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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Thought this was interesting... http://www.gunsandammo.com/2011/11/09/colt-introduces-380-mustang-pocketlite/
  2. I like the submarine tour, next door to the Rock Museum... but that's just me...
  3. ReconRat


    Friday 1:30am est: China and USA now tied in gold with USA leading 37 to 34 in overall total.
  4. Already happened prior: A federal law was recently passed forbidding demonstrations/protests within a certain distance of the president/politician/political convention. Not sure of the details... It's vague and allows extended enforcement. This is now a federal felony enforced by the Secret Service. (And perhaps Homeland Security.)
  5. no, some guy in Columbus tried that. He's still in jail. Certain laws and/or rights trump others. Choose wisely.
  6. ReconRat

    Mj usa

    hrmm... Probably not related, but interesting, none the less. 2 arrested in Gallia County, OH, motorcycle theft case
  7. bloody 'ell... I'm English Irish German also, whodathunk... edit: and I almost applied for an Earldom when they ran out of Earls-to-be....
  8. It's a question of Honor. Of which many people have none at all...
  9. Please don't feed the trolls...
  10. Good point. One of my friends took a beating on Apple stock in it's first collapse. The extreme losses were allowed to be spread over many years. I think he didn't pay much income tax for way more than 5 years. But that was personal income taxes only.
  11. What IP said covers it. Nobody that makes over 250 mil a year should be doing anything other then sheltering it offshore and paying minimum taxes. And that probably can't be done unless you're making that much income. Which means any high end tax plan is simply taxing the middle class down into a lower class. This all used to be a big subject maybe 20 years ago. When it was noticed that the healthy upper middle class was degrading into the middle middle class or lower middle class. It hasn't stopped, but nobody really sees it for what it is, nor wants to consider the ramifications.
  12. whutdeheck, I've never seen 4 airships at the same time... must be mating season.
  13. It took me way too long to figure out you two must know each other... Welcome Tracy.
  14. And now for something completely different... Snurfing around I find equipment to 3D print in plastics, metals, ceramics and.... glass from sand using sunlight to melt. This guy is really cool. He thinks he can build a house in the desert using a bigger machine and nothing but sand and sunlight. The Solar Sinter by Markus Kayser http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2011/06/dezeen_The-Solar-Sinter-by-Markus-Kayser_15.jpg Along the same lines, sand and ceramics for printing large structures are being explored in Dubai architecture. Part of the deal for the future, is that some of the home made designs won't be printed at home. But rather, sent to a fabrication 3D printing shop for larger scale and/or special fabrication materials. That can somewhat be done already. Imagine designing your own car body, and having it printed up and delivered to your garage. So... if you 3D scanned a Ferrari, and lowered the resolution from smooth curves to chunky triangles... What would it look like? I'm pretty sure this shape would be rather stealthy on the road. Lo Res by United Nude http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2010/07/dzn_Lo-Res-by-United-Nude-91.jpg
  15. Haha, he might not have wanted to land in the corn either. Would have had to pay for that.
  16. followers? hell, Manson IS a god... he's right up there with HypnoToad
  17. not.sure.if.serious... No particular room looks large enough far a decent party I wouldn't touch it without an adequate servant's quarters
  18. geez, unless you deburr the hose clamp, it will scratch the chrome/bar sometimes lesson learned the hard way best to use a cushioned or coated clamp
  19. search Ohio VIN or title number https://ext.dps.state.oh.us/BMVOnlineServices.Public/TitleSearch.aspx/
  20. Made me look it up. A solar furnace in near Earth orbit, using just mirrors, can reach a temperature of 5760 Kelvin. (9908.6 ºF)
  21. Snurfing internet, there's a hobby industry of open source code, that builds their own printers. I had no idea people were doing this. http://replicat.org/ RepRap printer - It prints parts of itself and makes more copies... http://www.reprap.org/wiki/Main_Page "You will be assimilated" http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/ORDbot_quantum.jpg/652px-ORDbot_quantum.jpg
  22. Basically that is rapid prototyping, using lacquer/resin/powder. A rapid manufacturing setup (Molten polymer deposition) can wire feed ABS or polycarbonate. The polycarbonate will have decent material properties compared to metals. edit: We've got one at school in Mechanical, that isn't so brittle. Not sure of materials used, but appears to be an ABS. Parts are strong enough to assemble into a prototype that doesn't readily break.
  23. epic party material (the fast food lasagna) lends new meaning to "sammich maker"
  24. Going by memory here, but I was under the impression that individuals without a manufacturer's license were limited to a max of two creations, and needed to mark with a name and serial number. Also need to fill out an ATF form to be legal on the creation. There's a lot of people that like to build falling block rifles. It's really easy. And no, most of them don't know about any forms to fill out... edit: Isn't the internet wonderful... I stand corrected... by myself... http://www.atf.gov/publications/download/p/atf-p-5320-8/atf-p-5320-8-chapter-7.pdf edit: btw, all this is totally subject to interpretation at the moment. And results will vary.
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