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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I ride down south sometimes. Have you seen the baby on the back of my bike waving to everyone?
  2. Apparently my NOT disclosure didn't include your animals or your women.
  3. I am starting to plan a ride that will be an overnight trip in mid June. I would like to have a support trailer closer to the action just in case something goes wrong and because I probably won't feel like riding the rest of the way home after. I am looking for a safe place to put a 6 x 12 trailer Friday and Saturday night. Does anyone here live close to the top of 555? If I can't get something organized in this area I do have a safe place in Woodsfield but the route I intend to take would need to be modified. Before this thread gets too jacked I am NOT trying to be your gay lover.
  4. But possibly a little more gay. I am now getting a sense of what’s going on here. Now that I am black I think he might be flirting with me. I am getting way more attention than necessary.
  5. Is she old enough to drink legally now?
  6. Power corrupts absolutely, my avatar is now appropriate but it wasn’t by my own doing. I think someone is fucking with me.
  7. The shooting of the Jew in this situation is quite practical however this is skirting on the edges of taking this thread off topic. This is just a warning to watch yourselves I don't want to see this get out of hand.
  8. How are these jackets cut in the back? You want them to be cut longer in the back. Can they be attached to pants? If so what kind of zipper, full or partial. Great deals right now on 2009 ZX6R, $6,900 plus taxes, no title work or any additional fees. This does not include the Monster theme that is $200 more.
  9. Don't make me think about such hard decisions. We always cut the ladies some slack because you gals pretty up the place especially when you are dressed up in leather and carrying a whip. In Casper’s case I would be moving his posts to new places so that he would have to go looking for them no matter where they were started, especially the ones where I was being referred to in a negative manor. This could only slow him down in his search for gay lovers.
  10. If you do so you will be changing the theme of the whole event. But I like the way you think.
  11. I'm not a whiney little bitch that goes crying to the mods, I'll police my own threads with varying levels of success though. Jacked threads bring about some of the most awesome threads so I'm just crying wolf. I do envy the power to move threads and posts around but fear if I had the power to do so it would quickly be abused. For example you couldn't call me stupid anymore.
  12. I need to find a way to get my posts moved over here from the main thread in a way that makes sense. I have a feeling more posts from there will be making there way over here especially now that Casper has decided it is a non jackable thread. This is a challenge that all of you ladies should be taking part in. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=52809
  13. I can hear dueling banjos playing in the background now. You got a purdy mouth boy.
  14. Motherfucker, my post was moved here too. This shit has to stop. Can we get a button for all of us to use that will start a new thread in ranting and raving when some asshole decides to jack our threads? My post makes no sense moved over here out of context. Fuck Casper you are making me look like an idiot.
  15. Probably not, I'm an attention whore in here but that thing is too much. The baby might come out riding on special occasions but it won't be a full time riding partner.
  16. Are you suggesting they condone the use of Vaseline or the not speaking of a night of passion? I think you will find most motorcycle boards in agreement on this issue.
  17. It's kind of hard to miss the guy with the baby on the back too.
  18. You may not need to change your rear sets if keeping your toe sliders off the ground is important to you. I always change my inside foot position so that the ball or toes are on the peg. I don't weigh with my inside leg when I do this and in some circles this is not correct. I'm not necessarily right but it works for me.
  19. Regard, regard and burn with envy for I am the black Tod and you must all follow me.
  20. This could be correct or I'm just slow. I didn't mean to suggest I was doing it right or better than anyone just that toe sliders weren't the reasoning behind track boots.
  21. Does this mean you fast guys aren't going to invite redkow97 on any of your excellent too fast rides this summer?
  22. I have a pair of white hot Gaerne boots. We should get together and have a fruity tooty white boot only gay pride ride. Anyone else?
  23. No they do not. I have never touched a toe slider unless I'm falling off. The falling off scenario is why you need to buy yourself motorcycle specific boots. All the suggestions so far have been adequate except I don't really like the idea of track riding in work boots even at the beginning level. It is allowed but not recommended. I have me a pair of them fruity white boots too...
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