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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2014 in all areas

  1. So then you made an uninformed comment on something you could care less about. That is by definition a TROLL. I usually avoid an topic that you post in and this is the reason why; you troll this thread and after you have spent a good portion of the recent past getting after other members for making what you perceive to be uniformed comments or observations . You truly are a fart in the wind, blowing in and stinking up what ever you see fit.
    2 points
  2. Hanging out with you fags to much.
    2 points
  3. They need to throw the screaming woman at the end in down that hole too.
    2 points
  4. I do know to make a left onto 669 in Crooksville, and not end us up in Zanesville. I'll consider leading a Sloooow group, but I'm not committing myself yet. I still have to see if I can get off work for this, and if the weather is crappy, I'm staying home.
    1 point
  5. Fresh white screams Baller Status
    1 point
  6. Don't bother try to teach him anything. Magley likes to drag people down to his level and beat them with his superior stupidity.
    1 point
  7. I have made a slight modification to the route to improve from last years problems. Instead of the gas station we hit last year, we've found a gas station more central to the ride. Last year, many felt the first stop was way to early (30 miles into the ride, leaving a 110 mile iron butt section. I noticed many were very sore. After reviewing the route, we found a gas station that can accommodate our size as well as provide 3 bathrooms for those who need to go. The route will remain the same minus a very short turn to a gas station and return back on to the route. http://goo.gl/maps/ZnwBZ The gas station we will be using is at point G. BP Gas station : 531 N Main St, McConnelsville, OH This gas station is 70 miles into the ride and leaves 60 miles after the gas station. Changing the gas/stretch stop has multiple advantages: 1) More evenly separates the route (keeps riders from that uncomfortably long stretch we had last year) 2) Keeps well within the 100 mile typical gas stops 3) The stretch leading up to the gas station is a bit twisty, so it will allow a chance to recover before continuing the ride. 4) Doesn't change the route but a .1 mile quick detour. 5) 3 bathrooms between the gas station/dairy queen (which has outside entrances to the bathroom and the BP attendant said we would be fine to use the DQ bathrooms) 6) Last year, leading up to the ride, many riders already agreed that we wanted to find a more central gas stop. The only flaw that I can see by doing this is that it prevents those who may not be in the right group from switching earlier. This is easily solved by the idea that we can do a quick stop and go at the first gas station from last year if anyone feels uncomfortable. They will wait for the next group to pass. When approaching the first gas station (the one from last year), be on the look out for riders who may be waiting to switch and let them squeeze into your group as you ride by. I am already aware that people dislike change, but I do honestly believe this is better for the overall rider experience. As pretty much everyone said, it's better to have one guy make a decision than try and have 10 people debate whether it's better or not. I'll listen to anyone who may have reasons why this is bad, but for now, I believe this will be the best for the ride.
    1 point
  8. Okay, the little winky face just makes it creepy, Jester. What the hell is wrong with you?
    1 point
  9. booo... looks like il be eating sausage
    1 point
  10. ...so now you believe in God?
    1 point
  11. The founders of this country said we could/should..... They put it into law with a process established which can change that law if desired. Go for it.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Mags you should no longer use toilet paper to wipe your ass, you are damaging the paper and it is being flushed down a toilet where it can not be recycled like targets can. And as full of shit as you are you must kill lots of trees...
    1 point
  14. I would have gone and bought a new ATV by now.
    1 point
  15. You're too fucking much man... Target shooting isn't just about practicing for the real thing.. Some people buy guns for target shooting as a hobby or a sport.. There's so many different kinds of target shooting... But basically, according to you, all target shooting is training to kill... Long distance shooters? Training to be the next freeway snipers? Terrorists? Can't possibly be that some people just like shooting targets for fun You really are a cunt... I usually try to not even acknowledge you, because I hate arguing with mentally handicapped people, but shit man... You're one of the most awful wastes of flesh I've never met. Fuck your parents for having you.
    1 point
  16. This thread has brought me to the realization that there aren't enough hot jogger chicks in my area.
    1 point
  17. God and Guns......I worship, trust and believe in them both.
    1 point
  18. I need to make a T shirt with a motorcycle icon on it, saying Free Waves or some such. Just to be a no good dirty hippie.
    1 point
  19. Depends on how hard you crash it
    1 point
  20. lol, actually everything that Boeing does is technically a spinoff of the B-17.... just sayin'
    1 point
  21. My $.02... Go to the infield. Watch from around Turn 8 where they are running the right hander onto the middle straightaway. The reason for this is if you are a true enthusiast, you can watch them roll to wide open throttle and listen to the riders' TC choices. The bikes can be seen working suspension and everything. The added bonus is that all the riders do their mock starts from the middle straight. Pretty cool. As far as bike parking, if you have a Ducati, you get to park in Ducati only parking and it is UBER easy to get out. The grandstands and areas outside the track are cool for the sound and speed. But you are looking at them in very small sizes. I'm not a huge fan of at the races viewing, but if I am there, I want to see things working and hear the setups each rider uses...Come by and say hey at the Ducati tents...
    1 point
  22. You are HIGHLY outnumbered Duane on what your stance and feelings are towards guns and all things gun related, as for anything that comes out of Bloombergs piehole concerning anything gun related......they guy cannot be taken seriously. He and his sheep have an obvious agenda, and the NRA has an obvious agenda, however one is all about protecting American freedoms, and the other is scared of inanimate objects and blames the objects over the people wielding them. Typical of some liberals, they always play the blame game instead of common sense and real solutions.
    1 point
  23. I mostly only wave at other orange bikes, unless it's an odd numbered day, but sometimes if it's the weekend & unless the sun is shining then maybe. Lol But I almost always wave, because, why not? Life too short to be stingy with waves...
    1 point
  24. A report released in January 2013 by the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (PDF, 2MB), founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, found that since 1996 the CDC’s funding for firearm injury prevention has fallen 96 percent and is now just $100,000 of the agency’s $5.6 billion budget. The CDC’s online guide for grants funded by the agency’s Injury Control Research Centers currently includes a section titled Prohibition of Use of CDC Funds for Certain Gun Control Activities, which states that “In addition to the restrictions in the Anti-Lobbying Act, CDC interprets the language in the CDC's Appropriations Act to mean that CDC's funds may not be spent on political action or other activities designed to affect the passage of specific Federal, State, or local legislation intended to restrict or control the purchase or use of firearms.
    1 point
  25. Oh fuck, look what I found. Yes, its a FUCKING CDC STUDY ON GUN DEATHS IN THE US. Sorry for all the caps and f' bombs but this is pretty big ownage for our resident asshat. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/homicide.htm And to answer your question Pokey, 89 per day from cars, 30 per day from guns. When will the insanity of these car deaths end!! We need licensing, and tests and restrictions on these cars. Maybe if we limit the size of the gas tanks they will be less deadly. My work here is done.
    1 point
  26. There's more than you think. And when I say more I mean myself and jbot... I think. Sent from my iPhone.
    1 point
  27. It's a free country. I didn't think we needed rules for waving on a motorcycle. All that aside, it's been nice out here in NM where everyone waves to everyone; car, truck, bike, etc.
    1 point
  28. you ever seen a happy pirate? yea me either
    1 point
  29. only if you're 6 years old....
    0 points
  30. Really, how is a city going to prevent a mudslide?
    -1 points
  31. Color me corrected, Hadn't been reading the story, just sound bytes here and there.... wasn't particularly interested in the story.
    -1 points
  32. Wasn't trolling, Was posting a joke... Title said "landslide", Looked like one, figured it was one... Commented Joke... act of god, don't pay a penny son... sounds like you got your panties twisted over nothing.
    -1 points
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