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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2013 in Posts

  1. stop dancing and go buy another snow blower
    4 points
  2. The real question is what will it take to get magz let madcats wife smash his face. Is there a donation fund or maybe we can contribute money to magz favorite liberal campaign?
    3 points
  3. think of all the zombies we can kill with it... during michigan week.
    3 points
  4. The scariest part is that earlier (before take off), they were at the same elevation.
    2 points
  5. Shut your dirty whore mouth or you're not getting your tang
    2 points
  6. im doing my snow dance too... for TWELVE INCHES OF SNOW
    2 points
  7. You would be as well if you were a jets fan
    2 points
  8. I would add: 4) Whether you're a man or a woman...common sense and basic survival instincts should steer you away from picking fights with those who will obviously kick your ass.
    2 points
  9. i will gladly demonstrate to anyone my "thumb to the left testicle uppercut". i want to see if you can stay conscious. then we can have my wife do it to you. i'll have her make the "SHOOOORYUUUKEN" sound and everything. if she pins the testicle against a solid unmoving surface, may god have mercy on your soul. unless you're hollywood or trmn8tr.
    2 points
  10. You got so caught up in your paradoxically-chauventistic victim-mentality diatribe that you apparently missed my response which contained the evidence you seek. It's easy: 1) A man should not hit a woman 2) A woman should not hit a man 3) Any person has the right to use reasonable force to stop an attack.
    2 points
  11. No excuse to EVER hit a women! even if hit first, I know walking away is not easy when emotions are running high but hitting a women is never acceptable in my opinion.
    2 points
  12. Never hit a woman (first).
    2 points
  13. Damn. You could grate cheese on that belly.
    2 points
  14. So she is good at opening her throat?
    2 points
  15. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/jets-fan-punches-pats-gal-big-victory-article-1.1491263 I'm really torn on this one. I don't know what went on before the start of this video - but what I see is two girls running after a man who is backing away. The blond girl charges toward him and stops suddenly in what looks like a left hand punch landed by HER - then he punches her. Gallantry tells me that you don't hit a woman. My fight training makes me wonder if he could have defended himself from this girl without punching her. (Push, redirect, step aside, grab an arm and push her aside) I'm 50/50 on this one. If his story is that she landed a punch then I would say he has a right to defend himself, especially given two aggressors. If she was just "getting in his face" and yelling then the punch could easily be considered be over the top. Men should not hit women. UNLESS the woman is in the process of attacking the man, then the man can do what is reasonable to stop the attack. If I kick a pitbull and it bites me, nobody would blame the dog, right? Now, I have punched/kicked women many times - but they were all wearing sparring gear. You should never underestimate the speed and accuracy of a smaller/lighter opponent, especially if you are big and slow and have to rely on power. We have a BB that is half my age and weight - and he kicks my ass up and down the mat every damn time we spar.
    1 point
  16. Electric Water heater started leaking. It has a 6 year tank and parts warranty. 3 years left on the warranty. It's leaking at the top where hot water comes out. Warranty people said check the dioelectric union first. I had already done that but ok, looked again, there's nothing between the union and the tanks fitting. It leaks around the tanks fitting and fiberglass insulation. Called them back and they said I had to have a plumber come out and inspect it. I asked, do I get my money back from the plumber when its your defect, answer no. Can I send you pictures or a video of the leak? No. $130 for a plumber to tell them what I'm already telling them. Screw you, I'm gone even though the $130'd be cheaper since it would be under warranty. They're not getting another dime from me, directly or indirectly. Going electric tankless Ecosmart 27kw, Lifetime warranty.
    1 point
  17. This is my sammich makers cousin, please click link and like Kara Smoots pic and help her win! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=665156456835429&set=a.665144236836651.1073741828.455334161150994&type=3&theater
    1 point
  18. I'm Jenn. I live in NKY. Ride with these crazy people;) http://www.erlangerbikersclub.com/photo5.html http://groups.myspace.com/assfaultJunkies I've been riding for about 5 years or around 25k miles. There's nothing else like it in my world. The overall workout and the rush, not to mention all the great people you meet...we are some lucky peeps. So yeah, if you're heading out (especially during a weekday) holla out...I'm usually pretty freed up n would love to tag along.
    1 point
  19. It was a Joke, 867-5309, youre a lil slow
    1 point
  20. I'm a fan of the Cruze Eco:thumbup: It could be worse... ...you could be driving 2 AVENGERZ! :gabe:
    1 point
  21. That means I would be f'ing over a fellow biker. I won't do that. But rep for creativity!
    1 point
  22. Buy a speedo off one with 20k miles and swap it.
    1 point
  23. we can compromise and use liam neeson's judo chop on bitches wanting stitches. not as girly as a slap, but not as harsh looking on video as a right hook to the pie hole.
    1 point
  24. So you understand this man's pain and suffering!
    1 point
  25. I'm a browns fan... Jets can't be any worse, lol
    1 point
  26. I know that was directed at Magz, but I will answer for myself... Before graduation high school, plenty. My last fight hospitalized me for a few days when the guy I was fighting pretended to give up to get me to drop my guard then sucker-punched me, broke my cheek and nose with a signle blow of his fist (MAGZ), and I grew up a lot during those few days in the hospital bed. It used to be nothing to me respond to any perceived physical assault with an all-out fight, but I learned quickly that the older you get the more damage you do, and have done to you. Nowadays I train hard in karate, JJ, Krav, knife fighting and gun-totin'. These days I have much more to lose and avoid confrontation as much as I can, but I also don't hang out at sports events, bars, frat parties or road rage people, so I haven not been in a fistfight outside of a sparring ring since I was 18. I'm going to be 40 next year. I spar regularly with all belt levels (I am brown) and spend as much time kicking ass as I spend getting my ass kicked. I've seen students at the dojo with broken noses, ribs, cheeks, arms, ankles etc, and that is from training. I have no illusions that a punch/kick is incapable of f*cking you up big style when you do it for real.
    1 point
  27. Once again, jbot is the king of foreplay.
    1 point
  28. Negged for not emptying your inbox.
    1 point
  29. You are obviously a sexist and believe that women are inferior.
    1 point
  30. If a woman steps up to a man and is going throw a punch like she is a man...she should expect to be held accountable for that action just like a man. If women should be treated equal, that's as equal as it gets, folks. We know not every man is going to hit a woman back, but in some cases it's justified. Maybe the best movie line ever...
    1 point
  31. The negative rep I usually get is hilarious.
    1 point
  32. Sexy girl. And a girl that can sing is extra hot in my book.
    1 point
  33. Your neighbour probably registered so she could neg the hell out of you.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Tankless are great for continuous supply of hot water and efficiency. They also take up much less room in your utility room. However there are a couple use differences. First it takes a few seconds for the unit to warm up when you turn on the water. This means hot water will take a little longer to get to the tap. In addition if you use hot water in bursts like when washing dishes you will get pulses of hot and cool water as the unit shuts off every time you turn off the water. Also they will not heat the water if you are running it slowing, like some people do when washing dishes or shaving. Gas units work great for a whole house supply. Ours will run 2 showers even in the winter. However electric units are not as powerful and may not be able to heat our cold winter ground water sufficiently for a hot shower. They definitely will not run multiple sources at the same time. In addition there is not much energy savings for an electric compared to a tank as an electric tank can be very well insulated unlike a gas tank unit which must have an exhaust. We have been very pleased with ours but they do require some adjustment. Craig
    1 point
  36. Paul I would not expect any less from you but coming from a guy that only owns an accord I'm not sure if the comment is valid of not. As far as legality it's is legal to own due to the 25 year law. I purchased the car from Japanese classics Llc for multiple reasons but the most important one is they register all cars in Virginia before selling the car to prove it can be registered just fine and they register it as the vehicle that it is. Their cars are all federal and state legal. Wheels wise I think I'm going to find a set of these sterns http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p135/83restomod/stern.jpg
    1 point
  37. If I could get one for free, I'd take it.
    1 point
  38. I'm sure they roll around testing thermal imaging devices.
    1 point
  39. Aand an interesting thread turns into a grammar fight.
    1 point
  40. Much appreciated. She's cute. Good luck to her.
    1 point
  41. Img http://i873.photobucket.com/albums/ab295/Wyldehorsesracing/20130916_174230_zps1f39b9c8.jpg sorry if too big this is from phone
    1 point
  42. I hate you, you made me go look and the warranty on mine expired a month ago, Now I'm going to worry about it.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. It all boils down to this for me.........when our end finally comes, we are either right in what we believe or we are wrong.
    1 point
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