't buying it; people are seeing him for what he is - a community organizer with no polictical skills whatsoever.

>> Dear Leader is deliberately trying to divide the country...

You're darn right, he is. And he's getting lots of help from the news media by their biased reporting and slanting of reality.

>> ...people are seeing him for what he is - a community organizer with no political skills whatsoever.

He will go down in history as the Great Divider. That will be his legacy.

...The country is going to shit and needs a real leader and real patriots in congress. We need to boot these self-serving ticks and leeches out of the capital and hope they aren't replaced with more of the same.

>> Congress has very much stopped being a voice for their constituants, and never been more self-serving than now.

They see that they can grab benefits for themselves until closer to election time where they will once again pretend to align themselves with the will of the people and distance themselves from the undesirables for the purpose of preserving votes for themselves.

NEVER vote for an incumbent, period. Think about it, I wasted decades of my votes thinking either party or one political dickhead was worthy of my vote. Learn from my mistake.

NEVER vote for an incumbent for any reason....Always fire the incumbent.

...fire them all. And if there is a third party candidate available vote for them."

If we can vote/kill them off faster than they can make them we stand a chance.

I'm beginning to think this is the only way to drill into their heads that "we the people" put them in office to represent OUR interests and they have a limited time to do just that and then they are out, period.

They are the spokesmen for US. They represent US. When they fail to do that, heads need to roll. They should fear us. We should never fear the government because the government is supposed to be US. They seem to distance themselves from US until they want a vote and then it's business as usual. It's way past time for this to end.

Electoral college needs to go too

We need a way to keep the more populated coastal areas and high concentrations of "entitlement minded" groups in large cities from speaking for states closer to the center of the country, with totally different concerns.

Problem with voting for the third party candidate is that in most cases they have no chance to unseat the incumbent. :mad:

DC has become completely dysfunctional, though Ive always felt that the less that got done in Washington the better.


They have less of a chance to get elected and the media makes it that way by suppressing their voice but giving biased coverage to ones they favor.

Given that the media is the eyes and ears for the bulk of America, not to mention, the "shapers" of public opinion, I think that as a people, we need to start demanding responsible and unbiased reporting with accuracy and fact, and with no hidden agenda coloring the news. And by boycotting their sponsors and protesting at their studios, pressure can be put on them to accurately present to us the events of the day.

Even if you are in touch with what the facts are, your neighbor, with equal voting power as you, may not be, and you want his information to be equally as accurate as your own so he can make an intelligent and informed decision come election day and not just accept the crap we see today on the TV.

>> ...Ive always felt that the less that got done in Washington the better.

Those who govern least, govern best.

Had 'Paris Hilton for President because hot and stupid is better than just stupid' bumper stickers on all my vehicles.

Agreed. I just prefer Jenifer Aniston.

Okay, I'm done. Back to our regularly scheduled programming...



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Despite the electoral college numbers from this last election, it wasn't the runaway it appeared to be.

I did the maths, and all that was needed to change the outcome was about 260,000 votes in 4 states.

I'd like to see a one year term of 3 years for any member of Congress, and you'd have to sit out a 3 year period before you could run for any congressional seat again. One 4 year term for the POTUS.

edit: elections every year for congress, 145 new congressmen, 33 new senators each year.

Edited by jblosser
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I'd like to see a one year term of 3 years for any member of Congress, and you'd have to sit out a 3 year period before you could run for any congressional seat again. One 4 year term for the POTUS.

edit: elections every year for congress, 145 new congressmen, 33 new senators each year.

Instead of one President, how about a group of three persons, all elected separately, and not as a team, to head the country? I've played with that idea in my head. I don't know if it's been tried in any other countries but they would have to work together to accomplish anything, and destructive powers like we've seen these past years would be minimalized.


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