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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2014 in all areas

  1. My hate for you is justified. http://www.concealednation.org/2014/05/the-recent-mall-shooting-that-you-wont-hear-about/
    4 points
  2. It's no secret that the media has a liberal bias. It just needs to be presented correctly for the media to latch on. 2 gun owners thwart crime = liberal media has no interest. 2 men (no mention of guns) support abortion in the 105th trimester = liberal media would cover it Now if the 2 men wer gay and making out at the time = 24 hour coverage and be considered "Breaking News" on CNN.com
    3 points
  3. Heard and experienced rider bashing some new ones and it got me to thinking. After 45 years in the saddle, if I was sitting on a barstool next to you here is what I would tell you: 1. Glad you took up riding! Changed my life way back when and hope you get a passion for it too. 2. Forget the image thing. Popular culture is kind of like music you know. From swing to twist to disco to pop to whatever the hell you kids do these days! A rider in Boot Hill Saloon on Main Street in 1975 would probably be incarcerated pretty quickly today. In the old days, if you rode a Harley in the wrong part of town, you were an automatic hoodlum. Now most Harley customers probably live in better sections of towns to be able to afford them. 3. Get great gear that lasts. It will be cheaper and more functional in the long run. A great leather jacket that will last you 40 years is worth $600. If it serves a purpose, wear it. If it doesn't, its extra gear to carry. 4. Its ok to be an idiot. We've all been there. Just learn to be safe. If you want to sit at a stop light and blip your throttle, you'll get over it eventually. Of course, these days you might get a ticket. 5. It’s not a horsepower competition. Unless you've really been taught, your ability will never come close to matching a newer bikes capability. So don't waste your money on "mods" unless something really bugs you. 6. Last, go on road trips. Longer the better. I don't mean on a trailer. Become a motorcycle enthusiast. The road is really what being a biker is about. New places, new roads, new friends. Won’t matter if they ride Bmw, Honda or Harley. People who ride for the road appreciate motorcycles regardless of the brand and will strike up friendships and share experiences.
    3 points
  4. http://www.space.com/25836-new-meteor-shower-comet-209p-linear.html I've read some estimates at 400-1000 per hour. Could be incredible. Late Friday night, early Saturday morning.
    2 points
  5. Heated gear is for pussies. Steve McQueen didn't have heated gear. He rode like man, smoked, drank, whored, pretty sure he shit logs the size of Winnebagos. Wet soggy pants... That's a real badge of honor...unless you're 3 years old. Then it's just sad.
    2 points
  6. Italian supermodels are beautiful for sure. And emotional, moody, demanding. Always want expensive accessories. Just never enough. Once you go Asian you never go back... ... Wait what are we taking about.
    2 points
  7. There was more $ invested in cars sitting at that red light than I will ever see in my lifetime.
    2 points
  8. Never been there before...what are the 'must ride' roads that are within a day's ride of Deal's Gap?
    1 point
  9. http://wallstcheatsheet.com/automobiles/6-electric-motorcycles-ready-to-battle-any-gas-bike.html/?a=viewall
    1 point
  10. I dunno about you man, but those don't sound like friends to me. Whatever happened to just drawing wieners on their face with sharpie?
    1 point
  11. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/35.4657416,-83.9198831/35.3399857,-83.8138639/35.3669099,-84.3015995/34.988109,-84.3699535/34.6277018,-83.9550406/34.7946727,-83.8936942/34.8322039,-83.7301646/34.919184,-83.7292075/34.8780951,-83.3970523/34.9401988,-83.1894495/@35.1365308,-83.7908425,9z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m17!4m16!1m0!1m0!1m0!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d-84.1855851!2d34.7744891!3s0x885f0c789ce2ec35:0x69f099e6d69e12b0!1m0!1m0!1m0!1m0!1m0!1m0!3e0 https://www.google.com/maps/dir/34.9402047,-83.1894825/35.4657418,-83.919883/@35.2496149,-83.5497524,10z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m3!4m2!1m0!1m0
    1 point
  12. I was not at the ride, I put the down payment on the bike Monday and finalized the bank papers today. Should be picking the bike up in a day or two
    1 point
  13. Airplane I caught last time I was at it. But the best way I found to see meteors is wait for the shutter to close.
    1 point
  14. Found my shirt, well i ask mama bear where it was and bless her heart she hung it up for me so nothing bad would happen to it, and so you know i hang NOTHING up even my dress shirts are in my dresser but she hung up the sore butt shirt. Ordered the short arm for my phone mount. When i get back from Deals Gap ill physically look at my oil and make a judgement call on how it looks. Heavyduty has our hotel res. squared away...i hope....lol Only thing i concerned about the weather is which jacket to wear. Touring Textile or Mesh, if it going to be above 80 deg ill bring the mesh
    1 point
  15. Life is too short to deal with a dick. Just go to another dealer. I personally have had good luck with IP. I have purchased alot of tires, parts, service, and gear there. I have never bought a bike from them.
    1 point
  16. Far to many of stories like this go untold and unpublished... I just wonder about the stories where simply drawing the concealed weapon stopped a crime, with nothing fired at all....I would venture to bet that many many more of those are untold...
    1 point
  17. Are you moving back to Cleveland?
    1 point
  18. Here ya go all. I took a few snap shots with my phone. Not as nice as Dan's of course, but i figured i would share them with everyone anyway. I tried to get a pic of each group at the start and a few at the gas stop. I had a great time. Hope we can do this again in the fall!!
    1 point
  19. Dibs pending measurements, my daughter wants a corner desk. Can you tell me how long it is each direction from the corner? If it'll fit I'll come get it.
    1 point
  20. I dream of a standard battery pack and have service stations swap out battery packs. You pay by the pack. Small cars might take one. Large SUV may take 6.
    1 point
  21. Interesting. They seem to be making some progress. I'll have to wait until they get something with a 600 mile range (or really fast recharge) that is price competitive with fossil fuel bikes.
    1 point
  22. OMG car porn... Some really nice vehicles went by, most of which I will only be able to purchase in Hot Wheels versions. Great pics though!
    1 point
  23. You were passing clean everybody,I don't see any wrong doing all day.if somebody don't like to be pass closely go to novice group.
    1 point
  24. Depends on the dealer. Some will cut a deal to do volume, some want big margin in each unit. Just use the net and get email quotes - driving around to deal face to face is a colossal waste of time. Walked out of dealers too many times where my checkbook didn't see the light of day.
    1 point
  25. I had a experience like that too, i ask about a KLR they had in the used section. I ask if they would take $2k(think they were asking $2900) for it and basically got laughed at in my face. At that point it was negotiation over with for me. They have to pay for that new fancy show room somehow i guess.
    1 point
  26. Seriously considering this if my schedule permits. How soon would I need to reserve a rental?
    1 point
  27. DSC_2354 DSC_2351 DSC_2406 DSC_2405 DSC_2404 DSC_2403 DSC_2401 DSC_2399
    1 point
  28. The Cars: DSC_2397 DSC_2395 DSC_2392 DSC_2389 DSC_2388 DSC_2387 DSC_2386 DSC_2385 DSC_2379 DSC_2378
    1 point
  29. Got the frame, step, bumper, and front end on my new to me camper sanded down and repainted today. Took over 4 hours but looks much better now. Quick spring clean on it and ready to go camping for five days in june at aep.
    1 point
  30. Gotta try this again New to racing not to cars. Been building and restoring cats for 20 years. My ride 2007 Saturn Sky 383 SBC 700r4 CTS V 3.23 differential http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z148/coopcj7/Mobile%20Uploads/20140504_182608_zpsnhuuzqr_edit_1399846393047_zps2pyvhpsl.jpg"]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z148/coopcj7/Mobile%20Uploads/20140504_182608_zpsnhuuzqr_edit_1399846393047_zps2pyvhpsl.jpg[/url]
    1 point
  31. I like to joke about Harley's sucking, but I AM joking. There are a lot of legitimate gripes to make about them when compared to other makes, but HD's marketing department has done a good job of making people not care. I think that's silly, but it's not my call, nor my problem. I do think people should back off ripping on Harley's if they haven't actually ridden one, let alone owned one. I haven't owned one. I've ridden Harleys on a handful of occasions, but never for any extended period of time. It's not my thing. But the Yamahar Raider I rode wasn't my thing either. 1800cc's, and it was BARELY faster (in a straight line) than the EX500 I rode to the demo event. It braked like shit (heavier, but still only a single disk up front), handled like the wheelbase was 9 feet (it was probably close to that...), and I just am not a foot-forward controls guy. I like that HD is made in the USA, and that the XR1200 series is close racing. That's about all I really feel strongly about with harleys. The rest is just jokes.
    1 point
  32. Get your Harley and enjoy riding, and ride a lot!
    1 point
  33. Mentioning Buell and HD in the same breath, is something off topic, but I don't think I'll ever forgive HD for what they did to Erik and Buell. Having said that...buy/ride what makes you happy. But don't sh!t on other folks for doing the same. Some folks like to make purchasing decisions based on price/performance ratios...some folks don't give a fuck.
    1 point
  34. My back is fucked and stretching out with my feet forward on my vision is 1000 times more comfortable than any of my other bikes were. What is comfy for you may not be comfy for your pops.
    1 point
  35. Just gave myself a heart attack. Was double checking my reservations and got my Friday and Saturday reservation numbers mixed up. Thought I had booked them backwards...and they are non-changeable. Went upstairs and got a drink...walked around the garage for a bit planning my tail of misery for when I called to beg...came back and looked at them again and they are correct. For a few minutes, that sucked. Could have been a 200 dollar mistake.
    0 points
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