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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. One that doesn't sag terribly in the middle. My current couch is a hand me down from my parents that saw constant use for its entire life. Plus, I need more seating in my living room. The house has a mix-mash of furniture and I'm trying to make it more adult like.
  2. I also may be interested in the sectional. My roommate is moving out soon and I want to buy some nicer shit.
  3. Get outta here ya cheap ass. Stop trying to ride the coat tails of your previously illustrious OR career.
  4. Lets get down to brass tax, how much is it going to take to put a sticker on that bike? Single round vs. Season (I'm assuming there's a difference.)
  5. You are the bear and Jim would be the football running around the room trying not to get clapped. But knowing Jim, he'd just shoot instead of run.
  6. I saw him go at it with a local in the Herrin compound. 2 close races! Pulled it out tho reverse and the standard direction.
  7. 1. Damn you guys. 2. Damn you guys.
  8. I feel like it would be like watching a bear chase around a bouncing football.
  9. Looking forward to following Gavin this season! Been watching Josh's stories and Gavin has been in a lot of them. Looks like they've been having a good time haha.
  10. You are talking to the guy that purposely brought an Angelo's BBQ Chicken Pizza to an OR event JUST because it has pineapple and cinnamon on it. You should try that btw, its freaking delish. I think it has onions on it, just a warning. And yes the cinnamon is a great touch, don't let these barbarians fool you.
  11. Honestly, I assume that kind of pizza has onions on it. I think anyone that has pizza more than 2 times a year would have the same assumption lol. Right?
  12. After having to get all up in her over the last few weeks to get it back into riding condition, she'll do whatever the fuck I say! lol.
  13. I touched it's butt and said, "friday".
  14. I think that'd be a good fit for you, an ST. I'd just worry that it would overlap too much with that new Wing I thought I remember you saying you wanted.
  15. She needs to be slapped around a little bit this year, its only the 5th and I'm about to just write off the entire month of April.
  16. I need to move back down south. Just gotta find a job that preferably lets me wfh.
  17. I've found that to be a southern thing. Kentucky and down. I miss living in the south, could be driving down a random country road and you drive by some stranger taking the mail out of their mailbox and they stop and wave, and you wave back. The northern states don't even come close to the overall friendliness of the south.
  18. The one great place in Ohio is 10ft within the Ohio border headed out of Ohio. That 10ft of space is great because you know you'll be in another state within seconds.
  19. The only people that I know that are hardcore Ohio is the BEST ever, are the people that have never lived anywhere else lol.
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