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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2014 in all areas

  1. The protesters.... Have at it. It's what makes America, America. The looters..... Pieces of shit thugs. All colors of them.
    5 points
  2. ^ This It's all a hot mess right now.
    2 points
  3. I remember back when there was such a thing as credibility, and the history channel was about things that actually happened.
    1 point
  4. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/08/what-i-did-after-police-killed-my-son-110038_Page2.html#.U_K6znKme76
    1 point
  5. Hum, that really hurts the appraisal then.
    1 point
  6. My wife's cousins, Bobby and Roger Reuse are racecar drivers from Alabama. This year, they were able to line up a partnership to race the three Nascar Nationwide series road course races. I have worked in their pit crew for about 20 races with their regular Scca and late model races. This past weekend, I was in the pit crew for the Nationwide race at Mid-ohio. Very cool experience,from the driver meeting, to prepping the second car and being a spotter for the whole race. Our first car went out on about lap 7 with a trAnsmission problem. The second car finished the race, but was 3 laps down, finishing in 24 place. Just needed about 40k for a new motor, we were down on power. Next year they plan to have 2 New cars and run a limited schedule, as money allows.
    1 point
  7. Tim - its not as bad as it seams. It works out pretty good and at the stops people do move around.
    1 point
  8. The NADA link shows low retail at $2460.00 and seats and motor cover most likely, at the least means needs all new upholstery. But the 8ft+ beam would make it a decent Erie boat! Lots of blow and hoes at the islands....
    1 point
  9. We'll be dealing with a whole new problem of "The camera wasn't working" or "we lost the data". Which, obviously, is possible....but it won't stop people from speculating or throwing accusations around.
    1 point
  10. Underside of the lower fairing so it's visible when you do those wheelies down 271
    1 point
  11. The experts said they will need to examine the original autopsy conducted by officials before they can make final conclusions The world would be a much peaceful place right now if we all could do this. Especially the media and and other celebrities who have jumped to conclusions and put them out as being facts before knowing the whole story.
    1 point
  12. I was in the Marines and do know a tiny little bit about firearms, but thanks for clarifying.
    1 point
  13. I was, too, until I left my key in the bike by accident. Now I use one of these: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mbsk0glu157jqn5/Photo%20Aug%2014%2C%209%2019%2054%20PM.jpg So that if I forget my key, someone is sure to see it, and steal the bike! (It's a "Remove Before Flight" keychain)
    1 point
  14. Ok. So we went to WV last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Here's the route and what I can remember of the roads. Also, heads up, cell phone service in the mountains was EXTREMELY limited. Even at gas stops, we rarely had service. VERIZON carrier. Day one starting from Marietta. 47 16 39 219/55 47 was a good connector route and got us warmed up. 16 is a very twisty road. There were times that I was hoping a straight would be coming so I could rest. Road quality is a huge hodge podge. Kind of rough up north, then you'd hit nice pavement, then you'd hit brand new pavement then back to rough. It was really all over the place. The rough parts could be bone jarring but not impassable so I'd still recommend the road, just be cautious in the bad parts. 39 was fun and in decent shape from what I could remember. 218/55 were also in good shape and had some really nice sections. Day 2 from Elkins 33 south. It was so much fun we turned around and did it again. Southern part of 33 is amazing. Lots of new pavement and if it wasn't new, it was in great shape. 33 is a must!!!! from 33 to 28 - ok connector road but not as curvy as I thought it would be. It was interesting though as you were riding between the two mountains so I would call it scenic. 28 to 250 south - 250 was a very good road. I definitely want to do the whole section at some point. I was worried about road conditions and found this part to be completely fine so I would think the other sections in this area are probably OK as well. 250 to 220 - 220 was really not that exciting. We were actually pretty mellow on this road and of course, this is where we get tickets. A speeding ticket for both of us and passing on double yellow for me as a bonus. Thank you Virginia! After this joyous detour, I wanted to get out of Virginia as soon as possible so we picked up 39 north. What a nice road!! Freshly paved in most spots and just really twisty. I would have enjoyed it even more if we hadn't just gotten the darn tickets but it was really fun. 39 is another must route. Took 39 to 92 and then over to Beckley. We almost ran out of gas in this area and GPS tried to take us down a crazy road. There were lots of adv tour type of roads in this area for those that might be interested. Day 3 From Beckley heading back to Marietta 41 to 19 to 60 Over to 61 16 36 14 41 is a dump. The road quality is beyond poor. They had neon red circles and lines all over the road highlighting pot holes and other deformities. Felt like I was at Nelson Ledges but worse. Until they pave this thing, I would avoid it. 61 near Deepwater is a blast!!!!!! Brand new pavement and just wow! Good times. Keep in mind, unless you are on an adv tour bike, you will need to go to the town to cross the river. We tried heading over to another crossing and the road was crazy bad. I think the town is Montgomery? 36 is a pretty fun road. There are several parts that are freshly paved. It's a really nice north/south route. 14 is a decent connector road. Decent amount of turns and pavement is good for the most part although there are some bad spots. I think that covers it and hopefully I remembered all the important details!
    1 point
  15. We are hoping to get down there that weekend. Not sure where we're staying yet, but I'll let you know if it's the Williams camp.
    1 point
  16. Always room for new bubbys
    1 point
  17. Cool! Come ride Wayne with the bubbys.
    1 point
  18. I might be down Friday night. Gotta leave Saturday night to Dove hunt the next morning.
    1 point
  19. Love Bulliet bourbon. My favorite winter four wheeling liquid. Keeps you warm.
    1 point
  20. A good friend of mine is a sunni muslim and him and his entire family do not agree with anything ISIS is doing (however, they do side with the palestinians in gaza rather than the jews...they are palestinian from Jordan.) The things these terrorist and radical groups are doing are not the teachings of Islam. It got perverted in the same way any religion does. Hint: Westboro Baptist Church. The problem is, the people cant read, so they don't know what the Quaran says. They only go by what they are taught from their parents. The children of that culture are being raised as radicals and they don't know any better and they truly believe in what they are fighting for. That is how this occurs. Ignorance and manipulation by radicals has had a strong effect over there because of the socioeconomic state of those countries. Poor, uneducated people who are brainwashed from the very second they pop out of the womb.
    1 point
  21. I had people sing to me tonight. They didn't sing that great but they made awesome margaritas.
    1 point
  22. Prolly not a good idea to text a gf kegel instructions
    1 point
  23. Drinking Bookers right now. Good, but Blantons is still my top. Makers is the "my waitress is too fucking stupid to remember I wanted Blantons" drink. It's good.
    1 point
  24. I thought Tito's was pretty frickin' cool for awhile, but it tends to hang me over. But then I drink vodka on the rocks with a twist when I'm drinking vodka, and it's got to be clean. Ketel One is the go-to for sure for that. Just enough taste without being flowery like Goose or raw and impure like Oyo. I'm not saying Oyo is bad, just be prepared for what it is; a single filtered vodka with a lot of character that some find off-putting. But its awesome for special occasions and reminds me a lot of shine. Goose, on the other hand, is a chick vodka. The bottle is pretty and women like it for that and the name, and it tastes like perfumed douche... But we stock it in the bar cause it sells. If I'm mixing, I'll use Skyy. Triple filtered through charcoal and it makes even sugar free Rock Star into a beverage worth having - well, maybe worth having one of for shits and giggles anyway. Back to bourbon. Beam is best for mixers. Derby day Julips made with Beam will make the most boring soccer mom squeal like a school girl at Post Time, if you make em right. But you gotta sell the fresh mint leaves muddled in the bottom of the glass and kick up the presentation with powdered sugar on top. More on that some other time... Makers Mark - it's what's in the Manhattan I'm partaking in right now, and I make a bad-ass Manhattan. Learned it from my Dad - he knew his shit. I'm on number three and typing is becoming a challege. Like I said, Crown is over-rated but you get that cute little blue bag that you can leave laying around to hint to all your friends that you drink crown. meh. And, dear god I tried that maple crown shit at my son's 30th b-day party and I'd like to cut my own fucking taste buds out. I'd sooner chug pancake syrup. Better end this before I say someithing offensive. Oh, wait. Killians. There I said something offensive. It's NOT a fucking Irish beer. It's a coooooooors product. You wanna drink an Irish beer, get you some Smithwicks. And fucking learn how to pronounce it. lol
    1 point
  25. http://i.imgur.com/crClrO9.gif
    1 point
  26. I'd post some pics but I'm lazy. Plenty of good looking young women there willing to show tits for beads...or free. Also some completely naked chicks...Also public sex acts. The big thing there is to get a landscaping trailer, put on stripper poles, lights and a sound system and tow it around the fairgrounds...titty town is a section of the place that's just insane...nonstop party 24 7...it's not where you wanna camp tho. The rodeo is fun to watch and you can enter in the barstool races which is also pretty sweet. Bands play every night, there's a midway area with lots of different food, beer vendors etc... The crowd is mostly pirates, I'd say 90% harley crowd. Also lots of people with $250,000 RV's. Expect to be awoken by someone doing a burnout on an open pipe harley about 50 times per night/morning. All in all its a hell of an experience. Everyone is pretty chill, it's a good natured crowd and really a lot of fun. They have free hot showers too. Bring lots of sunscreen, alcohol, meat, pain killers and condoms.
    1 point
  27. I've missed you. I'm glad you're back, if even only for this comment. Since I ditched Facebook I don't hear from you anymore.
    1 point
  28. He's giving old guys a bad rep. lol
    1 point
  29. Maybe you were lost in the porn section. They were probably too busy to make fun of her.
    1 point
  30. Rule 1 of marriage: If you don't like the way they cook, do the cooking yourself. If not, shut up! In our house, the bitch does all the cooking. After I cook, I usually help with the cleaning.
    1 point
  31. $10 says we've all driven/ridden like an asshat. These barriers are dangerous as designed. If the posts were closer together, and the lines crisscrossed (forming large X's), the chance of something like this happening would be much lower.
    1 point
  32. I've never been more than 5-10 over the posted speed limit. Damn criminals.
    1 point
  33. I hit 70 on the turnpike. Once, I think I topped out at 71
    1 point
  34. I've never understood looting. You're stealing from your neighbors because a cop shot a kid?
    1 point
  35. Our larger lasercutter has an area of 18" x 32", so I could engrave this piece for you, if you still need it done. I'm not extremely proficient in creating drawings in CAD or Corel (the two programs we use on our machine), but I've managed it before when creating a wood engraved plaque/card.
    1 point
  36. Part 1 of my ride with 5 other's in West Virginia last weekend....
    1 point
  37. "400ex and 700xx" Following my cousin up a rocky hill in Wv. Not the best video a little blurry, but wanted to let you all hear the Trx after the rebuild.
    1 point
  38. I think it is a safe bet to say the owner is dead. The previous owners were 80 at the time of the sale of the house.
    -1 points
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