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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2014 in all areas

  1. I want a Tonik t-shirt: "let me be clear: I hate everyone." Thus why I took a libertarian ballot...
    3 points
  2. Damn, that was an epic post.
    3 points
  3. Where, exactly, did I say I supported Koch? Let be be very clear on this, as I always have been, I hate everyone. Everyone. I am a conservative but that has nothing to do with Koch or Republicans. I encourage them to blow me just as I encourage Dems and Soros to blow me. I hate everyone and everyone can blow me. I can't make it any clearer than that. As for money and misleading statements in elections. You know what. For years the UAW, teachers unions, George Soros and the like have done exactly the same thing. It wasn't until Koch and the Repub super pacs came along and businesses got freedom of speech aka spend shitloads on elections did anyone on the left complain. You folks made your shit hole now you get to wallow in it. Not giving you a hard time, just making sure you understand where I am coming from. There is no one nowhere worthy of my vote, and there is no tax dreamed up by those people that is worthy of my support. They can all blow me.
    3 points
  4. Took my first trip to the gap back in 01 and went back in 02, 03, and 04 from Cleveland area. We always did 400 mile first and last days on I77 to get there and back quickly to spend more time there. We went there to play and to hook up with friends from another forum. Made all my trips there on a GS500 and the last trip was a couple months before my 72nd birthday, Should be a piece of cake for a kid in his 50's.
    3 points
  5. I don't fully understand, what's your position Tonik?
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Wednesdays are a great day to ride through the Valley because most the bike traffic and attention is at bike night
    2 points
  8. Very important that you always have a few things on hand. AAA membership, tire repair gear- plugs and inflator is the minimum and a few tools. And the Cincinnatti thing just don't be dumb enough to ride thru at rush hour and no big deal. It sucks but it's only 15 minutes. The guys I ride with are BMW owners and them boys ride everywhere. A little planning and road trips are fun.
    2 points
  9. Looking for what others have done... I keep myself busy enough that I rarely have "TV time"... so I am thinking about turning off the TV service, and saving that money to use elsewhere (READ: On the bike) I am curious who else has canceled, or does not have TV service, and what you do for "Sit down" entertainment...
    1 point
  10. We didn't have any crap beer to boil the brats in tonight, so we used Fat Tire. I'm never using Bud or Miller again. These were the best brats I've ever had. Figured I'd share. Happy grilling.
    1 point
  11. Almost sixty....? with liberal rounding I suppose. I agree with TPoppa, driving a cage past all those gorgeous roads, to get to the gap is just depressing. I cannot understand how anyone could pass up the chance to ride through Dollywood...
    1 point
  12. I am. I can hate and ride. Live to Ride. Ride to Hate.
    1 point
  13. I voted just to vote no on any taxes....................
    1 point
  14. Hell yeah you're welcome. All are welcome. The more the merrier.
    1 point
  15. Of course you're welcomed at our shindigs. Hope you have a safer trip this time.
    1 point
  16. For me there is just something wrong with trailering past tons of good twisties to get to good twisties.
    1 point
  17. Ride it in the northward direction..it's better. At least for me it is, I am more comfortable carving uphill twisties than downhill....
    1 point
  18. The brick of 22 ammo is worth about a grand right now though so it's a steal
    1 point
  19. It's a person who wears pjs at chipotle :-P
    1 point
  20. Thanks to Jeff for a nice lift table. It's clean and the price was right!
    1 point
  21. Women in pajamas in public is like the surest way you can tell they're a twatwazzle.
    1 point
  22. Amazon, Netflix and project free tv. Have not missed it one bit. Run the roku 3, xbox one and a computer.
    1 point
  23. Yep, actually passed our school levy, granted we sold our house to leave the levy, and still would be even after passing, it felt nice to finally see school levy's pass. Getting a new high school 50% off, and keeping sports, and extra curricular activities. Then again, I always vote for school levy's even if they seem stupid to everyone else. Always will.
    1 point
  24. Who cares how you travel down what matters most is that you show up. Every bike is not for long distance riding, I wouldn't many to make that trip on one of them crotch bikes lol, some can do it but I'll bet they won't do it twice.
    1 point
  25. That's a good plan. Consider staying at the Casino in St. Ignace. Good rates, very nice hotel and you get to eat well and gamble a bit.
    1 point
  26. No shame in my game. I've trailed to the meet up point for rides that were less than an hour from home lol. I hate commuting.
    1 point
  27. Never hold the door for a woman in pajamas at chipotles on your lunch break and she might walk past you never say a word then order 22 different burritos
    1 point
  28. Heavy traffic in Hocking consists of tractors, old people, etc.
    1 point
  29. That's good advice. Although, I'm from California where it's like that all the time every day everywhere. So usually other people's idea of heavy traffic is not the same as mine :-P
    1 point
  30. Hocking on weekend.......not good, shit tons of traffic and lots of cars pulling in and out of everywhere. I would find another route to ride on the weekends when the weather is nice, leave Hocking for a day ride during the week. Just my opinion and experiences is all.
    1 point
  31. You can't ride with the tow vehicle? I guess I don't understand. My biggest reason for not riding is not wanting to be stuck if I fuck up.
    1 point
  32. as always jack u deliver the best, ty
    1 point
  33. Take a look at the website I've linked below. You may be able to find a gas station near you that carries gas without ethanol added. It may not be VP brand specifically but it's better than nothing. I use non-ethanol in law equipment, chainsaw, boat engines, bikes and stuff like that. If you find a place near you you'll want to call ahead and verify they still sell E0. Some listings on the site are old. Also, you may need to ask a manager about the ethanol content. I spoke to a few places and a couple of the workers were not able to confirm whether the gas was E0 or not. Hopefully this helps. http://pure-gas.org/
    1 point
  34. I probably won't be awake before 9.
    1 point
  35. I do, I just don't do the group rides. Don't like all the stops, pace, sightseeing, waiting for half the group, and eating. I ride the Gap numerous times and a select few of the surrounding roads with our group of 3 and 4. Most complain about our pace and risks and we don't wanna be responsible for others going down so we go on our own. Just looks like we don't ride because we don't leave and dawn and come back at dark, fuck all that.
    1 point
  36. Are you kidding? I've never known Todd to ride unless it's above 75 degrees with less than 10% humidity and a light south-westerly breeze
    1 point
  37. dam bubby you running the shit out of that bike
    1 point
  38. I can honestly say my count down has just begun, i'm very pessimistic and don't like let downs so i do get pumped about anything till it's a sure thing. I did, my work sucks and don't care that you have a life outside that place. Now I'm officially excited The certification is really the last thing I am after in this trip. Yes it a cool thing, and yes i want to do it but just the personal satisfaction is all I'm after. I mean to me its just a piece of paper, I don't need anyone else telling me what i have and have not accomplished in my life. Not trying to take anything away from it for anyone, it's just the way i see things. My wife often gets mad at me when i go places and don't take enough pictures but to me the memories are in my head and heart. I only run out of necessity, if im going to die or if i gotta poop
    1 point
  39. Never do oil changes with your spouse.... lack of communication can cause expensive mistakes. For example mixing the used oil with the new oil in a 5 qt jug. So, make sure you buy double what you need if you plan on an afternoon of oil changes together.
    1 point
  40. Man at taht price, someone local from OR needs to own this thing. I mean look at Jim and Angela, bought a TH off OR, and traveled ALL over the US, living a dream. Maybe this is another TH someone else can do the same with. Or just take it to Wayne, Mid O, etc.
    1 point
  41. $4k cash, my 18' maxum I/O open bow, Playstation and all COD games, couple shotguns and my girlfriend! Just kidding about the playstation!!
    1 point
  42. Hey I just came over after hearing about this site from another member. I am new to all types of racing as I was never really interested in it till now My backround is I have been building and restoring classic cars since I was 5 with my father. I am ASE certified but I dont used it for anything. My most recent car is a 2007 Saturn Sky here are her Specs 2.4l Garrett Turbocharged around 375HP (EHP) Never tracked nor dynoed so real numbers will be coming Clutchmasters FX300 Clutch Kit 5 Speed I am looking to get her out on a strip to get some time slips so any help would be great. I live in circleville just south of columbus
    1 point
  43. well if I knew how to post pictures I would I dont use any of the online photo sites. what is another way to post the pictures
    1 point
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