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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. NASA has a research in progress to build printers for metals. The objective being to make parts from a computer file. To be used on space stations, spaceships in transit, and on other planets. Costs too much to ship stuff, just transmit a file. It's basically micro welding to build up the shape needed. The holdup is getting the texture really fine, really small. A little more time.
  2. Got a computer? Now you can design and print your own gun parts with a solids printer. It's only the plastic parts created, but printing metals isn't far away in the future. NEWS FROM THE FUTURE - Print Your Own Guns The world’s first 3D-printed gun http://makezineblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/3d-printed-gun.jpg?w=600&h=348 edit: note that the creation of a lower would require a manufacturers license.
  3. Correct, sort of. But it's not actually socialism until the State takes the private acts of charity away from the churches and makes it a function of the State. Oh wait...
  4. Yeah, I don't get it. No different than a food bank. We got 35 of those in Columbus. edit: lol, socialism is where food is cheap but there isn't any...
  5. Major wiring like ignition, headlights and tail light/brake light will handle 10amps ok. But generally don't charge or jump a battery with the ignition on. Considering the battery was weak or bad to begin with, it may have malfunctioned after charging with 10amp. That would have heated a small battery quite a bit. Most batteries would have survived in a damaged condition, but usable. A weak battery might not. The volt meter needs to check for proper voltage on the battery. Autozone or other store will check it if you don't have a volt meter. A fresh charge will show 14.5v - 15.5v. That will drop to maybe 13.5-14.5v in a few hours. 12.5v is a minimum. Anything less than about 10.5v is probably a lost cause.
  6. ReconRat

    Career Path

    Mello Dude pretty much nailed it. No, there is nothing wrong with your plans. Build a series of experience that will get you there. I pretty much wanted the same thing in college. I ended up in military aerospace design, which was quite acceptable to me. Any job that gives small engine design experience will be a good stepping stone. On the other hand, Japanese design firms prefer young engineers right out of school. So that best thing to do is learn Japanese, they really like that. I would guess that most of the Japanese motorcycle companies have a location in the US for participation in the design of the motorcycle for the North American market. Honda in particular, has a West coast design team. That's where I wanted to be. It used to be that a lot of the hiring was from certain West coast industrial design schools. Not sure about hiring practices now. Honestly, the way the world is today, designing your own motorcycle and starting your own company might be a better goal. It sure would be a hell of a lot more fun. edit: a motorcycle designer right here in Columbus: Aniket Vardhan http://www.musketvtwin.com/home.html
  7. I know. It doesn't fit in with how this thread turned out. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. He knew it would be the ultimate invention for construction and building, and would change the world as we know it. It did indeed. But not the way he envisioned. Firearms share in many ways the same fate. Design of firearms. Many were invented solely for warfare. Most of those are actual heavy machine guns. Almost no one owns those. And are generally too heavy to transport anyway. Military firearms are designed to wound, not kill. Hunting firearms are designed to kill food. In our modern world we can even find firearms that are actually designed to efficiently kill or wound people also. Those are the ones most often outlawed and found despicable by humanity. The Gatling gun design, both historical and modern, would be an example. Extremely few people own one of those. Revolvers were invented to eliminate reloads. Basically so the operator wouldn't be attacked and die while reloading. Important back in the Indian wars. But the threat was animals, not people. That whole "wild West" thing of people shooting each other all the time is for the movies, it didn't exist in reality. Semi-auto pistols are similar, with an ability to reload rapidly multiple times. This does bring into question an ability to shoot accurately. There is even one design that was meant to stop a moving car. Shotguns were invented to bring down waterfowl and birds for dinner. Rifles bring a multitude of designs and uses. Some are weapons of war, and in particular several of the designs were in great part responsible for winning wars. The majority of designs are strictly developments as hunting weapons. Story time. I watched an English teacher while I was working, instruct a class to begin an assignment on guns and firearms, pro and con, compare and contrast. Pretty much the same thing as this thread. She must have seen me thinking, so she told me her story. She grew up in rural southern Ohio, and was the oldest of several children. Her job was to feed the family. With a rifle, in the woods. I can still find neighbors that hunt and fish to either survive, or supplement the food on the table. Food supplies in groceries are rather a modern invention and have quite fragile supply lines. Should everyone know how to use firearms for hunting? Only the ones that don't want to starve. Should everyone know how to use firearms for defense of self and family? Only the ones that don't want to die. Should everyone know how to use firearms for warfare? Only the ones that want to live free.
  8. Change of subject; momentum = mass x velocity (p = m x v) momentum is in kilograms meters/second (kg/m-s) mass is in kilograms velocity is in meters per second .223 m = 55gr = 3.6g = 0.0036 kg v = 3,240 ft/s = 990 m/s p = 0.0036 x 990 = 3.564 kg/m-s (2.39 lb/ft-s) car m = 3200 pounds = 1451.496 kg v = 60 mph = 96.5606 kph = 26.82238 m/s p = 1451.496 x 26.82 = 38932.58 kg/m-s (26161.49 lb/ft-s) motorcycle m = 600 pounds = 272.155 kg v = 60 mph = 96.5606 kph = 26.82238 m/s p = 272.155 x 26.82 = 7299.19 kg/m-s (4904.70 lb/ft-s) hammer @ 60 mph m = 5 pounds = 2.26796 kg v = 60 mph = 96.5606 kph = 26.82238 m/s p = 2.26796 x 26.82238 = 60.83 kg/m-s ( 40.88 lb/ft-s) a hammer swung hard is 25 times more damage a motorcycle at 60 mph is 2052 times more damage a car at 60 mph is 13120 times more damage Clearly hammers should be limited to tiny one ounce limits, if at all. Motorcycles and cars should be limited to 1 mph or less. Certainly requires registration and regulation, not everyone should have one. The high powered ones should be banned. Modifications should be outlawed. If you have more than one, you're some sort of crazy person. People are hurt and killed by these things all the time. Everyone knows they are not necessary to civilized people. Only police and military should have hammers, motorcycles and cars. The person didn't do it, it was the car/motorcycle/hammer that did it. edit: My head hurts now, anyone want to check my math?
  9. F-35 HUD helmet View from the inside of the helmet, augmented vision. The plan is to link to sensors on the aircraft fuselage, so that the pilot can look anywhere, even down, and actually see through the aircraft. Visible, infra-red, ultra-violet, radar, millimeter wave? inputs. Combined with navigation, targeting and warning information. edit: To get around the problem of being able to look completely to the rear, the gear will slew the view over to the rear, if both the head and the eyes go all the way to the left or right. Some of this work is being done by BAE in the UK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xos8ljrvkK4 Part of the deal is all aspect (360 degree) targeting, with fire and forget. An earlier type helmet, used by Israeli air force, took down a flying attack drone. It was caught on video from a US satellite. Tasked with finding and shooting it down, the pilot was ready, but over shot the tiny drone when he couldn't see it in time. He whipped his head to the side, targeted, and fired. His missile went out ahead, turned around, and went back and took the target down.
  10. Shop manuals, yes. This entire technology started in the 1980s (or earlier), developed by aerospace and military for mechanics and techs to work without a partner to read the manual for them. The manual is mandatory for many repairs. Step by step. Having one tech with augmented vision was the desired outcome. What they got was headaches and blurred vision... They are still working on it, full face HUDs for both eyes are more popular now.
  11. Thanks C-bus Thanks Conn-e-rot
  12. Every prison has it's rules on release. You get a couple of free phone calls. Access to a pay phone is there. You can hang around waiting for a ride to pick you up for a certain length of time. There is generally free transport to various local big towns. I don't think most will allow taking off just walking. I'll guess that he had no friends or family willing to pick him up. Had no one to call. He didn't take the free transport to town. Demanded free transport to a motel of his choice. Refused to call a cab. Got taken back to his cell. edit: This was a county jail, rules could have been much different.
  13. The bad news is that the lawsuit is priced for the defendant to roll over and pay, rather than pay more to the lawyers to fight and dismiss it. This is an ambulance chaser. The plantiff should be fined... $75,000. But that won't happen.
  14. I dunno, some people just go whacko sometimes. I had one pass me back, just flat out in a beater. Smoke pouring out from everywhere, doing about a max buck ten in city freeway traffic. I certainly was impressed. I mean you don't get entertainment like that ever day. Point is... the view is better from behind them. Always.
  15. Scientific American The Primate Diaries The Joker's Wild: On the Ecology of Gun Violence in America By Eric Michael Johnson | July 26, 2012 Bring in the scientists. Let's see how many can read this article and understand what it says. It's very interesting and gets to some critical facts of life. edit: forgive me, it's a lengthy and intense article to try and read.
  16. Just the icon camo 34? Yeah, sure. Wanted the other with knee protection. I'll try to find C-bus tonight somewhere around town.
  17. *throws money at C-bus* I should get cash to you before you leave. Tonight or tomorrow, I would think.
  18. They traced him from the video somehow, took the bike, fined his Mom as owner, pressed charges and set warrants. Then had to find him. He turned himself in.
  19. 186 KPH = 115.58 MPH hrmm well, they did say 299kph... heh still wondering how that bike got going that fast must have been downhill edit: and this is the third post...
  20. That data is totally worthless. It's a 19 year spread, no averaging over a series of years, and the numbers shown as data have no quantification or qualification. Meaning that it doesn't separate small countries from the large ones, so it isn't a percent of population. Totally bogus, but they tried. Data presented in that manner can be slewed to say anything, and claimed factual. When in reality, it is fantasy. I will give credit to Japan for having an actual low rate of anything firearm related, since they don't have any by law. Although death rates by samurai sword still remain rather high there. And believe me, if you haven't been chased by a guy with a samurai sword, you haven't lived a full life. edit: btw, military firearms and ammo are designed to wound, not kill. If this psycho would have had a semi-auto hunting rifle with hunting ammo, the death count could have been much higher. Same goes for the pistols.
  21. durrrr, he only has one camera... I'll take his grill anyone want a hotdog? driver can't back up for shit either, any half wit would have backed in first... edit: face recognition software is so good now, that running his pic through driver's licenses for ohio/kentucky would probably find him.
  22. I'll bite on any of the 34 size. I bang knees a lot. I should do myself a favor. You're on the lake. Ship or I ride up for fun.
  23. Quite awesome. For anyone that hasn't thrashed a 350/360 through the twisties, it can be a blast. It's a good peg scraper, and light enough it can be sideways into corners if you have to. Quick transitions.
  24. ReconRat

    High beams

    Low beams, and using the high beam for crowds and threats. (And deer.) I've zipped right past deer a few feet away at night on dark roads with low beams, and never saw them till they were beside me, too late. West coast drivers will pull out in front of you if you flash headlight. It's a West coast thing. And seems to be that way in other states also. I'll do a wiggle wobble. Not even thinking about it. I think of it as a maneuver dance, ready to go left or right to avoid. I'll ride straight at a driver also, it can freeze them. Primitive instinct. If anyone is still running a stock headlight bulb, go out and get a Sylvania SilverStar replacement. They are a lot brighter for both low and high beams, compared to stock crap. Cheap quick fix. I can see low beam headlight bounce back off reflective street signs in the daylight. That won't happen with a stock headlight bulb. And no, it's not aimed too high. The one I found is motorcycle application and vibration resistant. Put the old one under the seat as a spare. Some things I've read seem to think that odd color headlights help, especially yellow. One thing that does seem to work, is a combo of different color headlights. That will stop people while they try to figure it out.
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