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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2013 in all areas

  1. So i have an 08 GS500f. I am thinking about stretching it about 4", purely for aesthetic purposes. I'm at OSU and have friends in welding engineering, but I may take it elsewhere if need be. What's the "right" way to stretch a swing arm?
    2 points
  2. you knowingly use clearly unconscionable and crass statements in the hopes of getting attention to your sad little points, opinions, and existence. the fact that you think the key difference is that you're not blaming a deity for your dumb fuckery is astonishing, given how high an opinion you have of your intelligence. it would actually reflect better on you if you blamed some third party for your asinine tard logic... but no, you're just a sad dullard. here, i'm just puzzled. do you lack the ability to relate with anything/anyone that you don't directly interact with? have you been diagnosed with autism or aspergers? it doesn't make sense that you can enjoy the taste of obama dick and yet, you're so far away from him, not a friend, not a neighbor, never rode with him. but here, you don't understand why people might feel sad that a war hero died helping someone. you should probably see a psychiatrist to get the official diagnosis. do you really believe this is the reason he is admired and is famous? because he killed a lot of people? he is lauded for his efforts in the war that resulted in the preventing the loss of lives and injury of american soldiers. this is not hard, it's not a logic puzzle, it's just not being retarded. try to keep up. your disrespect of those who put their lives on the line for their country is unfathomably vile. if you truly believe there is nothing wrong with your opinion on the matter and that it is based on solid logic, please share your opinions of this event, and your opinion of servicemen everywhere with your cousin who is a ranger. the only thing that could be considered ironic is that he risked his life in a war zone for so many years in one of the most dangerous roles a person can take, and in the course of trying to help a fellow veteran, he was murdered by that fellow veteran. it is tragic, not something to be scoffed at by a servile retarded loser with a sad excuse for a life and with comparably nothing to show for his time on this earth. you feel bad for his family, but feel good enough to use the story of his death to throw in some fucking scummy quip? you're a just bad person and an awful human being. that's why. because you can't see why he is special, you feel the need to go into a clearly well intentioned space on the internet where people can express their gratitude for his service to this country and mourn his loss, and exhibit your apathy, disrespect, and to show how much of a piece of shit you are? you disgust me. not just because you are stupid, not just because you are a failure in so many respects, and not just because you lack respect. but because you are simply an awful human being.
    2 points
  3. Yea this is bullshit! Magley I have never had a problem with you, but you really have no business being in this thread...please leave!!!
    2 points
  4. i'm just going to rep you now to help offset all the ugly abuse that is sure to come.
    2 points
  5. this is not the time or place to be a self righteous sack of shit
    2 points
  6. I used to be just like you Magz. Sad on the inside and acting like a cocksucker on the outside.
    1 point
  7. You wanna touch it don't you MT? I can tell by your cute little nickname for me, I mean we haven't even met and I have a pet name already!
    1 point
  8. You are such an asshole troll, your posts are about as helpful and insightful as a yeast infection. You post vile shit and have made so many insidious comments. You and Magz should get an apartment together, oh the conversations you could have. Join date doesn't mean shit, and I get paid well and very much on time for what I do, sucks to be you huh?
    1 point
  9. That's a cynical way of looking at this.
    1 point
  10. Check this web site out. They have LOTS of helmet reviews and actually have a fit guide like you are talking about. http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-helmets/motorcycle-helmet-shapes.htm
    1 point
  11. Wow, floored. So snipers protecting our troops are not showing courage? Would you rather see our troops killed by morters, or worse? Wait, don't answer that, please don't.
    1 point
  12. I had a nutswinger sitting in the left lane on 32 heading home one time. He acted like he was going to finally get around a car in the right lane and then slowed down. This occurred several times over quite a few miles. Well...needless to say when the opportunity came where the right lane was clear I passed him. After all the jackassing around in the left lane he did my passing him on the other side was not to his liking. So he proceeded to match my speed, still in the left lane until we hit slower traffic. So now I'm stuck...again...and back behind him. I'd had enough and now he's trying to break check me from time to time since now I am riding his ass because he thinks he owns the left lane. Next inkling of an opening and I pass him on the right yet again and proceeded to put a lot of space between me and him (the SS can do that quickly ). His POS car quickly fell back in my mirrors as he couldn't run triple digits for very long. I resumed my normal driving speed for my travel home once my goal was accomplished. I start to get close to home and I notice another car rapidly closing in the left lane in my mirrors and I know it's not the cocksucker from earlier. I slowed own to turn off the 32 and up comes a OSP. I knew EXACTLY what was up now. So I turn and the lights come on, I pull over only a few hundred feet from home and out comes the officer. He explains to me that he got a call from another driver that I was driving recklessly. I calmly explained to him what happened as well as the wife interjecting her .02 cents from time to time. He just gave me a warning (for whatever reason) and we went on home. I still know the exact car and know I'll see it again. When I do I'll be sure it will be incapacitated for a while. Bottom line, if you're not passing someone in the PASSING lane, kindly move over or don't get all panty twisted because someone passes you in the right.
    1 point
  13. So being involved in your child's education and well being is now called 'volunteering'? America is more f'd up than even I thought.
    1 point
  14. Its a sad sad day. And magley you are a worthless sack of shit. I can see in my 2 month absence you haven't changed.
    1 point
  15. I buy most of my lids on close out anymore though. Between crashing them and the 5 year rule for racing, I try not to break the bank on what amounts to a relatively disposable piece of gear.
    1 point
  16. maybe you could approach the school about starting something like this...? i sign up for some of the events at Derp Jr.'s school - noisy, semi-chaotic, but fun nonetheless.
    1 point
  17. please immediately tell your robot killing machine cousin you would be ok with him getting murdered after serving his country faithfully in multiple tours in active war zones. you stupid fuck.
    1 point
  18. I always take advise from the internet .
    1 point
  19. If true that is a punch in the face award winning move. Didn't you wreck on the dream ride? With all due respect and shit.
    1 point
  20. Do you even lift?
    1 point
  21. Well here I go again. My oldest, an E4 promotible, in an SF group in Intell deploys again tomorrow. Still strange to see a female soldier with a Special Forces Combat Patch. Even more so when its your kid. She's supposed to make Sergeant 1 March. Then enter the Problem Child.... My 18 yo duaghter. Been in troubles from the time she was 14. Fought with Mom and Dad for years. Moved out with a boy friend in the middle of the nite. Couple months pass. Moved back. Said her "sorries" after a trip to visit her big sister at FT Bragg. And tells us she inlisted for 6 years active duty Army....????? She left a week ago and in reception battalion as I type. Gonna be a drone opperator and now has SF "contacts" because she met Group Command Sergent Major at Bragg and may be "diverted" to Airborne then to Group with big sis if she makes it threw training. She called me and said "Dad! Are you gonna call your buddy at SORB (Special Operations Recruiting Battalion) for me like you did for Nicole?"..... (sigh) ........... And to add to the creepy she said "I love you" first time since she was 12. First one I almost expected. My most recent "Private" is still catching me off guard. Oh well, Like I said, here I go again. Go Army Airborne
    1 point
  22. Is he had a Harley then folks would know he's a fag.
    1 point
  23. God's speed, Sniper. Words are hard found on this. Some of the most important moments on a sniper team were comunicated by a boot tapping on mine or an elbow on my ribs. Maybe the most relaxing moments of my life were in that moment after I dump my breath and hold and that moment where I heard "send it." from the man next to me. I was never closer to any man. My Heart goes out to Cheif Kyle's wife and children.
    1 point
  24. He killed the lights... Allegedly. Sent via mobile
    1 point
  25. I thought pictures put to Paul Harvey's "so God made a farmer" is one of the best commercials I have ever seen.
    1 point
  26. Somebody need me? Here I is!
    1 point
  27. PM your info and I'll get the turn signals and grips in the mail
    1 point
  28. Yes sad. I will say though, with no disrespect to the dead, can you imagine the set of balls it would take to pull a gun on a guy like Kyle?
    1 point
  29. I'll comment. I'm not on here a lot and I've only ever met maybe 4 guys here, so I'm not really privvy to the group dynamics, but respect to Midget Todd, cause that shit is hilarious. In my car, provided road conditions are acceptable, I always set the cruise at 9 over. 64 in a 55, 74 in a 65, etc. On the interstate, unless there is a really torn up section of road or some other good reason not to, I always stay in the right lane, and merge left to pass. If someone comes up behind me, which is rare, I get over immediately. On the bike, I really have little regard for speed limits. I try and keep my speeds at around 10 over, but invariably I look down and I'm doing 85+ mph. I took my lumps for that years ago with a 4 point, 119 in a 55 citation; and I'm quite certain I'll get another one at some point. It happens - ya gotta pay if you want to play. On the bike I am also always in the right lane, except to pass or under the conditions described above. I'm personally ok with speeding if the combination of equipment, skill, road surface, weather, and traffic density is all proportionate; and I write very, very, very few speeding tickets because of that and because of my own propensity to speed. I make a lot of speed stops, but that's to sniff out what else might be going on. To actually get a speeding ticket from me, you have to first catch me when I'm not getting bombarded with other calls, then you also have to have a shitty driving record, and you have to sprinkle in a dollop of asshole with a smattering of uninsured. I also hate, with a fucking passion, those fucktards who clog the left lane, or who insist on going under the speed limit on a 2 lane road. I understand that not everyone shares my habit of speeding, and that's okay; but at least go the speed limit, and get over if someone wants to pass. I chuckled at some people's comments on here, because I do the same thing. Climb up someone's ass, yep. Flash the brights, yep. Make insane arm gestures, yep. A few years ago I took a pursuit class and we did live PITs on other vehicles on a track; and for months after that, as I was trapped behind a horde of Voyagers and Siennas I would daydream about just smashing the slowpokes off the road and laughinging maniacally as they spun into the median, unaware of what had just happened to them. I have a divided highway (8 lane, actually) in my jurisdiction but it's not really a "freeway" in the sense that it has traffic lights and cross streets, so there are always cars in the left lanes that are moving slowly in preparation for merging, turning, etc. Thus, I can't really engage in much enforcement for left lane violators. I do make some general "impeding traffic" stops on cars that are clearly trundling along below the speed limit and have several cars backed up behind them. I'd like to see the OSP do more in the way of educating drivers to stay right on multi lane roads, and I'd like to see more enforcement on the freeway. Sadly, the OSP is so wrapped up in writing speeding tickets that they fail to enforce a lot of traffic laws that would truly promote safety and improve traffic flow. Oh, and as far as it being legal to pass at 10 over, umm, no. As someone else said, the speed limit is the limit. Well, I mean, technically it's the limit....
    1 point
  30. Another dumb statement from troll boy. Who'da thunk!
    1 point
  31. ...OBAMA. Just like everyone else with no paycheck.
    1 point
  32. I understand the kids and weekends. However, when I got rid of all my dirt toys, I had kind of forgotten what I was missing until I got the RZR. I had forgotten how much I missed being out in the woods with my buds, in a non homo way. Being out on the dusty or muddy trail is really something that I need in my life to keep my sanity. Even if it's just a couple of weekends a year. But, I also have 5 acres with trails and woods all over it, so I can use my offroad toys any/everyday if I chose. I just really enjoy the camaraderie . If it's paid for, do you need the money? Do you need the space? Sometimes it can be hard to get back something like that once you get rid of it.
    1 point
  33. A few of us from work, go over to the BMX dirt track in Westerville and race around. They cleaned it up last year and it's pretty good time. We have several different cars but the bigger 1/10th scales seem to work a little better there. I have a Slash 4x4 Platinum that I would like to sell, if anyone is interested PM me.
    -1 points
  34. sweet I have 2 members as fans. it means you're the fuckin newbie bitch here not the other way around so don't sit there and act like you're the forum hero against someone that's been here much longer than you. of course I also have a life and couldn't possibly post 2500+ times in a year like your loser ass. so who's the actual troll around here???
    -1 points
  35. My words have very little in common with the WBC other than you find them apalling. Not once did I blame my opinion on that of an imaginary sky fairy but instead on my own view. Let's be honest, why is this thread even here? Was a friend of anyone on the board? Nope... a neighbor? anyone here ride with him? No... This thread is here for 1 of a couple reasons. Most obvious is because he's famous... why is he famous? because he was more efficient at killing people than anyone else within the armed forces with his particular weapon of choice... The othe reason would be regarding the irony of a number of circumstances around his death. 1. his job, he did a wonderful job killing people... and it was that "a job" he didn't volunteer, he was paid, and paid reasonably. 2. the fact that he was shot at a firing range (something many of you have assured "never happens") I feel bad for his family, they didn't deserve to grow up without a father/husband/son, but i don't get the big outpouring of emotion. Plenty of good men die every day, I don't see threads for all of them, what makes this guy so special?
    -2 points
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