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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. lol, country kids... step up the game. In the big city it's 17, selling crack, and owns an uzi or ak...
  2. Scored this website at work this morning: Firearms owner's manuals Illustrated Parts Breakdowns Military Field Manuals Firearms and reloading books Magazines and articles Catalogs Other info stuff From this website, I broke the links down since it's a bit hard to navigate. http://stevespages.com/ http://stevespages.com/page1.htm (I consume mass quantities of data...) edit: just noticed this one. Canadian Manual A-PD-312-005PT-001, 08 MAR 89, The Training of Motorcyclists
  3. Walmart for something cheap. Open all night. Autozone for something better. They have at least one store open all night? Call them first, to make sure something fits.
  4. not in German, it's not... GrammatikNazi muhahahaha
  5. I like to stand square in front of the elevator doors, so no one can get in till I and everyone else gets off first. I hold the doors for people getting off, and I hold the door for those that want to get in... Dam I've gotten some mean looks as people try to force past me. didn't work... I mean really people, if the dam elevator is FULL, where the fook you going?
  6. Owls and hawks mostly eat mice and rabbits, about equal amounts for most of them. And it's not equal numbers of mice and rabbits, it's equal quantities by weight. Just something I learned from the library. So I'm going to guess that mice and rabbits are preferred over dogs and cats. Basic reasoning would be a lot of missing dogs and cats if it were otherwise...
  7. lol, I have 24 Gigs of high definition audio... And I still haven't quite filled it up, still trying... I can go a year without hearing some songs repeat. Kinda sad really, I should put all the bestest ones on the smaller player.
  8. We've gone over this before. One ear only unless the helmet has the speakers built in. Not sure the reasoning, but that's the state ordinance. This also means two earplugs are illegal also, it's not just music. Sort of a mute point on a bike where earplugs are mostly a necessity. Should the law be changed? Probably, but doubt it happens anytime soon. But such is generally not enforced. And few would even know of it. When Walkman and headphones got popular, people got pulled over all the time for the "two ears" covered thing. But there are more important things for patrols to do nowadays and I haven't heard of that for many years.
  9. lol, like "lack of bluegills" in a pond would be a problem...
  10. wait... we have to know somebody to quote them? *confused*
  11. Almost any animal can do that to a rabbit. I would guess one with a mouth large enough to bite off the head. A cat or dog or coyote. Hawks and owls take small dogs and cats all the time, even in the city. I've seen it happen. Dealing with one won't solve the problem. You will have to be outside with the dog, if you want to protect it. Or a caged run or something... edit: also possible the owl dropped the rabbit and was looking for it....
  12. That also. Still not cheap, but really nice. I have that on the other bike. Just having the sport rack with small sport bag is cool. I use that a lot.
  13. I worried about the heat also. Apparently it's common with high pipes. And some low pipes, what the heck. But my can shields run cool unless I'm really thrashing it. There are shields and tapes made to add to soft bags that don't have that built in, but then the cost just goes up to where you would have rather gone with hard bags anyway. I wish I could show a sw motech quick release setup with pelican cases, but I didn't get around to assembly of it yet. Guess that's on the short list now. And no, it wasn't cheap after all the necessary parts and pieces.
  14. Same here, no more radio. Too many dead spots on too many country roads. But instead of playlists I just use shuffle, and have three different Sansa Clips to use, and set up with different venues. I keep buying bigger ones, and the old ones still work. Except I don't ride ON the iPod... ummm English, it's a confusing language...
  15. One answer might be that there have been pursuits that ended badly in the recent past. That generates a policy of non-pursuit for a while. Same happens here in Ohio. It goes back and forth. Certainly if a helicopter or aircraft is in the air nearby, it will take over the tracking. Or like in California (LA), they don't pursue much at all, but they generally have aircraft up in the air everywhere all the time. If not, a darn news team helicopter will start broadcasting it live and they can just turn the channel to watch that. Or the most realistic, I wouldn't pursuit out of concern for the passenger's safety. They did get the plate number. They probably got to his place right after he got there. I think they got a confession during the interview at his house. News article said he is 21. It would be interesting to see a few dashcam videos from the pursuit. Sounds like he was on the wrong side of the road quite a bit while fleeing through town.
  16. No shit, I went straight up in the air about 4-6 inches. It felt unglued from the bike, but at least I was still going the same direction. The second time it happened I switched stations.
  17. Over on the West coast in Oregon. Nobody hurt, but the results are interesting. On the freeway with a passenger, a state trooper attempted a stop for speeding, but couldn't keep up. Off the freeway, a local town attempted to stop but gave up also. State troopers go to his house and arrest him. That's a whole lot of trouble there. And probably more to come.Oregon has a basic rule about reasonable speed on the roadway, a separate offense:
  18. Holy crap... get a little vibration from that?
  19. I am amused... and that takes a lot sometimes, so Thanks to all who participated. Faternity (definition of: 1, 2, 3) Both AFJ and ORDN qualify per this definition, as it should be. Cult (definition of: 5a, 5b, 5c) Let's try to avoid crossing over to the next level up.
  20. For low cost, try to find an older model of a Nelson Rigg or Cortech. An older style set that is on sale will save a fair amount of money. Later on you'll want to move up to something else more expensive. But those will work for now. Be careful about paint getting rubbed by the bags. It will wear it off in spots if it isn't protected with something. edit: oh, and a nice tank bag can be useful also. I see the twistedthrottle link, and I'm a big fan of the unique stuff they have. But some of the gear can be found cheaper somewhere else. It's just that some stuff can be found only there.
  21. you can, it's just not user friendly. go to your thread. open the thread. go to the original first post open edit open go advanced original title is now visible and can be changed preview changes save changes
  22. Videos from 68th reunion at Urbana and Dayton two years ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2n3JKammUA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLuaMTDMYUo&feature=fvwrel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X6kMpZO3NY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aibGdwiUAZI&feature=relmfu
  23. Weather for that weekend won't be pinned down till about 3 days prior. Apr07 tentative weather forecast for Urbana: (this will no doubt change) Saturday-apr14 Warmer with clouds and sun lo 50F hi 68F Sunday-apr15 Mostly cloudy and warm lo 53F hi 71F Monday-apr16 Warm with sun and clouds lo 53F hi 72F Apr07 tentative weather forecast for Dayton: (this will no doubt change) Tuesday-apr17 Rain lo 55F hi 69F Wednesday-apr18 Mostly cloudy and warm lo 55F hi 72F
  24. Details of events at the Dayton NMUSAF on 17th through 20th. Doolittle Tokyo Raiders Reunion Banquet with Doolittle Raiders is sold out. Landing is weather dependent. Static display is weather dependent. Fly over is weather dependent. There was a 68th reunion two years ago with 16 aircraft flying in. This is the 70th.
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