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  1. Today
  2. There already is a thread on here called “what did you do to your bike today” with many pages.
  3. OK, some other forums I am on have a thread like this, and it seems to be interesting(250+ pages). You can simply just say what you did to your bike for the that day.
  4. Rode to old hangouts in the boonies looking for old bridges I used to stop at. Most of them replaced by culverts and a couple are now wildlife areas gone back to nature. Can't even see the old roadbed, let alone the girder bridge. Even pylons have been removed. its just swampland now. Makes you feel old wondering if anyone else alive even remembers there being something there.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Right. Because we ALL know a 650 is far too underpowered for a real man lol
  7. Thinking of wandering around Ashtabula county tomorrow to check out covered bridges. anyone interested? Tourist pace. Lunch. Maybe a fatty by the lake
  8. Last week
  9. ^typo in image, further research shows it was for Phallustine.
  10. Had to go and call my stuff a heap. Took it out Friday night for the 1st drive, stopped to get gas about 15 miles from home, went to start it and no crank. Fiddled a bit with it at the gas station and no go. Had to have it hauled home on a rollback. Dug into it today and found the ground wire on the starter was separated. Repaired the ground, through it back in and she fired right up.
  11. Took my first ride on my 2013 Versys. Really like it. That parallel twins revs to 10 grand. Just a fun basic motorcycle.
  12. I rode every style of bike from Harley’s with tall bars to sport bikes, I still have fun regardless. I am spoiled with the good roads, makes short after work rides nice.
  13. After having the camera fail on two iPhones attached to my handlebars I went with a 5” CarPlay unit. It survived my three months trip through the Yukon NWT and Alaska without issue, and that included all three “D’s” (Dempster, Dalton and Denali highways). It was a Carpuride model. Less than $100. Now my iPhone is safe and sound, plugged in and in my tankbag. And I also am running Fobo2 TPS sensors that are linked to my phone and CarPlay compatible, so I get my tire pressure on screen. Works fine with my Klim Dakar gloves
  14. Woke mine up from its winter nap today. My luck, it’ll snow for the next month up here on the shores of Lake Erie 🙄
  15. Jealous that you live so close to good riding, and that you’re riding something more capable of shredding twistys unlike my 03 Goldwing.
  16. I got my AFM disabler for the truck today just worried i dont know what to do right now
  17. Got out for a short ride to see how the roads are looking. Southern section of 555 is closed for a repair. 550 from 339 towards Athens is getting pretty rough. Overall though, it was great to get out and hit the twistys.
  18. Thanks man My retirement bike will be the same brand as yours...just slower.
  19. Congratulations, wish I could have retired at your age. Have fun picking out a new bike. I retired last year and bought a retirement bike too, it's been a blast.
  20. Time marches on and with time bikes keep getting better and better. I can buy a better bike today than any bike I've ever owned.
  21. Earlier
  22. Took the wheels off the Versys. Went to IP for a pair of Roadsmarts 3 to replace the knobbies. Bought new helmet. Expensive trip over $600 for everything.
  23. My first real bike, 1972 Suzuki TS185.
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