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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Don’t make me trailer down to the epic ride again to reconfirm my status as that guy.
  2. How many of those miles were only spent on the rear wheel?
  3. Call them. They have good customer service. When I sent my GSXR suspension in, I asked (not thinking they would do it) to speak to the tech that physically disassembled and reassembled my forks, they said wait one moment, 2 min later I was speaking to the guy.
  4. I also want foods. Hopefully I can make this year's.
  5. Trailblazer SS? Sticking with the LSJuan theme you have going on?
  6. Windows are another way someone can get in and take my stuff. I'd keep those blinds closed at night at minimum!
  7. Thats the one I just bought..... Damn you Dan! Thanks for confirming the dimensions for me! , now I don't have to wait to pull the trigger when I get home.
  8. Well, there goes $60 I wasnt planning on spending today!
  9. All I could think is, "why is it so quiet?" then I distinctly remember the sound of my Arai 2015 IOM TT LE scraping the ground . Need to mount that bad boy on my wall somewhere.
  10. I hope you don't experience that ever lol.
  11. I hope hes not too far above ground because that would = highside.
  12. Anyone know when pricing will come out for this?
  13. That looks like it would work as a pit bike. My fear is lack of aftermarket support, but if its priced right, I may not care. Yes, I'd be the guy with an ohlins shock on his pit bike.
  14. Some men just want to see the world burn.
  15. I'm glad you still kept us around.
  16. And you dont want to be in the grass, you want to be on the pavement!
  17. Ok votes havent really changed since the initial voting. I'll give this another week and then I'll set it in stone so people can get to planning.
  18. Not exactly sure when I'll cut that off. Sometime after I cut off the voting for the date.
  19. Anyone have one they are about to get rid of and rather sell instead?
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