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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2014 in all areas

  1. well of course more because of these:
    3 points
  2. Hi, guys! My name is Eric Scheller. I work at ASK Chemicals in Dublin, OH with Daniel Weaver, who introduced me to Columbus Racing. Some of you may know him. He told me to check out the site. As far as my car goes, I just picked up my 2008 Acura TSX this past February. Here she is: http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a487/Eric_Scheller/20140523_082231_zpsa1f8beb6.jpg I'll make a post with picture later that shows what I've done to her so far. I'm ready to see what you guys are working on!
    2 points
  3. I tire of see the roads littered with skid marks straight off of the road at the beginning of curves and all of the pretty vegetation plowed away from the cruisers.
    2 points
  4. You folks crack me up. Jamie Colby enrolled in Univ of Miami at FOURTEEN. She had her Juris Doctorate at 22 FFS. Molly Henneberg graduated Summa Cum Laude from Vanderbilt. What a bunch of liberal asshat hacks. Jesus. One thing we have proven, is that any one of them.....Maddox, Colby and Henneberg are smarter than you two put together.
    2 points
  5. owned a Buell Blast but thinks a Bandit is ugly...did i miss something here?
    2 points
  6. I hate all sportbikers because this asshat went over the center line and hit a car head on. Except OSUMJ, she seems to get it. And Snot because she makes awesome sammichs. But the rest of you, I hate you now. Sorry it has come to this. And look, he isn't even wearing proper gear. All the more reason to hate everyone on a sportbike. Except OSUMJ and Snot.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. I took a pix of gay self pix bed buddys
    2 points
  9. Thanks for the kind words! Im stoked to see it with the wheels on it
    2 points
  10. Rick, that is a genius idea. We will moon all of OR from Sturgis.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
    1 point
  13. Glad you're enjoying it! I was excited for you after we talked at Hoblick's. I still owned my CB700SC when Honda announced the CB1100 for 2013 and I thought it felt great at the Cleveland show, then when they announced the improvements for 2014, I knew it was going to become a classic for anyone who appreciates the look combined with modern features.
    1 point
  14. Space and time. Two of the usual constraints with human activities. The third being money, which wasn't the problem here. Garage was full, I wasn't going to put the miles on the viffer it deserved. When I thought about it, I didn't expect frequent enough "guests" to justify keeping it. Fizzer seemed really happy to have the bike and will pile the miles on it - a very good thing.
    1 point
  15. I hate asshats, regardless of what they're riding/driving.
    1 point
  16. Oh Brian, we need to get you into an intervention!
    1 point
  17. Maddow probably has a bigger cock than many guys, and she is such a prime example of just how whacked and living in a delusion the far left can be at times. Do I agree with all the many 100% far right leaning folks at FOX "NO" but I will take more of their information, common sense and facts "plus their hot chicks" anyday over the other government news channels. And Megan Kelly needs a bukakke!!!!
    1 point
  18. I've never heard of the place, but it looks really, really bright in there. You can see how ugly everyone is before you take them home!
    1 point
  19. So we have gone from the girls on fox news vs the girl on msnbc to the girl on msnbc vs the prime time girls and guys of fox. Let me know when you finalize the rules and then we can talk. But as long as you are going to keep changing it up I will pass. I love the smell of burnt hippie in the afternoon.
    1 point
  20. When I am on the sport bike they don't bother me and to some extent not much in my truck. When I am trailering or riding the scooter they are complete asses or the overwhelming majority are. When they go out of their way to block I just have no idea what they think they are trying to accomplish. Do they ever get any satisfaction out of behaving that way? I have come up on you do you really think blocking me from going around you is going to make me slower? I always pass bikes with way more regard than I do cars in fact I will usually wait for a really clean pass when I come up on a bike. Until you try on purpose to block me when I go to make that clean pass. This blocking took place too many times to mention this weekend. I was always two up on the scooter when it happened and she would have killed me if I would have done some of the things I wanted to do to those people. How does it feel to be passed by a 250 scooter two up tough guys?
    1 point
  21. I heart Tonik. There. I said it.
    1 point
  22. Even if that's true, I can't tell my... motivation what sexy is! Funny, there are a lot of studies that say what you were imprinted with during your teen years largely determines what you'll find as attractive the rest of your life. I knew a lot of hippy chicks back then, so maybe that's it - LOL.
    1 point
  23. Nah....you are just confused by what you think you believe is all.
    1 point
  24. What year is it? the biggest strike I'd have against that is that those Bandit's with the fairing up top look like they have a huge overbite The 2nd biggest strike against it is that it's red. I know, I know, call me shallow I'd be willing to look at a couple more pictures though. Is this a bike you own, or a friends? Ninja 300's can rarely be had for $2300, unfortunately, or I'd snap one up. Even a red one If I could find a nice GS500 that's not too old, I'd ride it. Especially a nice blue & white GS500F. But a streetfighter would be okay, too.... I come across a lot of older ones, or ones with salvage titles. This bike has a lot of what I'm looking for (resale value, fully faired, blue, cheap, great condition, newer & low miles), and only 2 "minuses:" a little less power than most bikes, and that I'll look a little funny riding it I could live with those for a year until I flip it for profit. Unfortunately, I can't go look at it for a least a week, due to RL and the wife. Dammit!
    1 point
  25. Washing all my riding gear today since I've had it all for 2 years and have never done it. Hope nothing falls apart or it's going to be a expensive trip to the pony today.
    1 point
  26. Yup.....hate the damn things and they should be outlawed.
    1 point
  27. Looks like it will be an awesome day to ride Rare days we get over here to ride the ride.
    1 point
  28. OMG!! Sore Butts Paloozing!!! Nice idea Rick.
    1 point
  29. Any of the lady's on Fox easily beat the 15 yr old boy on MSNBC known as Rachel Maddow.
    1 point
  30. I am bringing my laptop I have a dumb flip phone and will need to down load the cards from my GoPro and digital camera everyday to make room on them for the next day. The wife wants me to post pictures on face book every night also. The night we are in Sturgis we should all go to this web cam http://rapidcityjournal.com/sturgisrallydaily/webcams/sturgis-street/ at a set time and wave to everyone at O.R.
    1 point
  31. I copied the info Brian just posted and added it to my original post :-) Super pumped for this event already.
    1 point
  32. When we leave I'll post my gps tracker link so everyone can follow along and wish they were us.
    1 point
  33. I personally liked the sparkly Price is Right lettering when we walked in. The high chairs were the official signal that the outlaw biker aura that used to be Jimbo's is dead and gone. Best quote do the day from a Mrs. Pirate to Ben and Shawn as the we're zipping up their leathers " why do ya'll have to wear all that". Second best quote from Shawn to Mrs. Pirate "because I like my skin".
    1 point
  34. They were playing the fucking pointer sisters when we walked in. The fucking pointer sisters!
    1 point
  35. Now I am no longer a Team Player was it wrong of me to laugh out loud when A kid more then 2 times younger then me said that.
    1 point
  36. lol that's what we get for being gentleman. Sent from my iPhone.
    1 point
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