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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. We will be riding the part north of 78 Friday.
  2. 82 & 83 Circle K, we will start rolling at 9:00 AM so be gassed up and ready to ride then, 300 mile loop back to meeting place.
  3. I'm thinking a 300 mile loop from 82 & 83 starting at 10:00 AM. I.P. can go fuck himself if he doesn't like you being home late. (We can leave earlier if need be. I can get the bike to I.P. for you too if you need help.)
  4. So... I'm riding by myself then?
  5. I am now an official fan boy. Why is it so quite in the group? I started a thread to get the ball rolling.
  6. I'm here to take in all the awesomeness!
  7. Ha, haa, haaa...... Thanks for the post, so far funniest one today.
  8. I handle this two different ways. One is to get out of sight up front in a hurry so they don't ride over their heads. I still get to go for a ride and show them some good roads. They get to ride their pace. Two is I will slow down for people who want to learn and have a level head about them. I then talk to them at stops about what they are concerned about and pick a pace that tows them along. I really don't see how staying closer to someone keeps them from running up my butt.
  9. The tire tread trick is not always accurate. On one hand if you are getting off of your bike it is possible to leave a nice wide chicken strip and still keep pace with a fast group. On the other hand I have ridden with riders who have no chicken strips at all who should ride in the back of any group ride that doesn't include cruisers.
  10. I've been at that trestle before but it was a very long time ago, not mine.
  11. Do not turn this into a cop bashing thread or you will find this thread moved.
  12. Is this thread going anywhere or do I need to start a new thread?
  13. Big time fail, if you don't keep the group entertained they will make up their own entertainment and it usually doesn't work out too well. I have had to speed up on group rides at times because the natives were getting restless.
  14. I forgot I have new assets. Yeah Justin tell her that.
  15. Casper likes threads to have diversified posts, it amuses him. I try to help him out whenever possible.
  16. Tell her to look out for the black SUV with the chrome thingies up front just like she has.
  17. That's right those cruiser dummies shouldn't even be allowed on the road. Blocking up perfectly good roads with their rolling road blocks. They should take that shit to the track or the parking lot at a local bike night.
  18. I have to stalk her she is too hot for Justin. You never know when she will be ready to try out a real man in the car next to her. I want to be there when that happens.
  19. My intent wasn't to start a serious discussion but alright. For whatever reason most of the folks here ride sport bikes so of course you will see a larger number of mishaps posted here involving sport bikes. It doesn't mean sport bikes have a larger number of accidents than cruisers it's just that more are reported here. I agree that 99% of the accidents we have reported are self inflicted but usually from overriding changing road conditions. You can go down on a scooter at a leisurely pace if conditions change on you unexpectedly. I don't think most people buy a sport bike to ride around at a scooter pace just to stay safe. Everyone who has ridden a dirt bike has crashed probably multiple times because they were pushing beyond their skill level. Hopefully the crashes made them a better and wiser rider. By us sharing the accident stories hopefully it will help others to learn something or to be more careful. Crashing sucks but it goes along with the thrill of pushing the envelope. These limits are different for everyone and so is the speed everyone gets to that makes them feel like they are having fun. I have fun riding on the street but try to keep my pace just below my skill level to keep from crashing. Mistakes happen at any pace for a multitude of reasons and I can show you way more cruiser crash articles that aren't related to this site if needed. The street is not the place to push your limits because the consequences are too severe that is what the track is for. You can improve your riding skills on the street if you build on your skills and keep from trying to skip over the next skill set. Accidents happen even if you don't push your limits I guess we should all slowly ride up to the local bike night and look at our bikes, that’s always big fun.
  20. Well then that makes us just about even. I've never seen a yellow one.
  21. There is some decent information in there but mostly for the cruiser crowd. They are the largest segment of the motorcycle community so these things need to be dumbed down to their level.
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