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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2013 in all areas

  1. Really incredible pictures of a blank space in the sky. http://www.flixxy.com/hubble-ultra-deep-field-3d.htm
    2 points
  2. Let's have a look at some former atheists and why they decided to become Christians. I especially like the ones of scientists, well educated, smarter than any ten of us put together. With all the advancements in science, why would they choose to be, of all things, a christian? http://www.bethinking.org/stories-illustrations/intermediate/from-atheism-to-christianity-a-personal-journey.htm http://www.doesgodexist.org/AboutClayton/PastLife.html http://christianity.about.com/od/drugandalcoholaddiction/a/Coming-Out-Of-A-Trance.htm http://www.christianpost.com/news/formeratheist-christianity-really-does-make-sense-46146/ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/crossexamined/2012/10/i-used-to-be-an-atheist-just-like-you-2/ .
    2 points
  3. #1) Christianity does not have the sub-set of beliefs or rituals that the other ones do have. Which is why they broke away from the main doctrine and now have their own individual names or denominations. A number of them believe you have to earn your way to Gods grace by your actions. Christianity does not believe that your actions alone will earn you God's favor. #2) You are mostly correct, I read it too fast and missed a point or two. A little dramatic but you have the basic idea. After thinking about this for a bit I am inclined to say you don't have to join anything to be saved, just believe. Of course someone will want you to join their group but you don't have to. Not joining does not mean God will forsake you. Pretty sure on this. This is from Luke it appears 14:26 and you have quoted it out of context so the meaning is hard to understand. Yes, these very words are in the Bible. But in the context of the rest of the passages it seems to me to be a challenge to the crowd following him. A reminder that they had wives and children to care for. Would they claim they did hate everyone? If they did, do you think Jesus would have accepted them? It is part of a section in Luke that has many parables meant to convey an idea with the telling of a story. Quoting a line or two from one of them isn't the best way to understand the parable.
    2 points
  4. I wouldn't wait, see a doctor immediately.
    2 points
  5. The Magdor is like most people who are compelled to deny their true nature and resent anything that says otherwise.....it reminds me of the libtard mentality of always being a victim. Now that doesn't imply that only libtards reject the notion that there is a God...no, people with a conservative bent are just as likely to deny His existence and do so vehemently. The truth is none of us are truly "good" if we're willing to take a real close and honest look at ourselves....our disposition, inclination, thoughts, and motives need to be tested in light of what the Bible says about our condition. If we then take a closer look at the scriptures we'll begin to see that God is right and just in what He has to say about our condition - the sinful nature of man inherited from Adam and all of the forms of evil which spring forth from it. All you have to do is watch two small children fight over a toy and realize that there truly is something wrong with us (not to mention all of the utter madness present in the world around us). And our "good" isn't good enough (not by works but by faith) for entrance into the kingdom of God.
    2 points
  6. Great news!! Healthcare.gov passes your Social Security number in plain text between json payloads. For you non-geek types, that is retarded and bad. Very bad.
    2 points
  7. Not at all true. Christianity believes you are "saved" by faith not by your "works" (being a good person etc.) And please don't fall into the trap of thinking Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, Baptists etc are Christians. They spell them differently for a reason. Cults on the other hand always try to "earn" their acceptance to God with their "works". In Christianity there are no "good people" in Heaven, only forgiven ones. Yes, by this logic Hitler could have made it to Heaven even after killing all the Jews. Don't think he did, but he could have. Your perception of Religion is pretty common. I have to admit that most "Religions" fall right into your cross hairs. As you well know bundling them all together is a sure fire way to stir things up. But then again, thats what your trying to do isn't it?
    2 points
  8. Ok, hair splitting. Methodist, Mormon, Baptist, Protestant/Lutheran,...Catholic are all religions based on Jesus Christ. They are three major religions of Abraham = Christianity, Islam and Judaism of which Catholicism evolved from Christianity amd the belief of Jesus Christ. Just because the Catholic church chose to develop based on the assumption of decendents of St. Peter, apostolic succession, and Baptists from John the Baptist, doesn't make them any less Christian. Yes, differences but all threads from the same cloth. Besides. Besides, Wiki tells us: The Catholic Church is the largest denomination with over 1.1 billion members, over half of all Christians worldwide
    1 point
  9. I'm down for me and a plus one.
    1 point
  10. I'm sure the liability thing is all worked out...it's been done for years. I've rented scooters to tool around on in Key West and it's pretty much the same principle. I will say, the majority people renting scooters have no business being on one.
    1 point
  11. Dang it. If you insist :-/
    1 point
  12. I guess I'll go Always down for some wings n brew
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Sounds like you need new insurance cause that is unacceptable
    1 point
  15. I always wonder if there types of threads ever open any eyes? I mean we have sponsers on here that this applies to and I'm sure word of mouth gets around and other places of these types will read these post. Do they really care that they are loosing our business and taking our money elsewhere, or are they just thinking FU I don't need you? We here on OR have to represent the A typical customer for these types of places and honestly I feel their business practices are doing nothing but pushing us away. Im not naming names but there are places in the heart of C-bus that many of us have complained about the customer service or their over inflamed prices but nothing seems to ever get addressed. I don't like sending my money out of town or out of state but when it comes to saving my bottom dollar you be your ass I will. Im in no way a heavy hitter when it comes to purchasing things but in just the last 18 months I bet ive dropped $2500 in (bike)gear, tires, parts, and accessories and 98% of that was out of state or internet business because our local brick and mortar stores prices are non competitive. And I would gladly pay a little more for the local convenience but im not going to take it up the tail pipe either.
    1 point
  16. "one could argue" that sewer rat tastes like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker
    1 point
  17. There is more to the problem than just baby-boomers collecting social security. I believe the government should follow-through on the promises it has made to citizen, but also stop making the same expensive promises to future generations. I'm not naïve enough to think that change happens over night, but we have to start weaning the nation off the government's teat at some point. It may as well be now. In conjunction with restructuring social security, we can absolutely eliminate a huge portion of military spending. I'm all for defense spending when it actually goes toward defense. I am not in support of the US playing "world cop" and propping up other volatile nations. "Foreign aid" causes domestic problems.
    1 point
  18. what a crock of shit. I can't believe this "compromise" was approved... And people just do not seem to understand at all what is really happening. The (fiscally liberal) Cleveland radio host on my drive in was talking about how this was a necessary thing, "so the government can pay its bills." That makes no sense. The government still can't pay its bills - they've just agreed to amend the law to allow the nation to go further into debt. If this were your household or mine, it would be like me talking to my wife and saying, "Honey, we're at the $12,000 limit on the Visa. We can't spend any more on that card, and we're only making $50 payments each month, so the balance isn't going down. But I've worked out a solution - I'm going to ask for Visa to raise our credit limit to $15,000! We still can only afford to pay $50/month, but we have a little bit of time before we hit our new increased limit." Literally the ONLY way to fix this problem is to decrease spending and/or increase the nation's income to the point that it is greater than what we spend. It's not a hard concept...
    1 point
  19. my brothers and my sisters has god touched you today? gigity.
    1 point
  20. ^ 2nd bedroom can be used for the bikes.
    1 point
  21. gosh... so pretty much like federal tax returns, at some point 60% of the payments going out will be bogus payments. and the guberment will call that acceptable losses, probably. we're doomed, we'll never be able to pay this crap off...
    1 point
  22. That it's the problem with the development of most software/web apps. The people writing it are not hard core trained in security. They are driven by deadlines and functionality. Security just gets in their way.
    1 point
  23. So do you ask for a raise or stop paying the mortgage? electric bill? stop buying groceries? our number 1 expenditure is social security.. why? Baby boomers... when the social security pyramid scheme was started, it was supposed to be a government charity for widows and orphans, it got expanded into a "retirement plan" Works great as long as there are lots of workers paying in and fewer people retired collecting. Baby boomers flipped the script so to speak, and now they are at the top of the pyramid collecting (and thanks to longer lifespans usually much more than they paid in). As soon as the baby boomers die off, this debt problem will "begin" to fix itself. The social security pyramid scheme will be righted again.
    -1 points
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