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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Uncle Punk


    That's too funny, you got me. I was pimpin in second grade.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VubeFwuk66Y I like to try and go fast on the curvy roads but this looks really fast. I guess you would have to try and ride with these guys but it looks faster than the rides I've been on or is it just how it looks filmed. I hate the traffic they are running through. Cool video and neat to see a "slow" bike ridden fast.
  3. Why, because it makes loud noises? There is a fix for that. Take the batteries out of the smoke detector.
  4. Isn't she supposed to be cooking or sewing or something like that?
  5. Only girls ride Buells! Check Screaming Eagle for some really cool exhausts.
  6. I wasn't following the original thread and I'm not going back to read it. I started with this first post and I didn't see anything wrong with it. I have edited it to show how I took it. I am not a woman so I took no offense to the stereotypes and didn't process that information as offensive. I understand the ladies taking issue with the generalizations but this overall post had wisdom hidden in it between the lines. Too bad he got off on the wrong foot, stuck in his mouth. First time boys suck too... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNh0ba2-X_8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xC__aoywHg Now if he would have made some generalizations about black folk I would have got angry because we can all ride motorcycles better than the rest of you.
  7. I can't wait making reservations tomorrow. Let me know if you want to throw something in the trailer.

  8. I should have noticed your avatar. The bike following me was the red and white scheme. What is it with all the RCs I've seen more the past few years than when they were making them?
  9. Were you traveling east on Center Ridge today riding two up about 1:00 PM? I think you were following me in my Trailblazer until I turned into Giant Eagle.
  10. If I remember correctly Brian was running 1:36 - 1:38 at Mid-Ohio with the Super Duke on those tires. I am running the Bridgestone 015 and am sure I could run them at 1:42 there. I'm going to pick up a few seconds with race tires but if you haven't been to the track yet it's a waste to run race tires. I am going to vote you are running too much pressure. I am about where everyone else is on their street tires 32 front and 30 rear. If you want to have someone set-up your suspension for you somewhat local try MPH. http://www.mphohio.com/. Do your first track day then decide if you need to make a tire change.
  11. I want rep back, craigslist gone, the jacking of MY threads to stop, quit locking threads in ranting & raving, quit changing the name of ranting and raving...
  12. Hey, you're not trying to jack my thread are you?
  13. I sport in the intro threads after they have already been jacked. I rarely post in them just to say welcome unless they are from my hometown. You may not be welcome and it will take a few posts in general population to figure that out.
  14. I plan to start there and ride 540 miles Saturday. Zanesville to W.V. to Virginia to N.C. back to Virginia for an overnight. 280 miles Sunday, Virginia through Kentucky back to Zanesville. This will be 820 miles from Zanesville back to Zanesville. I will have 115 miles to Zanesville and 115 miles back home. For a total of 1050 miles for me during the weekend. I want the trailer south so I can use it for support if needed. I also have family in Virginia close to the route that I can use for support if needed. I am choosing Zanesville to start from in case anyone else would want to join the ride from other parts of the state.
  15. This could be an idea. Is it a 24 hour super center?
  16. That sounds like a plan 33 miles for you, 18 miles for me.
  17. What part of me NOT trying to be your gay lover don't you understand? This might be a good idea while I'm hanging out with him I might be able to learn some helicopter avoidance maneuvers.
  18. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=maryville,+tn&daddr=robbinsville,+nc&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=45.822921,92.724609&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=10 52 miles straight down 129 http://www.phillipsmotelonline.com/rooms.html Here is where we will be staying.
  19. Thanks for the offers guys, if I was going by myself Todd's place would work. I don't know about everyone else wanting to ride a gravel road. He has made it available if I want to plan there though. I plan to post the ride after I get some things worked out and need a place for a group to meet at. I was picking Zanesville because I wanted to get a room Friday night to get a 9:00 AM start Saturday morning for a 540 miles ride that day. The farther from there the more miles to ride that day. I'm open for suggestions though since this is just the planning stage. I am about 115 miles from Zanesville so I wanted to trailer down the night before to stage from the start of the ride. 540 miles Saturday, 280 miles Sunday back to Zanesville plus the 115 miles trailering back home. I can make this work for me but if others want to come along I wanted a place to organize from.
  20. These are the groups that have put themselves on the calendar. The only one that could be a problem would be the WildRide group. A bunch of cruisers can fuck up the place. Asheville Bikefest TheWildRide.net at the Dragon LouisvilleSportbikes.com South Eastern Virginia Mustang Club (SEVMC) coming to the Dragon I am making plans to be down there when you guys are and I hope to be able to ride with you all Saturday and Sunday. I will be staying at Phillips Motel in Robbinsville, NC. With my girlfriend, her sister and brother in-law who are coming up from Wilmington to visit while we are there. We are planning to start out Thursday night but that might turn into early Friday morning and we are starting to head home Monday morning. I can ride during daylight hours but night time I will be visiting with the family. I will have an open spot in the trailer if someone wants me to transport a bike, I don’t have room in the vehicle for a passenger though. I will also be able to bring a bike home if something goes wrong if no one has me transport a bike down. I will have stands, gas cans and some tools if needed.
  21. Here is where the lost posts went. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=52851
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