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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Bout to get rolled on by @RidersDiscount again this week.
  2. @jacobhawkins I need to work on my upper body position, I'm using a lot of tire here and getting my upper body lower and further out will help me pick the bike up but carry the same corner speed. My upper body is still too close to the center of my windscreen instead of out by my hand/ kissing the mirror. My foot position has improved though
  3. Being spooked mid-corner/ almost having my foot taken off has brought my foot position to the forefront of my attention lol. I just make sure I'm up high on the pegs on the balls of my feet. Dont be the guy in the picture! lol Scrapped my toe so many times around that corner at summit but first did it in the carousel at Pitt. It's something that I need to do myself as well...
  4. TimTheAzn

    New bike

    You are right, if Jim's alter ego identifies as female, I must respect it.
  5. Looking good out there @F4iguy, @jacobhawkins, and @J_Copeland. Jacob your lower body looks pretty good, plenty of foot clearance (which I struggle with, you should see my toe slider). Your upper body isnt bad, but your head is still center of bike. Get that head out there and try and kiss your mirror! Can't wait to mix it up with you bubbies next year.
  6. Pretty sure I just got put on a watch-list while looking up what a trigger crank is...
  7. TimTheAzn

    New bike

    I think it's a chick. Congrats on the new toy!
  8. They are also 90% more likely to eat it going into China beach.
  9. The newer zx6's are supposed to be pretty good. I've always heard that the honda's were hard to work on, although I never had many issues wrenching on my 06.
  10. Maybe I'll get one of you MotoAmerica bubbies to tune my bazzaz traction control.....
  11. Before we pick, can we ask why only those two choices? If we can only choose between those two, have any specific years you are looking at?
  12. Oh snap, had to watch it a few times. I did see the guy try to out-brake you twice haha.
  13. I'll be recovering from a wedding reception if all goes to plan.
  14. Musky came, he saw, he checked out. lol
  15. do i even want to know how much that was?
  16. Took her out for a 10 mile jaunt through the hood. Just to keep the blood flowing.
  17. What, you dont want him ridding the 750??? Come on everyone needs to experience a near death experience! I actually need to get back on that thing to see how the new setup is... cant be any worse than the last one.
  18. I apologize. I didn't read the full article.
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