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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Something else is going on that you aren't stating because just letting off of the throttle shouldn't be standing you up if you are using a neutral throttle to start with. You should feel like you a falling into a hole to the inside not standing it up. You should try to make it to a track day because even though you might get some useful information from folks in here you won’t know how to apply it for yourself by just reading it here. Don’t get me wrong there are some very good and fast riders here who haven’t done a track day but the most efficient and cheapest way is to learn from people at the track. If you want to learn how to ride fast a track day is cheap compared to paying for a deductable from trying the wrong information.
  2. Not yet this year unless he is on his wife's bike. His bike is in the showroom at Kennedys for sale on consignment. He was at the shop when you were there getting your bike. Did you let any air out of your front tire yet?
  3. I would think about this if it started and ended in Millersburg.
  4. I have held all three but only fired the Glock. The M&P fits me perfectly, I don't care for the way the XD fits my hand and I hate the way every Glock fits in my hand. I have a few other pistols and have shot many more and no matter what I'm shooting regardless of how well it fits in my hand I out shoot everything size for size with a Glock. I hate the way they look and the way they feel in my hand but Glocks just work for me. YMMV. I would try all three if you can rent them before you decide.
  5. Check Harley dealerships that do the MSF course. They might have one or two around.
  6. I never thought to use a motorcycle board to get substantive information about my countries largest social program to date. I should check in here more often if you guys are able to help me understand things better. While I’m here what is the best age to apply for social security?
  7. Speaking of the pins, I have a set for 2003-04 ZX6R & 2005-06 CBR600RR if you need to borrow them. They get kind of expensive for the less popular bikes.
  8. They are pricey but how much does a tip over cost? If you are hauling two bikes in an enclosed trailer you have two bikes messed up plus what damage gets done to the trailer and the chance that you can't ride when you get to your destination. Cheap insurance.
  9. That's Buedell. I have the Jinx scared of you now, he can't contain himself.
  10. I agree old people who are no longer productive members of society and are just draining the social security and healthcare budgets should be refused treatment so they can leave us sooner. Old people and retards cost us too much money to keep alive, we will never be able to balance the budget with these expenses.
  11. Tons of options but the pit-bull trailer restraints can't be beat. I know you need to be able to hold a dirtbike down but I'm sure you could fab something up to make the restraints work. I'm going to be trying to make them work for a scooter real soon. http://www.discountramps.com/dirt-bike-wheel-shoe.htm These kind of chocks work well dirt bikes.
  12. Aborting babies will be deemed a medical procedure because the child has a birth defect that will cost the tax payers too much money over the child’s lifetime. That's the workaround to the executive order.
  13. This brings up another issue with government healthcare. What is the incentive for research when the government will regulate your compensation for developing a new product that can cure a disease?
  14. I would have done that except I broke my riding pants so I was wearing a one piece aerostich type coveralls. They are too hard to get out of to pee standing still let alone riding.
  15. You were doing that on purpose for your own entertainment, you bastard. I was trying to speed things up to make up for the time I made us all stop just so I could go pee.
  16. Listen you fucking foreigner stay out of our bitch session or we will send you back home to your healthcare system. (Or the Carolinas)
  17. Don't let that shit happen again! I understand not knowing how long it was going to take getting ready to ride. You made it to the start point on time so all was good. I would have left without you. This is why I question trailering to the start point. It takes longer to drive there because it's hard to pass towing a trailer and then you have to unload and gear up. Might be worth it not to freeze though. Thanks for getting us together.
  18. This might be a problem, adding the extra weight would slow them down. To get the maximum amount of fun in for the whole family you need to be able to go as fast as possible, sometimes you have to sacrifice a little safety to achieve that goal. You wouldn’t want to disappoint the little one by making him cry because he had to go slow would you?
  19. The only reason the Mexican manufacturing was able to maintain any quality was because they were using US tooling. Once the ability to purchase quality US tooling is gone quality will become an issue again. You can get quality tooling from overseas but you have to have the stateside engineering to follow up, you can't give them free rein over engineering decisions. Garbage in garbage out. The Chinese will give you what you are asking for weather it's what you really need or not. You can't cut cost across the board and expect quality to be maintained. You need someone with experience to guide the process.
  20. You just solved the whole problem right there. The government mandates treatment but doesn't fund it. Hospitals have to give services away so they pass the cost on to their other consumers. The government created the problem they are trying to fix. I really don’t trust them not to screw this up even bigger.
  21. Welcome, glad to see you made it here, don’t let the guys scare you, I'm a pussy cat. Hope to see you on a new bike this summer. I have only met him a few times but I'm going to guess no on the Marine subject. I would have asked him if I thought we had that in common.
  22. Ugly too. I am a much prettier black man.
  23. The CEO will do what he has to by keeping his company competitive. This will be moving the rest of his production offshore. Medicare already reimburses at the lowest rate of any insurance provider so if he wants’ any type of company left he will have to reduce his costs to remain a viable option in the medical field.
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